React 16.x 藍圖[雙語版]

React 16.x 藍圖   2018年11月27號, Dan Abramov
React 16.x Roadmap November 27, 2018 by Dan Abramov
你可能在以前的文章和演講中已經據說過這些特性, 好比 "Hooks", "Suspense", 和 "Concurrent Rendering". 在該博文中, 咱們將看一下怎麼將它們融合在一塊兒和它們在 React 穩定版中可用的預期時間線.
You might have heard about features like "Hooks", "Suspense", and "Concurrent Rendering" in the previous blog posts and talks. In this post, we’ll look at how they fit together and the expected timeline for their availability in a stable release of React.


咱們計劃把 React 新特性的推出分爲如下幾個里程碑:
We plan to split the rollout of new React features into the following milestones:
  • React 16.6: Suspense for Code Splitting (already shipped)
  • React 16.7: React Hooks (~Q1 2019)
  • React 16.8: Concurrent Mode (~Q2 2019)
  • React 16.9: Suspense for Data Fetching (~Q3 2019)
這些都是預計, 細節可能會隨着咱們的推動而改變. 這裏還有至少兩個項目咱們打算在 2019 年完成, 它們須要更多的探索而且尚未和特定的版本捆綁在一塊兒.
These are estimates, and the details may change as we’re further along. There’s at least two more projects we plan to complete in 2019. They require more exploration and aren’t tied to a particular release yet:
  • Modernizing React DOM
  • Suspense for Server Rendering
We expect to get more clarity on their timeline in the coming months.
該文章只是一個藍圖 — 其中沒有任何內容須要您當即關注. 當發佈每個功能時, 咱們會發布一篇完整的文章宣佈它們.

This post is just a roadmap — there is nothing in it that requires your immediate attention. When each of these features are released, we’ll publish a full blog post announcing them.前端


Release Timelinereact

咱們對全部的這些功能如何組合在一塊兒有個想法, 但咱們會在每個部分準備就緒以後發佈它, 以便於你能夠更快的測試並使用它們.在單獨查看它們的時候, API 的設計看起來不是那麼合理; 這篇文章列出了咱們計劃的主要部分, 它能夠幫助你瞭解總體狀況.(參閱咱們的版本策略, 瞭解咱們對於穩定性的承諾)
We have a single vision for how all of these features fit together, but we’re releasing each part as soon as it is ready so that you can test and start using them sooner. The API design doesn’t always make sense when looking at one piece in isolation; this post lays out the major parts of our plan to help you see the whole picture. (See our versioning policy to learn more about our commitment to stability.)
逐步發佈策略能夠幫助咱們優化 API, 可是在某些事情還沒有準備就緒的過渡時期可能使人感到迷惑. 讓咱們看一下不一樣的功能對於您的應用程序意味着什麼, 他們如何關聯, 以及什麼時候開始學習和使用它們.
The gradual release strategy helps us refine the APIs, but the transitional period when some things aren’t ready can be confusing. Let’s look at what these different features mean for your app, how they relate to each other, and when you can expect to start learning and using them.
React 16.6: 爲了代碼分割的 Suspense (已發佈)
React 16.6: Suspense for Code Splitting (shipped)
Suspense 是指 React 在組件等待某事時 "暫停" 渲染的新功能, 而且顯示一個 loading 指示器. 在 React 16.6 中, Suspense 只支持一個使用場景: 懶加載組件使用 React.lazy() and <React.Suspense>.
Suspense refers to React’s new ability to "suspend" rendering while components are waiting for something, and display a loading indicator. In React 16.6, Suspense supports only one use case: lazy loading components with React.lazy() and <React.Suspense>.
const OtherComponent = React.lazy(() => import('./OtherComponent'));

