MutableCopy & copy

分別遵照<NSCopying>和 <NSMutableCopying>協議, c++

首先了解深複製,淺複製: 數組

深複製:在淺複製的基礎上,同時複製對象的成員。 app

object c中深拷貝 與傳統c++深拷貝同樣,都是爲了生成一個對象的新的副本,而後把成員按照原來的對象附值。

object c 中須要繼承協議NSCopying 並實現方法-(id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone; 函數

@interface DeepCopy : NSObject<NSCopying>
    NSString* mName;  

- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
    DeepCopy* aCopy = [[[self class] allocWithZone:zone]init];
    todo.mName = [self mName];//也能夠todo.mName = [[self mName] copy];
    return aCopy;   
}//copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone

      DeepCopy *aDeep1 = [[DeepCopy alloc] init];
      aDeep1.mName = @"liurui";

      DeepCopy *aDeep2 = [aDeep1 copy];

     1. aDeep1 和 aDeep2的 內存地址是不一樣的,說明成功拷貝了一個副本;
     2. 繼續跟蹤內存發現,aDeep1 aDeep2 對象中的屬性mName地址是相同的;

例子1(直接在回覆框裏寫的,不保證能直接運行): 測試

@interface A : NSObject {

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * member;
- (A *) shadowCopy;
- (A *) deepCopy;


@implementation A
@synthesize member;
- (void) dealloc {
    [self.member release];
    [super dealloc];

- (A *) shadowCopy {
    A * ret = [A alloc];
    ret.member = self.member;
    return [ret autorelease];

- (A *) deepCopy {
    A * ret = [A alloc];
    ret.member = [NSString stringWithString:self.member]; // 這就是本質區別
    return [ret autorelease];


例子2://(淺複製) ui

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>  
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])  
    @autoreleasepool {  
        NSMutableArray *dataArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:  
                                     [NSMutableString stringWithString:@"one"],  
                                     [NSMutableString stringWithString:@"two"],  
                                     [NSMutableString stringWithString:@"three"],  
        NSMutableArray *dataArray2;  
        NSMutableString *mStr;  
        NSLog(@"dataArray:   ");  
        for(NSString *elem in dataArray)  
            NSLog(@"   %@", elem);  
        dataArray2 = [dataArray mutableCopy];  
        mStr = [dataArray objectAtIndex:0];  
        [mStr appendString:@"ONE"];  
        for(NSString *elem in dataArray)  
            NSLog(@"  %@",elem);  
        for(NSString *elem in dataArray2)  
            NSLog(@"  %@",elem);  
        [dataArray2 release];  
    return 0;  

//下面的例子:(深複製) atom

            mStr = [NSMutableString stringWithString:[dataArray2 objectAtIndex:0]];  
            [mStr appendString:@"ONE"];  
            [dataArray2 replaceObjectAtIndex:0 withObject:mStr];

下面是StackoverFlow對MutableCopy和Copy的區別的解釋: spa

// ** NSArray **
NSArray *myArray_imu = [NSArray  arrayWithObjects:@"abc", @"def", nil];

// No copy, increments retain count, result is immutable
NSArray *myArray_imuCopy = [myArray_imu copy];

// Copys object, result is mutable 
NSArray *myArray_imuMuta = [myArray_imu mutableCopy];

[myArray_imuCopy release];
[myArray_imuMuta release];

// ** NSMutableArray **
NSMutableArray *myArray_mut = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"A", @"B", nil];

// Copys object, result is immutable
NSMutableArray *myArray_mutCopy = [myArray_mut copy];

// Copys object, result is mutable
NSMutableArray *myArray_mutMuta = [myArray_mut mutableCopy];

[myArray_mutCopy release];
[myArray_mutMuta release];


   // mutableCopy always returns a mutable result.
   // copy always returns an immutable result.

copy and mutableCopy are defined in different
 protocols (NSCopying and NSMutableCopying, respectively), 
and NSArray conforms to both. mutableCopy is defined
 for NSArray (not just NSMutableArray) and allows you to make a mutable 
copy of an originally immutable array: