


libsourcey庫,封裝了許多庫。對libuv的封裝跟其餘代碼耦合比較緊,難爲剝離 http://sourcey.com/libuv-cpp-wrappers/
封裝的,惋惜VS10未徹底支持C++11 https://github.com/larroy/uvpp

       本人想實現一個raw tcp server,支持上萬連接數的,網上找到的都沒合適個人,沒辦法只能參照各例子本身封裝了。github


/*************************************** 算法

* @file tcpsocket.h 服務器

* @brief 基於libuv封裝的tcp服務器與客戶端,使用log4z做日誌工具網絡

* @details 併發

* @author phata, wqvbjhc@gmail.comapp

* @date 2014-5-13 less

* @mod 2014-5-13 phata 修正服務器與客戶端的錯誤.現服務器支持多客戶端鏈接socket



#ifndef TCPSocket_H

#define TCPSocket_H

#include "uv.h"

#include <string>

#include <list>

#include <map>

#define BUFFERSIZE (1024*1024)


namespace uv


typedef void (*newconnect)(int clientid);

typedef void (*server_recvcb)(int cliendid, const char* buf, int bufsize);

typedef void (*client_recvcb)(const char* buf, int bufsize, void* userdata);


class TCPServer;

class clientdata



clientdata(int clientid):client_id(clientid),recvcb_(nullptr) {

client_handle = (uv_tcp_t*)malloc(sizeof(*client_handle));

client_handle->data = this;

readbuffer = uv_buf_init((char*)malloc(BUFFERSIZE), BUFFERSIZE);

        writebuffer = uv_buf_init((char*)malloc(BUFFERSIZE), BUFFERSIZE);


virtual ~clientdata() {


readbuffer.base = nullptr;

readbuffer.len = 0;



        writebuffer.base = nullptr;

        writebuffer.len = 0;



client_handle = nullptr;


int client_id;//客戶端id,唯一

uv_tcp_t* client_handle;//客戶端句柄

TCPServer* tcp_server;//服務器句柄(保存是由於某些回調函數須要到)

uv_buf_t readbuffer;//接受數據的buf

    uv_buf_t writebuffer;//寫數據的buf

uv_write_t write_req;

server_recvcb recvcb_;//接收數據回調給用戶的函數




class TCPServer



TCPServer(uv_loop_t* loop = uv_default_loop());

virtual ~TCPServer();

static void StartLog(const char* logpath = nullptr);//啓動日誌,必須啓動纔會生成日誌



bool Start(const char *ip, int port);//啓動服務器,地址爲IP4

bool Start6(const char *ip, int port);//啓動服務器,地址爲IP6

void close();


bool setNoDelay(bool enable);

bool setKeepAlive(int enable, unsigned int delay);


const char* GetLastErrMsg() const {

return errmsg_.c_str();



virtual int send(int clientid, const char* data, std::size_t len);

virtual void setnewconnectcb(newconnect cb);

virtual void setrecvcb(int clientid,server_recvcb cb);//設置接收回調函數,每一個客戶端各有一個


int GetAvailaClientID()const;//獲取可用的client id

bool DeleteClient(int clientid);//刪除鏈表中的客戶端


static void AfterServerRecv(uv_stream_t *client, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf);

static void AfterSend(uv_write_t *req, int status);

static void onAllocBuffer(uv_handle_t *handle, size_t suggested_size, uv_buf_t *buf);

static void AfterServerClose(uv_handle_t *handle);

    static void AfterClientClose(uv_handle_t *handle);

static void acceptConnection(uv_stream_t *server, int status);



bool init();

bool run(int status = UV_RUN_DEFAULT);

bool bind(const char* ip, int port);

bool bind6(const char* ip, int port);

bool listen(int backlog = 1024);



uv_tcp_t server_;//服務器連接

std::map<int,clientdata*> clients_list_;//子客戶端連接

    uv_mutex_t mutex_handle_;//保護clients_list_

uv_loop_t *loop_;

std::string errmsg_;

newconnect newconcb_;

    bool isinit_;//是否已初始化,用於close函數中判斷





class TCPClient




TCPClient(uv_loop_t* loop = uv_default_loop());

virtual ~TCPClient();