function MyComponent() {
  return (
    <React.Suspense fallback={<Spinner />}> <div> <OtherComponent /> </div> </React.Suspense> ); } 複製代碼
代碼分割指南中記錄了使用 React.lazy()<React.Suspense>來實現代碼分割. 你能夠在本文中找到另外一個實用的解釋
Code splitting with React.lazy() with <React.Suspense> is documented in the Code Splitting guide. You can find another practical explanation in this article.
在 Facebook, 從七月份就已經開始使用 Suspense 來進行代碼分割, 並指望它保持穩定. 在 16.6.0 的初始公開發布中有一些迴歸, 但它們在 16.6.3 中得以修復.
We have been using Suspense for code splitting at Facebook since July, and expect it to be stable. There’s been a few regressions in the initial public release in 16.6.0, but they were fixed in 16.6.3.
代碼分割只是 Suspense 的第一步. 咱們對 Suspense 的長期遠景包括讓它處理數據獲取(並與像 Apollo 這樣的庫集成).除了方便的編程模型, Suspense 也在 Concurrent Mode 下提供更好的用戶體驗. 你將在下面找到有關這些主題的信息.
Code splitting is just the first step for Suspense. Our longer term vision for Suspense involves letting it handle data fetching too (and integrate with libraries like Apollo). In addition to a convenient programming model, Suspense also provides better user experience in Concurrent Mode. You’ll find information about these topics further below.
React DOM: 從 React 16.6.0 可用
Status in React DOM: Available since React 16.6.0.
React DOM Server: 目前 Suspense 在服務端渲染中還不可用. 這不是由於缺少關注. 咱們已經開始研究一個新的異步服務端渲染器, 其將支持 Suspense, 可是這是一個大型項目, 須要佔用 2019 年的大部分時間才能完成.
Status in React DOM Server: Suspense is not available in the server renderer yet. This isn’t for the lack of attention. We’ve started work on a new asynchronous server renderer that will support Suspense, but it’s a large project and will take a good chunk of 2019 to complete.
React Native: 拆包在 React Native 中並非那麼有用. 可是在給模塊 Promise 的時候, 沒有什麼技術阻止 React.lazy()<Suspense> 工做.
Status in React Native: Bundle splitting isn’t very useful in React Native, but there’s nothing technically preventing React.lazy() and <Suspense> from working when given a Promise to a module.
建議: 若是你只進行客戶端渲染, 咱們建議普遍採用 React.lazy()<React.Suspense> 進行代碼拆分 React 組件. 若是你進行服務端渲染, 你則必須接受等待, 直到新的服務端渲染器準備就緒.
Recommendation: If you only do client rendering, we recommend widely adopting React.lazy() and for code splitting React components. If you do server rendering, you’ll have to wait with adoption until the new server renderer is ready.
React 16.7: Hooks (~Q1 2019)
React 16.7: Hooks (~Q1 2019)
Hooks 容許你在函數組件中使用 state 和生命週期. 它們還容許你在組件之間重用有狀態的邏輯, 而無需在樹中引入無用的嵌套
Hooks let you use features like state and lifecycle from function components. They also let you reuse stateful logic between components without introducing extra nesting in your tree.
function Example() {
  // Declare a new state variable, which we'll call "count"
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  return (
   <div> <p>You clicked {count} times</p> <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}> Click me </button> </div>
Hooks 介紹概述 是個開始的好地方. 觀看 這些演講, 瞭解視頻介紹和深度探討. FAQ 應該能夠回答你的大多數問題. 要了解更多 Hooks 背後的動機, 你能夠閱讀 這篇文章. 這個 RFC 討論中解釋了 Hooks 的 API 設計的一些基本原理.
Hooks introduction and overview are good places to start. Watch these talks for a video introduction and a deep dive. The FAQ should answer most of your further questions. To learn more about the motivation behind Hooks, you can read this article. Some of the rationale for the API design of Hooks is explained in this RFC thread reply.
從九月開始, 在 Facebook 就已經開始內部測試 Hooks. 咱們不但願在實施中出現重大 bug. Hooks 如今僅僅在 React的 16.7 alpha 版本中可用. 一些 API 預期有可能在最終的 16.7 版本中被改變(詳細信息請參閱 該評論 的結尾部分)
