如何將iPhone或iPad用作Apple TV遙控器


The Apple TV remote can easily get lost in between the couch cushions, but thanks to the Apple TV Remote app for iPhone and iPad, you’ll always have a backup ready and waiting. Here’s how to set up the app and begin using your iOS device as an Apple TV remote.

Apple TV遙控器很容易迷失在沙發墊之間,但是由於iPhone和iPad的Apple TV Remote應用程序使您始終可以隨時準備備份。 以下是設置應用程序並開始將iOS設備用作Apple TV遙控器的方法。

While the new remote for the Apple TV 4 is leaps and bounds above the previous generation version, it can still be somewhat cumbersome to use. The trackpad can be a bit finicky at times and the hunt-and-peck style of typing is really annoying, although Siri dictation makes that a bit easier.

儘管Apple TV 4的新遙控器比上一代版本有了跨越式的發展,但使用起來仍然有些麻煩。 觸控板有時可能有點挑剔,打字和打字的風格實在令人討厭,儘管Siri的指示使操作變得簡單一些。

The good news is that the iOS app comes with everything that the Apple TV 4 remote has and more, including a built-in keyboard for typing in usernames, passwords, and search terms. The app also works with previous-generation Apple TV models, but you obviously won’t get the Siri support that the Apple TV 4 has. In any case, here’s how to set up the Apple TV remote app on your iOS device.

好消息是,iOS應用程序隨附了Apple TV 4遙控器所具有的所有功能以及更多功能,其中包括用於輸入用戶名,密碼和搜索詞的內置鍵盤。 該應用程序還可以與上一代Apple TV型號一起使用,但是顯然您將無法獲得Apple TV 4的Siri支持。 無論如何,這是在iOS設備上設置Apple TV遠程應用程序的方法。

Start by downloading and installing Apple TV Remote from the App Store if you haven’t already.

如果尚未從App Store下載並安裝Apple TV Remote ,請先進行安裝。


Once it’s downloaded onto your device, open it up and tap on 「Add Apple TV」.

將其下載到您的設備後,將其打開並點擊「添加Apple TV」。


Select the Apple TV that you want to use with your iPhone or iPad.

選擇要與iPhone或iPad一起使用的Apple TV。


A four-digit code will appear on your television screen. Enter in this number into the app.

電視屏幕上將出現一個四位數的代碼。 在應用程序中輸入此號碼。


After that, your iOS device will be paired with your Apple TV and you can immediately begin to control the set-top box using your mobile device. The app is pretty basic, but it has everything that you’d want, including the trackpad, Home button, Menu button, Play/Pause button, and the Siri button. What it doesn’t have, though, are the dedicated volume buttons.

之後,您的iOS設備將與Apple TV配對,您可以立即開始使用移動設備控制機頂盒。 該應用程序非常基本,但是具有您想要的所有內容,包括觸控板,「主頁」按鈕,「菜單」按鈕,「播放/暫停」按鈕和「 Siri」按鈕。 但是,它沒有專用的音量按鈕。


If you have an HDMI-CEC setup setup and have the volume control set up with the Apple TV remote, the physical volume bottoms on your iOS device can control the volume of your televisions speakers. Otherwise, the volume buttons on your iPhone or iPad won’t do this, unfortunately.

如果您具有HDMI-CEC設置程序,並且使用Apple TV遙控器設置了音量控制,則iOS設備上的物理音量底部可以控制電視揚聲器的音量。 否則,不幸的是,iPhone或iPad上的音量按鈕將無法執行此操作。

The app does have a built-in keyboard, though, so whenever the selector pops into any text box on the Apple TV, the keyboard in the app will automatically appear, along with a text box so that you can what you’re typing without having to look up at your TV while you do so.

但是,該應用程序確實具有內置鍵盤,因此,每當選擇器彈出到Apple TV上的任何文本框中時,該應用程序中的鍵盤都會自動顯示,並帶有一個文本框,這樣您就可以不用鍵入內容這樣做時必須擡頭看電視。


Other than that, that’s pretty much all there is to the Apple TV remote app. Again, it’s pretty basic and there’s not much to it, but that’s probably a good thing considering any more features could potentially bog down the experience.

除此之外,Apple TV遠程應用程序幾乎包含了所有內容。 再說一次,這是非常基本的,沒有太多的事情,但是考慮到更多的功能可能會阻礙體驗,那可能是一件好事。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/214400/how-to-use-your-iphone-or-ipad-as-a-second-apple-tv-remote/