ipad iphone開發_如何在iPhone或iPad上編輯視頻

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The iPhone 11 Pro Max camera.
TRMK/Shutterstock TRMK /快門

It’s easier than ever to edit and share videos directly from your iPhone or iPad. In iOS 13, Apple added a range of new video-editing tools. You can now crop, rotate, and perform other video-editing actions without a third-party app.

直接從iPhone或iPad編輯和共享視頻比以往任何時候都容易。 在iOS 13中 ,Apple添加了一系列新的視頻編輯工具。 現在,您無需第三方應用即可裁剪,旋轉和執行其他視頻編輯操作。

如何在iPhone或iPad上修剪視頻 (How to Trim Videos on an iPhone or iPad)

Trimming a video is one of the most basic edits you can perform. While you can trim before you share in some apps, like Instagram, you can also easily do this in the Photos app.

修整視頻是您可以執行的最基本的編輯之一。 雖然可以在共享某些應用程序(如Instagram)之前進行修剪,但也可以在「照片」應用程序中輕鬆進行此操作。

Follow these steps to trim your video:


  1. Select the video you want to trim.

  2. Tap 「Edit」 in the bottom-right corner.

  3. You should now see a Play button and the video’s timeline. Use the arrow on the left to change the video’s start point, or the arrow on the right to change the video’s endpoint.

    現在,您應該看到「播放」按鈕和視頻的時間軸。 使用左側的箭頭更改視頻的起點,或使用右側的箭頭更改視頻的終點。
  4. Tap the Play button to preview your edits.

  5. When you’re happy with your edits, tap 「Done,」 and then choose 「Save Video」 or 「Save Video as New Clip」 to duplicate.

The video editing menu in the iOS Photos app.

Video editing in iOS is nondestructive, meaning if you choose 「Save Video,」 you won’t permanently lose any footage. At any time, you can re-edit the video to include the footage you trimmed.

iOS中的視頻編輯是非破壞性的,這意味着,如果您選擇「保存視頻」,則不會永久丟失任何素材。 您隨時可以重新編輯視頻,以包含修剪過的素材。

如何在iPhone或iPad上裁剪和旋轉視頻 (How to Crop and Rotate Videos on an iPhone or iPad)

Previously, you had to use a third-party app to correct video orientation. Now, in iOS 13, you can crop and rotate your videos.

以前,您必須使用第三方應用程序來糾正視頻方向。 現在,在iOS 13中,您可以裁剪和旋轉視頻。

Follow these steps to rotate a video:


  1. Select the video you want to rotate or crop.

  2. Tap 「Edit」 in the bottom-right corner.

  3. At the bottom of the screen, tap the Rotate/Crop icon (see image below).

  4. In the top-left corner, tap the Rotate 90 degrees icon (the box with an arrow above it). Tap the button as many times as necessary until you find the right aspect ratio.

    在左上角,點擊「旋轉90度」圖標(其上方帶有箭頭的框)。 視需要多次點擊按鈕,直到找到合適的寬高比。
  5. Tap 「Done」 in the bottom-right corner to finalize your edit.

Tap the Rotate/Crop icon.

如何在iPhone或iPad上合併視頻 (How to Merge Videos on an iPhone or iPad)

You’ll need a third-party app to merge videos on your iPhone or iPad. Fortunately, Apple offers iMovie for free, which makes it easy to merge two or more videos into a finished production.

您需要第三方應用程序才能在iPhone或iPad上合併視頻。 幸運的是,Apple免費提供了iMovie,可以輕鬆地將兩個或更多視頻合併到成品中。

Follow these steps to merge two or more videos:


  1. Download iMovie for free on your iPhone or iPad.


  2. Launch iMovie, and you’ll see the 「Projects」 screen. Tap the plus sign (+) to start a new project, and then tap 「Movie」 when prompted.

    啓動iMovie,您將看到「項目」屏幕。 點擊加號(+)開始一個新項目,然後在出現提示時點擊「電影」。
  3. Select the videos you want to merge (you can add more later). Grab the edges of each video to trim clips directly in this screen.

    選擇要合併的視頻(以後可以添加更多視頻)。 抓住每個視頻的邊緣以直接在此屏幕中修剪剪輯。
  4. With your clips selected, tap 「Create Movie」 at the bottom.


Your selected clips are placed on a video timeline one after the other. To trim them, tap your videos to select them, grab the edges of each frame, and then drag them down to size.