We have been dogfooding Hooks at Facebook since September. We don’t expect major bugs in the implementation. Hooks are only available in the 16.7 alpha versions of React. Some of their API is expected to change in the final 16.7 version (see the end of this comment for details).
Hooks 表明着咱們對於 React 將來的願景. 它們解決了 React 用戶直接體驗問題(render props和高階組件的 "wrapper hell", 生命週期方法中的邏輯重複), 以及咱們遇到的大規模 React 優化的問題(例如使用編譯器在內聯組件上遇到的困難(譯者注: 詳細的 issue 可見 here)). Hooks 不會拋棄類. 可是, 若是 Hooks 成功了, 有可能在一個將來的主版本中可能將類的支持移至一個單獨的包中, 來減小 React 的默認包尺寸.
Hooks represent our vision for the future of React. They solve both problems that React users experience directly (「wrapper hell」 of render props and higher-order components, duplication of logic in lifecycle methods), and the issues we’ve encountered optimizing React at scale (such as difficulties in inlining components with a compiler). Hooks don’t deprecate classes. However, if Hooks are successful, it is possible that in a future major release class support might move to a separate package, reducing the default bundle size of React.
React DOM: 支持 Hooks 的 reactreact-dom 的第一個版本是 16.7.0-alpha.0. 咱們預計在接下來的幾個月發佈更多的 alphas 版本(在本文書寫時, 最新的版本爲 16.7.0-alpha.2). 你能夠經過安裝 react@nextreact-dom@next 來嘗試它們. 不要忘記更新 react-dom — 不然 Hooks 不會工做.
Status in React DOM: The first version of react and react-dom supporting Hooks is 16.7.0-alpha.0. We expect to publish more alphas over the next months (at the time of writing, the latest one is 16.7.0-alpha.2). You can try them by installing react@next with react-dom@next. Don’t forget to update react-dom — otherwise Hooks won’t work.
React DOM Server: react-dom 的 16.7 alpha 版本用 react-dom/server 來徹底支持 Hooks.
Status in React DOM Server: The same 16.7 alpha versions of react-dom fully support Hooks with react-dom/server.
React Native: 目前沒有任何官方的支持在 React Native 中嘗試 Hooks. 若是你喜歡冒險, 查看 此主題 來獲取非官方指示. 這裏有一個已知問題, useEffect 被觸發的太晚, 仍然須要解決.
Status in React Native: There is no officially supported way to try Hooks in React Native yet. If you’re feeling adventurous, check out this thread for unofficial instructions. There is a known issue with useEffect firing too late which still needs to be solved.
建議: 當你準備好了, 咱們鼓勵你在寫新組件時開始嘗試使用 Hooks.確保你的團隊中的每個人都使用它們並熟悉本文檔. 咱們不建議你將已存在的類重寫爲 Hooks, 除非你已經有計劃去重寫它們(例如: 修復 bugs). 在 這裏 閱讀有關採用策略的更多信息.
Recommendation: When you’re ready, we encourage you to start trying Hooks in new components you write. Make sure everyone on your team is on board with using them and familiar with this documentation. We don’t recommend rewriting your existing classes to Hooks unless you planned to rewrite them anyway (e.g. to fix bugs). Read more about the adoption strategy here.
React 16.8: Concurrent Mode (~Q2 2019)
React 16.8: Concurrent Mode (~Q2 2019)
Concurrent Mode 經過非阻塞主線程渲染組件樹來讓 React 應用程序更具響應性. 它是選擇性的加入, 而且容許 React 來中斷長時間的渲染(例如, 渲染新得到的故事), 去處理高優先級事件(例如, 文本輸入或者是 hover). Concurrent Mode 還經過在快速的網絡鏈接環境中跳過沒必要要的 loading 狀態來改善 Suspense 的用戶體驗.
Concurrent Mode lets React apps be more responsive by rendering component trees without blocking the main thread. It is opt-in and allows React to interrupt a long-running render (for example, rendering a new feed story) to handle a high-priority event (for example, text input or hover). Concurrent Mode also improves the user experience of Suspense by skipping unnecessary loading states on fast connections.
你以前可能已經據說過 Concurrent Mode 被稱爲 "async mode". 咱們已經將其名字改成 Concurrent Mode, 以突出顯示 React 在不一樣優先級上執行工做的能力. 這使得它與其餘異步渲染的方法區別出來.