static void StartLog(const char* logpath = nullptr);//啓動日誌,必須啓動纔會生成日誌



virtual bool connect(const char* ip, int port);//啓動connect線程,循環等待直到connect完成

virtual bool connect6(const char* ip, int port);//啓動connect線程,循環等待直到connect完成

virtual int send(const char* data, std::size_t len);

virtual void setrecvcb(client_recvcb cb, void* userdata);////設置接收回調函數,只有一個

void close();



bool setNoDelay(bool enable);

bool setKeepAlive(int enable, unsigned int delay);


const char* GetLastErrMsg() const {

return errmsg_.c_str();




static void AfterConnect(uv_connect_t* handle, int status);

static void AfterClientRecv(uv_stream_t *client, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf);

static void AfterSend(uv_write_t *req, int status);

static void onAllocBuffer(uv_handle_t *handle, size_t suggested_size, uv_buf_t *buf);

static void AfterClose(uv_handle_t *handle);


static void ConnectThread(void* arg);//真正的connect線程

static void ConnectThread6(void* arg);//真正的connect線程


bool init();

bool run(int status = UV_RUN_DEFAULT);


enum {






uv_tcp_t client_;//客戶端鏈接

uv_loop_t *loop_;

uv_write_t write_req_;//寫時請求

uv_connect_t connect_req_;//鏈接時請求

uv_thread_t connect_threadhanlde_;//線程句柄

std::string errmsg_;//錯誤信息

uv_buf_t readbuffer_;//接受數據的buf

uv_buf_t writebuffer_;//寫數據的buf

uv_mutex_t write_mutex_handle_;//保護write,保存前一write完成才進行下一write


int connectstatus_;//鏈接狀態

client_recvcb recvcb_;//回調函數

void* userdata_;//調函數的用戶數據

std::string connectip_;//鏈接的服務器IP

int connectport_;//鏈接的服務器端口號

    bool isinit_;//是否已初始化,用於close函數中判斷






#endif // TCPSocket_H



#include "tcpsocket.h"

#include "log4z.h"


std::string GetUVError(int retcode)


    std::string err;

    err = uv_err_name(retcode);

    err +=":";

    err += uv_strerror(retcode);

    return std::move(err);



namespace uv


    /*****************************************TCP Server*************************************************************/

    TCPServer::TCPServer(uv_loop_t* loop)

        :newconcb_(nullptr), isinit_(false)


        loop_ = loop;







        LOGI("tcp server exit.");




    bool TCPServer::init()


        if (isinit_) {

            return true;



        if (!loop_) {

            errmsg_ = "loop is null on tcp init.";


            return false;


        int iret = uv_mutex_init(&mutex_handle_);

        if (iret) {

            errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);


            return false;


        iret = uv_tcp_init(loop_,&server_);

        if (iret) {

            errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);


            return false;


        isinit_ = true;

        server_.data = this;

        //iret = uv_tcp_keepalive(&server_, 1, 60);//調用此函數後後續函數會調用出錯

        //if (iret) {

        //    errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);

        //    return false;


        return true;



    void TCPServer::close()


        for (auto it = clients_list_.begin(); it!=clients_list_.end(); ++it) {

            auto data = it->second;





        LOGI("close server");

        if (isinit_) {

            uv_close((uv_handle_t*) &server_, AfterServerClose);

            LOGI("close server");


        isinit_ = false;




    bool TCPServer::run(int status)


        LOGI("server runing.");

        int iret = uv_run(loop_,(uv_run_mode)status);

        if (iret) {

            errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);


            return false;


        return true;



    bool TCPServer::setNoDelay(bool enable)


        int iret = uv_tcp_nodelay(&server_, enable ? 1 : 0);

        if (iret) {

            errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);


            return false;


        return true;



    bool TCPServer::setKeepAlive(int enable, unsigned int delay)


        int iret = uv_tcp_keepalive(&server_, enable , delay);

        if (iret) {

            errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);


            return false;


        return true;




    bool TCPServer::bind(const char* ip, int port)


        struct sockaddr_in bind_addr;

        int iret = uv_ip4_addr(ip, port, &bind_addr);

        if (iret) {

            errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);


            return false;


        iret = uv_tcp_bind(&server_, (const struct sockaddr*)&bind_addr,0);

        if (iret) {

            errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);


            return false;