您選擇的剪輯一個接一個地放置在視頻時間軸上。 要修剪它們,請點按您的視頻以選擇它們,抓住每一幀的邊緣,然後將它們向下拖動到適當的大小。

The video editing screen in iMovie for iOS.

If you want to reorder your videos, tap and hold one until it floats. Then, drag it left or right to move it backward or forward on the timeline. Release it in front of another clip to place it after that clip.

如果要重新排序視頻,請點擊並按住其中一個直到浮動。 然後,將其向左或向右拖動以在時間軸上向後或向前移動。 將其釋放到另一個剪輯的前面,以將其放置在該剪輯之後。

You can also change the video transition between each clip. To do so, just tap the transition icon between videos on the timeline.

您還可以更改每個剪輯之間的視頻過渡。 爲此,只需在時間軸上的視頻之間點擊過渡圖標。

When you’re finished, follow these steps to export your movie:


  1. Tap 「Done」 in the top-left corner.

  2. Press the Play button to preview your project, and then tap the Share button to export it.

  3. Use the app icons to choose where you want to share your video, or tap 「Save Video」 to export it directly to Photos.

Tap the Share button to export your video.

如何應用和刪除視頻過濾器 (How to Apply and Remove Video Filters)

Just as you can with photos, you can shoot videos with filters in the native iOS app. Also the same as photos, videos you shoot with a filter are nondestructive, which means you can change or remove the filter at any point.

就像照片一樣,您可以在本機iOS應用中使用濾鏡拍攝視頻。 與照片相同,使用濾鏡拍攝的視頻是非破壞性的,這意味着您可以隨時更改或刪除濾鏡。

Follow these steps to add, change, or remove a filter:


  1. Select the video to which you want to apply a filter.

  2. Tap 「Edit」 in the bottom-right corner.

  3. At the bottom of the screen, tap the Filters icon (see the image below).

  4. Scroll to preview the filters, and then select one or choose 「Original」 to remove all filters.

  5. Tap 「Done」 at the bottom right and wait for your filter to apply.

Tap the Filters icon.

The size of the video, the quality at which it was shot, and the age of your device determine how long you’ll have to wait for the filter to apply.


如何調整視頻曝光,對比度等 (How to Adjust Video Exposure, Contrast and More)

You can also now adjust various image parameters on videos in iOS 13 just as you can with photos. iPhone and iPad owners now have access to a full gamut of editing tools, including automatic enhancement. These changes are also nondestructive, so you can undo them in the future.

您現在也可以像處理照片一樣,在iOS 13中調整視頻上的各種圖像參數。 iPhone和iPad所有者現在可以使用全部編輯工具,包括自動增強功能。 這些更改也是非破壞性的,因此您將來可以撤消它們。

Follow these steps to adjust a video’s exposure, contrast, and more:


  1. Select the video you want to edit.

  2. Tap 「Edit」 in the bottom-right corner.

  3. At the bottom, tap the Adjustments icon (see image below).

  4. Scroll through the various image attributes, and move the slider to adjust the image.

  5. When you’re happy with your edits, tap 「Done.」

Tap the Adjustments icon.

You can adjust all the following parameters:


  • Exposure

  • Highlights

  • Shadows

  • Contrast

  • Brightness

  • Black Point

  • Saturation

  • Vibrancy

  • Warmth

  • Tint

  • Sharpness

  • Definition

  • Noise Reduction

  • Vignette


The best way to learn what each of these settings do is to play around and experiment with them.


如何將視頻還原爲原始狀態 (How to Revert a Video to Its Original State)

You can revert any video or photo to its original state with a tap in the Photos app. To do so, just find the edited video, tap 「Edit」 in the bottom-right corner, and then tap 「Revert.」

您可以在「照片」應用中點擊以將任何視頻或照片恢復爲原始狀態。 爲此,只需找到已編輯的視頻,請點擊右下角的「編輯」,然後點擊「還原」。

Tap "Revert."

This works for both photos and videos. It reverts any trimming, filters, image adjustments, rotation, or cropping you applied.