You might have previously heard Concurrent Mode being referred to as 「async mode」. We’ve changed the name to Concurrent Mode to highlight React’s ability to perform work on different priority levels. This sets it apart from other approaches to async rendering.git

// Two ways to opt in:

// 1. Part of an app (not final API)
  <Something /> </React.unstable_ConcurrentMode> // 2. Whole app (not final API) ReactDOM.unstable_createRoot(domNode).render(<App />); 複製代碼
目前尚未爲 Concurrent Mode 寫文檔. 重要的是強調, 概念模型最初有可能不熟悉. 記錄它的好處, 如何高效的使用它, 和它存在的缺陷是咱們的高度優先事項, 而且將其稱爲穩定的先決條件. 在此以前, Andrew 的演講 是最好的介紹.
There is no documentation written for the Concurrent Mode yet. It is important to highlight that the conceptual model will likely be unfamiliar at first. Documenting its benefits, how to use it efficiently, and its pitfalls is a high priority for us, and will be a prerequisite for calling it stable. Until then, Andrew’s talk is the best introduction available.
Concurrent Mode 比 Hooks 更加精緻.一些 API 目前尚未正確的 "連線", 而且沒有作到被指望的樣子. 在撰寫本文時, 咱們不建議將其用於除了早期試驗以外的任何事情. 咱們預計併發模式自己並不存在不少錯誤, 但請注意, 在 <React.StrictMode> 中產生警告的組件可能沒法正常工做. 另外, 咱們已經看到 Concurrent Mode 在其餘代碼中面臨性能問題, 這些問題有時被誤認爲是 Concurrent Mode 自身的性能問題. 例如, 一個運行在每毫秒的無主的 setInterval(fn, 1) 調用在 Concurrent Mode 下將會有更差的影響. 咱們計劃發佈更多關於診斷和解決此類問題的嚮導, 做爲 16.8 發佈文檔的一部分.
Concurrent Mode is much less polished than Hooks. Some APIs aren’t properly "wired up" yet and don’t do what they’re expected to. At the time of writing this post, we don’t recommend using it for anything except very early experimentation. We don’t expect many bugs in Concurrent Mode itself, but note that components that produce warnings in may not work correctly. On a separate note, we’ve seen that Concurrent Mode surfaces performance problems in other code which can sometimes be mistaken for performance issues in Concurrent Mode itself. For example, a stray setInterval(fn, 1) call that runs every millisecond would have a worse effect in Concurrent Mode. We plan to publish more guidance about diagnosing and fixing issues like this as part of the 16.8 release documentation.
Concurrent Mode 是咱們對於 React 願景的一個重要部分. 對於 CPU 密集型工做, 它容許非阻塞渲染, 並在渲染複雜組件樹的時候保持你的應用程序的響應. 這是咱們在 JSConf 冰島演講 的第一部分演示的. Concurrent 也令 Suspense 更好. 它容許你避免閃爍加載 loading 指示器, 若是網絡足夠快. 可是沒有看到實例很難解釋, 因此 Andrew 的演講 是目前最好的資源. Concurrent Mode 依賴於協做主線程調度程序, 咱們正在與 Chrome 團隊合做, 最終將此功能帶到瀏覽器自己.
Concurrent Mode is a big part of our vision for React. For CPU-bound work, it allows non-blocking rendering and keeps your app responsive while rendering complex component trees. That’s demoed in the first part of our JSConf Iceland talk. Concurrent Mode also makes Suspense better. It lets you avoid flickering a loading indicator if the network is fast enough. It’s hard to explain without seeing so Andrew’s talk is the best resource available today. Concurrent Mode relies on a cooperative main thread scheduler, and we are collaborating with the Chrome team to eventually move this functionality into the browser itself.
React DOM: 一個很是不穩定的 Concurrent Mode 版本, 在 React 16.6 中以 unstable_ 前綴存在, 可是咱們不推薦嘗試它, 除非你願意常常遇到障礙或者缺乏功能. 16.7 alpha 版本包括沒有 unstable__ 前綴的 React.ConcurrentModeReactDOM.createRoot, 可是咱們可能在 16.7 中保持前綴, 而且只在 React 16.8 中記錄和標記 Concurrent Mode 爲穩定.