        LOGI("server bind ip="<<ip<<", port="<<port);

        return true;



    bool TCPServer::bind6(const char* ip, int port)


        struct sockaddr_in6 bind_addr;

        int iret = uv_ip6_addr(ip, port, &bind_addr);

        if (iret) {

            errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);


            return false;


        iret = uv_tcp_bind(&server_, (const struct sockaddr*)&bind_addr,0);

        if (iret) {

            errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);


            return false;


        LOGI("server bind ip="<<ip<<", port="<<port);

        return true;



    bool TCPServer::listen(int backlog)


        int iret = uv_listen((uv_stream_t*) &server_, backlog, acceptConnection);

        if (iret) {

            errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);


            return false;


        LOGI("server listen");

        return true;



    bool TCPServer::Start( const char *ip, int port )



        if (!init()) {

            return false;


        if (!bind(ip,port)) {

            return false;


        if (!listen(SOMAXCONN)) {

            return false;


        if (!run()) {

            return false;


        LOGI("start listen "<<ip<<": "<<port);

        return true;



    bool TCPServer::Start6( const char *ip, int port )



        if (!init()) {

            return false;


        if (!bind6(ip,port)) {

            return false;


        if (!listen(SOMAXCONN)) {

            return false;


        if (!run()) {

            return false;


        return true;




    int TCPServer::send(int clientid, const char* data, std::size_t len)


        auto itfind = clients_list_.find(clientid);

        if (itfind == clients_list_.end()) {

            errmsg_ = "can't find cliendid ";

            errmsg_ += std::to_string((long long)clientid);


            return -1;



        if (itfind->second->writebuffer.len < len) {

            itfind->second->writebuffer.base = (char*)realloc(itfind->second->writebuffer.base,len);

            itfind->second->writebuffer.len = len;



        uv_buf_t buf = uv_buf_init((char*)itfind->second->writebuffer.base,len);

        int iret = uv_write(&itfind->second->write_req, (uv_stream_t*)itfind->second->client_handle, &buf, 1, AfterSend);

        if (iret) {

            errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);


            return false;


        return true;




    void TCPServer::acceptConnection(uv_stream_t *server, int status)


        if (!server->data) {



        TCPServer *tcpsock = (TCPServer *)server->data;

        int clientid = tcpsock->GetAvailaClientID();

        clientdata* cdata = new clientdata(clientid);//uv_close回調函數中釋放

        cdata->tcp_server = tcpsock;//保存服務器的信息

        int iret = uv_tcp_init(tcpsock->loop_, cdata->client_handle);//析構函數釋放

        if (iret) {

            delete cdata;

            tcpsock->errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);




        iret = uv_accept((uv_stream_t*)&tcpsock->server_, (uv_stream_t*) cdata->client_handle);

        if ( iret) {

            tcpsock->errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);

            uv_close((uv_handle_t*) cdata->client_handle, NULL);

            delete cdata;





        if (tcpsock->newconcb_) {



        LOGI("new client("<<cdata->client_handle<<") id="<< clientid);

        iret = uv_read_start((uv_stream_t*)cdata->client_handle, onAllocBuffer, AfterServerRecv);//服務器開始接收客戶端的數據





    void TCPServer::setrecvcb(int clientid, server_recvcb cb )


        auto itfind = clients_list_.find(clientid);

        if (itfind != clients_list_.end()) {

            itfind->second->recvcb_ = cb;





    void TCPServer::setnewconnectcb(newconnect cb )


        newconcb_ = cb;




    void TCPServer::onAllocBuffer(uv_handle_t *handle, size_t suggested_size, uv_buf_t *buf)


        if (!handle->data) {



        clientdata *client = (clientdata*)handle->data;

        *buf = client->readbuffer;



    void TCPServer::AfterServerRecv(uv_stream_t *handle, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf)


        if (!handle->data) {



        clientdata *client = (clientdata*)handle->data;//服務器的recv帶的是clientdata

        if (nread < 0) {/* Error or EOF */

            TCPServer *server = (TCPServer *)client->tcp_server;

            if (nread == UV_EOF) {



            } else if (nread == UV_ECONNRESET) {



            } else {






        } else if (0 == nread) {/* Everything OK, but nothing read. */


        } else if (client->recvcb_) {






    void TCPServer::AfterSend(uv_write_t *req, int status)


        if (status < 0) {


            fprintf(stderr, "Write error %s\n", GetUVError(status));




    void TCPServer::AfterServerClose(uv_handle_t *handle)





    void TCPServer::AfterClientClose(uv_handle_t *handle)


        clientdata *cdata = (clientdata*)handle->data;