這適用於照片和視頻。 它會還原您應用的所有修剪,濾鏡,圖像調整,旋轉或裁剪。

使用iMovie創建預告片和更豐富的作品 (Create Trailers and Richer Productions with iMovie)

iMovie is Apple’s free consumer-grade video editing app. It allows you to 「linear edit,」 which means editing video in a single track (rather than multitrack editing, which allows for more complex operations).

iMovie是Apple的免費消費級視頻編輯應用程序。 它允許您「線性編輯」,這意味着在單個軌道中編輯視頻(而不是多軌道編輯,後者允許更復雜的操作)。

iMovie is an easy-to-use video editor that allows you to place videos, photos, and audio on a timeline. You can also record a voiceover, shoot video directly to the timeline, or import other files from your file system or iCloud.

iMovie是易於使用的視頻編輯器,可用於將視頻,照片和音頻放置在時間軸上。 您還可以錄製畫外音,將視頻直接拍攝到時間軸,或從文件系統或iCloud導入其他文件。

When you first start an iMovie project, tap 「Movie」 for regular projects, or 「Trailer」 to make an automated video in the style of a movie trailer.


The "New Project" menu in iMovie.

In Movie mode, tap the plus sign (+) to add media to the timeline. Tap a clip to edit it, add text, change the playback speed, or add filters.

在電影模式下,點擊加號(+)將媒體添加到時間線。 點按一個剪輯進行編輯,添加文本,更改播放速度或添加過濾器。

If you want to make fine adjustments to a video (exposure, contrast, and so on), you have to do so in the Photos app before you add it to your timeline.


使用Lumafusion將編輯提升到新的水平 (Take Editing to the Next Level with Lumafusion)

iMovie is useful but limited. Since Apple hasn’t released a version of its professional video editing app, Final Cut, for iOS, it’s up to third-party developers to fill in the gap.

iMovie有用但有限。 由於Apple尚未針對iOS發佈其專業視頻編輯應用程序Final Cut版本,因此由第三方開發人員來填補空白。

Lumafusion is currently the best professional video-editing app for iPhone and iPad. It provides you with six tracks for audio and video, and six more for other audio, including music, voiceovers, or sound effects.

Lumafusion目前是適用於iPhone和iPad的最佳專業視頻編輯應用程序。 它爲您提供了六個音頻和視頻軌道,以及六個其他軌道,用於其他音頻,包括音樂,畫外音或聲音效果。

This app contains the following features that are normally only available in professional editors:


  • Markers

  • The ability to link or unlink clips

  • Keyframes for audio levels and panning

  • Audio filters and equalization

  • Effect layering

  • The ability to copy and paste clip attributes

  • Custom aspect ratios

  • A wide range of supported frame rates


You can get Lumafusion for $29.99 in the App Store, which might seem expensive for an iOS app. However, it’s a bargain compared to professional video-editing software, like Final Cut Pro X on a Mac ($299.99) or an Adobe Premiere Pro subscription (around $240 annually).

您可以在App Store中以29.99美元的價格購買Lumafusion ,對於iOS應用而言,這似乎很昂貴。 但是,與專業視頻編輯軟件相比,這是便宜的東西,例如Mac上的Final Cut Pro X (299.99美元)或Adobe Premiere Pro訂閱(每年約240美元)。

If you want to make the most of your device’s video-shooting abilities, check out FiLMiC Pro.

如果您想充分利用設備的視頻拍攝功能,請查看FiLMiC Pro

拍攝,編輯,分享 (Shoot, Edit, Share)

It’s becoming increasingly common for video professionals, journalists, and hobby filmmakers to shoot, edit, and share their projects from a single device. If you go this route, your biggest hurdles are likely to be battery life and disk space.

視頻專業人員,新聞工作者和業餘製片人通過單一設備拍攝,編輯和共享他們的項目正變得越來越普遍。 如果您走這條路,最大的障礙可能是電池壽命和磁盤空間。

Make sure you plug into an outlet if you’re going to be editing video. To solve space issues, you might want to upgrade your iCloud storage plan, so you can enable the iCloud Photo Library. This offloads your entire media library to the cloud, but you’ll need a reliable internet connection if you want to use the videos stored online in your projects.

如果要編輯視頻,請確保插入電源插座。 要解決空間問題,您可能需要升級iCloud存儲計劃 ,以便可以啓用iCloud照片庫。 這樣可以將整個媒體庫卸載到雲中,但是如果要使用在線存儲在項目中的視頻,則需要可靠的Internet連接。

Looking for a new video project? Learn how to use green screen with your iPhone!

尋找新的視頻項目? 瞭解如何在iPhone上使用綠屏

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/509024/how-to-edit-video-on-your-iphone-or-ipad/

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