Status in React DOM: A very unstable version of Concurrent Mode is available behind an unstable_ prefix in React 16.6 but we don’t recommend trying it unless you’re willing to often run into walls or missing features. The 16.7 alphas include React.ConcurrentMode and ReactDOM.createRoot without an unstable_ prefix, but we’ll likely keep the prefix in 16.7, and only document and mark Concurrent Mode as stable in React 16.8.
React DOM Server: Concurrent Mode 不會直接影響服務端渲染. 它將工做在已經存在的服務端渲染中.
Status in React DOM Server: Concurrent Mode doesn’t directly affect server rendering. It will work with the existing server renderer.
React Native: 目前的計劃是延遲在 React Native 中啓用 Concurrent Mode, 直到 React Fabric 項目接近完成.
Status in React Native: The current plan is to delay enabling Concurrent Mode in React Native until React Fabric project is near completion.
建議: 若是你但願在將來採用 Concurrent Mode, 在 <React.StrictMode> 中包裝一些組件子樹並修復生成的警告是很好的第一步. 一般, 舊代碼預計不會當即兼容. 例如, 在 Facebook, 咱們主要打算在最近開發的代碼庫中使用 Concurrent Mode, 並在不久的未來保持舊代碼運行在同步模式下.
Recommendation: If you wish to adopt Concurrent Mode in the future, wrapping some component subtrees in and fixing the resulting warnings is a good first step. In general it’s not expected that legacy code would immediately be compatible. For example, at Facebook we mostly intend to use the Concurrent Mode in the more recently developed codebases, and keep the legacy ones running in the synchronous mode for the near future.
React 16.9: 爲了數據獲取的 Suspense (~mid 2019)
React 16.8: Concurrent Mode (~Q2 2019)
如前所述, Suspense 指的是可以在組件等待某事的時候 "暫停" 渲染的能力, 而且顯示一個 loading 指示器. 在已經發布的 16.6 版本中, Suspense 惟一支持的使用場景就是代碼分割. 在將來的 16.9 版本中, 咱們還但願在使用它在爲了獲取數據的場景下提供官方的支持. 咱們將提供與 Suspense 兼容的一個基礎的 "React Cache" 的參考實現, 可是你也能夠寫一個你本身的. 數據獲取庫, 像 Apollo 和 Relay, 將可以經過遵循咱們將要記錄的簡單規範來與 Suspense 集成.
As mentioned earlier, Suspense refers to React’s ability to 「suspend」 rendering while components are waiting for something, and display a loading indicator. In the already shipped React 16.6, the only supported use case for Suspense is code splitting. In the future 16.9 release, we’d like to provide officially supported ways to use it for data fetching too. We’ll provide a reference implementation of a basic "React Cache" that’s compatible with Suspense, but you can also write your own. Data fetching libraries like Apollo and Relay will be able to integrate with Suspense by following a simple specification that we’ll document.
// React Cache for simple data fetching (not final API)
import {unstable_createResource} from 'react-cache';

// Tell React Cache how to fetch your data
const TodoResource = unstable_createResource(fetchTodo);

function Todo(props) {
  // Suspends until the data is in the cache
  const todo =;
  return <li>{todo.title}</li>;

function App() {
  return (
    // Same Suspense component you already use for code splitting
    // would be able to handle data fetching too.
    <React.Suspense fallback={<Spinner />}>
        {/* Siblings fetch in parallel */}
        <Todo id="1" />
        <Todo id="2" />