        LOGI("client "<<cdata->client_id<<" had closed.");

        delete cdata;



    int TCPServer::GetAvailaClientID() const


        static int s_id = 0;

        return ++s_id;



    bool TCPServer::DeleteClient( int clientid )



        auto itfind = clients_list_.find(clientid);

        if (itfind == clients_list_.end()) {

            errmsg_ = "can't find client ";

            errmsg_ += std::to_string((long long)clientid);



            return false;


        if (uv_is_active((uv_handle_t*)itfind->second->client_handle)) {








        return true;




    void TCPServer::StartLog( const char* logpath /*= nullptr*/ )


        zsummer::log4z::ILog4zManager::GetInstance()->SetLoggerMonthdir(LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_ID, true);




        if (logpath) {







    /*****************************************TCP Client*************************************************************/

    TCPClient::TCPClient(uv_loop_t* loop)



        , isinit_(false)


        readbuffer_ = uv_buf_init((char*) malloc(BUFFERSIZE), BUFFERSIZE);

        writebuffer_ = uv_buf_init((char*) malloc(BUFFERSIZE), BUFFERSIZE);

        loop_ = loop;

        connect_req_.data = this;

        write_req_.data = this;







        readbuffer_.base = nullptr;

        readbuffer_.len = 0;


        writebuffer_.base = nullptr;

        writebuffer_.len = 0;





    bool TCPClient::init()


        if (isinit_) {

            return true;



        if (!loop_) {

            errmsg_ = "loop is null on tcp init.";


            return false;


        int iret = uv_tcp_init(loop_,&client_);

        if (iret) {

            errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);


            return false;


        iret = uv_mutex_init(&write_mutex_handle_);

        if (iret) {

            errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);


            return false;


        isinit_ = true;

        fprintf(stdout,"客戶端(%p) init type = %d\n",&client_,client_.type);

        client_.data = this;

        //iret = uv_tcp_keepalive(&client_, 1, 60);//

        //if (iret) {

        // errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);

        // return false;



        return true;



    void TCPClient::close()


        if (!isinit_) {




        uv_close((uv_handle_t*) &client_, AfterClose);


        isinit_ = false;



    bool TCPClient::run(int status)



        int iret = uv_run(loop_,(uv_run_mode)status);

        if (iret) {

            errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);


            return false;


        return true;




    bool TCPClient::setNoDelay(bool enable)



        int iret = uv_tcp_nodelay(&client_, enable ? 1 : 0);

        if (iret) {

            errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);


            return false;


        return true;



    bool TCPClient::setKeepAlive(int enable, unsigned int delay)


        int iret = uv_tcp_keepalive(&client_, enable , delay);

        if (iret) {

            errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);


            return false;


        return true;




    bool TCPClient::connect(const char* ip, int port)




        connectip_ = ip;

        connectport_ = port;

        LOGI("客戶端("<<this<<")start connect to server("<<ip<<":"<<port<<")");

        int iret = uv_thread_create(&connect_threadhanlde_, ConnectThread, this);//觸發AfterConnect纔算真正鏈接成功,因此用線程

        if (iret) {

            errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);


            return false;


        while ( connectstatus_ == CONNECT_DIS) {

#if defined (WIN32) || defined(_WIN32)



            usleep((100) * 1000)



        return connectstatus_ == CONNECT_FINISH;



    bool TCPClient::connect6(const char* ip, int port)




        connectip_ = ip;

        connectport_ = port;

        LOGI("客戶端("<<this<<")start connect to server("<<ip<<":"<<port<<")");

        int iret = uv_thread_create(&connect_threadhanlde_, ConnectThread6, this);//觸發AfterConnect纔算真正鏈接成功,因此用線程

        if (iret) {

            errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);


            return false;


        while ( connectstatus_ == CONNECT_DIS) {

            //fprintf(stdout,"client(%p) wait, connect status %d\n",this,connectstatus_);

#if defined (WIN32) || defined(_WIN32)



            usleep((100) * 1000)



        return connectstatus_ == CONNECT_FINISH;



    void TCPClient::ConnectThread( void* arg )


