1. 把不可變對象寫成Copy: 若是把不可變對象賦值給此屬性,內存中其實就是retain了一下。 若是把可變對象賦值給此屬性,會生成新的不可變對象,避免值的變化spa
2. 把不可變對象寫成Strong: 若是把不可變對象賦值給此屬性,內存中其實就是retain了一下。 若是把可變對象賦值給此屬性,會致使賦值後的內容依然可變code
3. 把可變對象寫成Strong: 若是把不可變對象賦值給此屬性,調用此對象的addXX等增、刪的方法時會崩潰。若是把可變對象賦值給此屬性,內存中其實就是retain了一下。htm
4. 把可變對象寫成Copy: 不管是誰賦值給此屬性,都會調用Copy生成不可變對象,都會在調用此對象的addXX等增、刪的方法時會崩潰對象
所以,咱們的代碼中通常都會 把不可變對象寫成Copy 把可變對象寫成Strongblog
/** * Returns a new copy of the receiver.<br /> * The default abstract implementation of a copy is to use the * -initWithArray:copyItems: method with the flag set to YES.<br /> * Immutable subclasses generally simply retain and return the receiver. */ - (id) copyWithZone: (NSZone*)zone { NSArray *copy = [NSArrayClass allocWithZone: zone]; return [copy initWithArray: self copyItems: YES]; } /** * Returns an NSMutableArray instance containing the same objects as * the receiver.<br /> * The default implementation does this by calling the * -initWithArray:copyItems: method on a newly created object, * and passing it NO to tell it just to retain the items. */ - (id) mutableCopyWithZone: (NSZone*)zone { NSMutableArray *copy = [NSMutableArrayClass allocWithZone: zone]; return [copy initWithArray: self copyItems: NO]; }
-initWithArray:copyItems: method with the flag set to YES.<br /> * Immutable subclasses generally simply retain and return the receiver