// Other libraries like Apollo and Relay can also
// provide Suspense integrations with similar APIs.
目前尚未官方的文檔說明如何使用 Suspense 獲取數據, 可是你能夠在 此演講這個小型 demo 中找到一些早期信息. 咱們將在 React 16.9 發佈左右編寫 React Cache 的文檔(以及如何編寫本身的 Suspense 兼容庫), 可是若是你很好奇, 你能夠在 這裏 找到它的很是早期的源碼
There is no official documentation for how to fetch data with Suspense yet, but you can find some early information in this talk and this small demo. We’ll write documentation for React Cache (and how to write your own Suspense-compatible library) closer to the React 16.9 release, but if you’re curious, you can find its very early source code here.
其實在 React 16.6 中, 底層 Suspense 機制(暫停渲染而且顯示 loading 組件)就預計穩定了. 咱們已經在生產環境中使用它用來代碼分割數月了. 可是, 用來數據獲取的上層 API 還很是不穩定. React Cache 正在迅速變化, 而且至少會改變幾回.有一些底層的 API 缺乏高級 API 可用. 除非是早期試驗, 不然咱們不建議在任何地方使用 React Cache. 注意 React Cache 自身並不嚴格依賴於 React 版本, 並且當前的 alphas 版本缺乏基礎特性, 例如緩存失效. 你很快就會遇到障礙. 咱們預計在 React 16.9 版本中有一些東西可用.
The low-level Suspense mechanism (suspending rendering and showing a fallback) is expected to be stable even in React 16.6. We’ve used it for code splitting in production for months. However, the higher-level APIs for data fetching are very unstable. React Cache is rapidly changing, and will change at least a few more times. There are some low-level APIs that are missing for a good higher-level API to be possible. We don’t recommend using React Cache anywhere except very early experiments. Note that React Cache itself isn’t strictly tied to React releases, but the current alphas lack basic features as cache invalidation, and you’ll run into a wall very soon. We expect to have something usable with the React 16.9 release.
最終咱們但願經過 Suspense 來獲取大多數數據, 可是這須要很長的事件, 直到全部的集成都準備就緒. 在實踐中, 咱們指望可使用很是遞進式的採用, 而且一般經過 Apollo 和 Relay 這樣的中間層使用, 而不是直接使用. 缺乏上層 API 並非惟一的障礙 — 還有有些很是重要的 UI 模式咱們尚未支持, 例如在加載器視圖層次結構以外顯示進度指示器. 與往常同樣, 咱們將在本博客的發佈說明中傳達咱們的進展.
Eventually we’d like most data fetching to happen through Suspense but it will take a long time until all integrations are ready. In practice we expect it to be adopted very incrementally, and often through layers like Apollo or Relay rather than directly. Missing higher level APIs aren’t the only obstacle — there are also some important UI patterns we don’t support yet such as showing progress indicator outside of the loading view hierarchy. As always, we will communicate our progress in the release notes on this blog.
React DOM 和 React Native: 從技術的角度來看, 在 React 16.6 中一個兼容的 cache 就已經能夠和 <React.Suspense> 工做了. 可是, 在 React 次級版本發佈以前咱們尚未擁有一個好的 cache 實現. 若是你是勇於冒險的, 你能夠經過查看 React Cache alphas 來嘗試寫一個你本身的 cache. 可是, 請注意, 心智模型(譯者注: 關於心智模型見 here)是徹底不一樣的, 在文檔準備好以前誤解的可能性很是高.
Status in React DOM and React Native: Technically, a compatible cache would already work with <React.Suspense> in React 16.6. However, we don’t expect to have a good cache implementation until this React minor release. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can try to write your own cache by looking at the React Cache alphas. However, note that the mental model is sufficiently different that there’s a high risk of misunderstanding it until the docs are ready.
React DOM Server: 目前 Suspense 在服務端渲染中還不可用. 正如咱們前面提到的, 咱們已經開始研究一個新的異步服務端渲染器,它將支持Suspense,但它是一個大型項目,須要2019年的大部分時間才能完成.
Status in React DOM Server: Suspense is not available in the server renderer yet. As we mentioned earlier, we’ve started work on a new asynchronous server renderer that will support Suspense, but it’s a large project and will take a good chunk of 2019 to complete.
建議: 爲了使用數據獲取的 Suspense, 請等待該 React 次級版本發佈. 不要在 16.6 版本中嘗試爲了數據獲取使用 Suspense 特性; 還不支持. 可是當 數據獲取的 Suspense 成爲官方支持的時候, 現存的爲了代碼分割的 <Suspense> 組件也將能夠正常顯示 loading 狀態.
Recommendation: Wait for this minor React release in order to use Suspense for data fetching. Don’t try to use Suspense features in 16.6 for it; it’s not supported. However, your existing components for code splitting will be able to show loading states for data too when Suspense for Data Fetching becomes officially supported.