        TCPClient *pclient = (TCPClient*)arg;

        fprintf(stdout,"client(%p) ConnectThread start\n",pclient);

        struct sockaddr_in bind_addr;

        int iret = uv_ip4_addr(pclient->connectip_.c_str(), pclient->connectport_, &bind_addr);

        if (iret) {

            pclient->errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);




        iret = uv_tcp_connect(&pclient->connect_req_, &pclient->client_, (const sockaddr*)&bind_addr, AfterConnect);

        if (iret) {

            pclient->errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);




        fprintf(stdout,"client(%p) ConnectThread end, connect status %d\n",pclient, pclient->connectstatus_);





    void TCPClient::ConnectThread6( void* arg )


        TCPClient *pclient = (TCPClient*)arg;

        LOGI("客戶端("<<pclient<<")Enter Connect Thread.");

        fprintf(stdout,"client(%p) ConnectThread start\n",pclient);

        struct sockaddr_in6 bind_addr;

        int iret = uv_ip6_addr(pclient->connectip_.c_str(), pclient->connectport_, &bind_addr);

        if (iret) {

            pclient->errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);




        iret = uv_tcp_connect(&pclient->connect_req_, &pclient->client_, (const sockaddr*)&bind_addr, AfterConnect);

        if (iret) {

            pclient->errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);




        fprintf(stdout,"client(%p) ConnectThread end, connect status %d\n",pclient, pclient->connectstatus_);

        LOGI("客戶端("<<pclient<<")Leave Connect Thread. connect status "<<pclient->connectstatus_);




    void TCPClient::AfterConnect(uv_connect_t* handle, int status)


        fprintf(stdout,"start after connect\n");

        TCPClient *pclient = (TCPClient*)handle->handle->data;

        if (status) {

            pclient->connectstatus_ = CONNECT_ERROR;

            fprintf(stdout,"connect error:%s\n",GetUVError(status));




        int iret = uv_read_start(handle->handle, onAllocBuffer, AfterClientRecv);//客戶端開始接收服務器的數據

        if (iret) {

            fprintf(stdout,"uv_read_start error:%s\n",GetUVError(iret));

            pclient->connectstatus_ = CONNECT_ERROR;

        } else {

            pclient->connectstatus_ = CONNECT_FINISH;



        fprintf(stdout,"end after connect\n");




    int TCPClient::send(const char* data, std::size_t len)



        if (!data || len <= 0) {

            errmsg_ = "send data is null or len less than zero.";

            return 0;




        if (writebuffer_.len < len) {

            writebuffer_.base = (char*)realloc(writebuffer_.base,len);

            writebuffer_.len = len;



        uv_buf_t buf = uv_buf_init((char*)writebuffer_.base,len);

        int iret = uv_write(&write_req_, (uv_stream_t*)&client_, &buf, 1, AfterSend);

        if (iret) {


            errmsg_ = GetUVError(iret);


            return false;


        return true;




    void TCPClient::setrecvcb(client_recvcb cb, void* userdata )


        recvcb_ = cb;

        userdata_ = userdata;




    void TCPClient::onAllocBuffer(uv_handle_t *handle, size_t suggested_size, uv_buf_t *buf)


        if (!handle->data) {



        TCPClient *client = (TCPClient*)handle->data;

        *buf = client->readbuffer_;




    void TCPClient::AfterClientRecv(uv_stream_t *handle, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf)


        if (!handle->data) {



        TCPClient *client = (TCPClient*)handle->data;//服務器的recv帶的是TCPClient

        if (nread < 0) {

            if (nread == UV_EOF) {



            } else if (nread == UV_ECONNRESET) {



            } else {




            uv_close((uv_handle_t*)handle, AfterClose);



        if (nread > 0 && client->recvcb_) {






    void TCPClient::AfterSend(uv_write_t *req, int status)


        TCPClient *client = (TCPClient *)req->handle->data;


        if (status < 0) {


            fprintf(stderr, "Write error %s\n", GetUVError(status));




    void TCPClient::AfterClose(uv_handle_t *handle)






    void TCPClient::StartLog( const char* logpath /*= nullptr*/ )


        zsummer::log4z::ILog4zManager::GetInstance()->SetLoggerMonthdir(LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_ID, true);




        if (logpath) {








代碼已上傳到git: https://github.com/wqvbjhc/libuv_tcp