Other Projects程序員

讓 React DOM 更加現代化
Modernizing React DOM
咱們開始調查 ReactDOM 的簡化和現代化, 目標是減少包的尺寸而且和瀏覽器的行爲更緊密的對齊. 由於如今該項目還處於早期探索階段, 如今說哪些要點將要 "成功" 還爲時過早. 咱們將在 這個issue(譯者注: 上面的簡化和現代化的 issue 連接) 上面傳遞咱們的進展.
We started an investigation into simplifying and modernizing ReactDOM, with a goal of reduced bundle size and aligning closer with the browser behavior. It is still early to say which specific bullet points will 「make it」 because the project is in an exploratory phase. We will communicate our progress on that issue.
服務端渲染的 Suspense
Suspense for Server Rendering
咱們開始設計一個新的服務端渲染器, 其支持 Suspense(包括在服務器上面等待異步渲染數據而不進行雙重渲染), 並逐步加載和用 chunks 合成頁面內容來得到最佳的用戶體驗.你能夠在 本次演講 中觀看其早期原型的概述. 這個新的服務端渲染器將成爲咱們2019年的主要焦點, 可是如今說關於它的發佈計劃還爲時過早. 它的發展, 將一如既往的 發生在 github 上面,
We started designing a new server renderer that supports Suspense (including waiting for asynchronous data on the server without double rendering) and progressively loading and hydrating page content in chunks for best user experience. You can watch an overview of its early prototype in this talk. The new server renderer is going to be our major focus in 2019, but it’s too early to say anything about its release schedule. Its development, as always, will happen on GitHub.
僅此而已, 正如你所看到的, 這裏有不少事情讓咱們忙碌, 可是咱們期待在接下來的幾個月取得更多進展.
And that’s about it! As you can see, there’s a lot here to keep us busy but we expect much progress in the coming months.
咱們但願該文章能讓你瞭解到咱們正在開展的工做, 今天你可使用什麼, 以及在將來你可使用什麼. 雖然在社交平臺上面有不少關於新特性的討論, 可是若是你閱讀了該篇文章, 你將不會錯過任何重要的東西.
We hope this post gives you an idea of what we’re working on, what you can use today, and what you can expect to use in the future. While there’s a lot of discussion about new features on social media platforms, you won’t miss anything important if you read this blog.
咱們始終樂於接受反饋, 而且但願在 RFC repository, issue tracker, Twitter 上面聽到你的聲音
We’re always open to feedback, and love to hear from you in the RFC repository, the issue tracker, and on Twitter.


譯者並不精通英語, 可是深知英語對於程序員的重要性, 因此譯者在翻譯的時候保留了英語原文, 但願給你一個原滋原味的閱讀體驗而且能熟悉一些常見的英文.數據庫

但願有讀者能夠指出個人翻譯錯誤, 感激涕零.編程

