Cnpm,官方解釋爲Company npm。因爲團隊需求,如今須要搭建一個npm私服,用來更方便地管理團隊的組件庫,而且更快速更穩定地提供服務,我踏上了搭建npm私服的道路。html
git clone
+-- bin/ ---一些命令腳本 | --- nodejsctl ---npm start啓動的腳本 | --- ... +-- common/ ---公共目錄,存放日誌配置、郵件配置等 +-- config/ | --- index.js ---主要配置文件 +-- controllers/ | --- registry/ ---7001端口的controller層 | --- web/ ---7002端口的controller層 | --- sync_module_worker.js ---sync的主進程文件 | --- ... +-- docs/ | --- db.sql ---數據庫建表sql | --- ... +-- lib/ +-- middleware/ +-- models/ ---數據庫操做目錄 +-- public/ +-- routes/ | --- registry.js ---7001端口的路由文件 | --- web.js ---7002端口的路由文件 | --- ... +-- servers/ | --- registry.js ---7001端口的服務器入口文件 | --- web.js ---7002端口的服務器入口文件 | --- ... +-- services/ +-- sync/ | --- sync_all.js ---sync模式選擇all時執行的文件 | --- sync_exist.js ---sync模式選擇exist時執行的文件 | --- ... +-- test/ +-- tools/ +-- view/ --- dispatch.js ---啓動npm服務的主要文件,bin/nodejsctl中執行的就是這個文件 --- package.json
1. 根據設置的sync模式,從上游源中下載模塊到一個臨時路徑/root/ 2. 調用nfs.upload方法將臨時路徑存儲的tgz上傳到指定存儲位置 3. 不管是否上傳成功,都刪除剛剛下載的臨時文件
var config = { version: version, dataDir: dataDir, /** * Cluster mode */ enableCluster: true, numCPUs: os.cpus().length, /* * server configure */ registryPort: 7001, webPort: 7002, bindingHost: '', // only binding on for local access // debug mode // if in debug mode, some middleware like limit wont load // logger module will print to stdout debug: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development', // page mode, enable on development env pagemock: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development', // session secret sessionSecret: ' test session secret', // max request json body size jsonLimit: '10mb', // log dir name logdir: path.join(dataDir, 'logs'), // update file template dir uploadDir: path.join(dataDir, 'downloads'), // web page viewCache viewCache: false, // config for koa-limit middleware // for limit download rates limit: { enable: false, token: 'koa-limit:download', limit: 1000, interval: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, whiteList: [], blackList: [], message: 'request frequency limited, any question, please contact', }, enableCompress: true, // enable gzip response or not // default system admins admins: { // name: email sunxiuguo: '', }, // email notification for errors // check for more informations mail: { enable: false, appname: '', from: ' mail sender <>', service: 'gmail', auth: { user: '', pass: 'your password' } }, logoURL: '', // cnpm logo image url adBanner: '', customReadmeFile: '', // you can use your custom readme file instead the cnpm one customFooter: '', // you can add copyright and site total script html here npmClientName: 'cnpm', // use `${name} install package` packagePageContributorSearch: true, // package page contributor link to search, default is true // max handle number of package.json `dependencies` property maxDependencies: 200, // backup filepath prefix backupFilePrefix: '/cnpm/backup/', /** * database config */ database: { db: '******', // 庫名 username: '*********', // 數據庫用戶名 password: '************', // 數據庫密碼 // the sql dialect of the database // - currently supported: 'mysql', 'sqlite', 'postgres', 'mariadb' dialect: 'mysql', // the Docker container network hostname defined at docker-compose.yml host: '**************', // 數據庫域名 // custom port; default: 3306 port: 3318, // 數據庫端口號 // use pooling in order to reduce db connection overload and to increase speed // currently only for mysql and postgresql (since v1.5.0) pool: { maxConnections: 10, minConnections: 0, maxIdleTime: 30000 }, dialectOptions: { // if your server run on full cpu load, please set trace to false trace: true, }, // the storage engine for 'sqlite' // default store into ~/ storage: path.join(dataDir, 'data.sqlite'), logging: !!process.env.SQL_DEBUG, }, // package tarball store in local filesystem by default nfs: aws.create({ accessKeyId: '*************', // s3 accessKeyId secretAccessKey: '****************', // s3 secretAccessKey // change to your endpoint endpoint: '*****************', // bucket: 'npm-online', // s3 bucket名稱 signatureVersion: 'v4', // s3 api版本 mode: 'private', // public: 經過url下載tar包; private: 經過key下載tar包 }), // if set true, will 302 redirect to `nfs.url(dist.key)` downloadRedirectToNFS: false, // registry url name registryHost: '', /** * registry mode config */ // enable private mode or not // private mode: only admins can publish, other users just can sync package from source npm // public mode: all users can publish enablePrivate: false, // registry scopes, if dont set, means do not support scopes scopes: [ '@cnpm', '@sunxiuguo', '@companyName' ], // some registry already have some private packages in global scope // but we want to treat them as scoped private packages, // so you can use this white list. privatePackages: [], /** * sync configs */ // the official npm registry // cnpm wont directly sync from this one // but sometimes will request it for some package infomations // please dont change it if not necessary officialNpmRegistry: '', officialNpmReplicate: '', // sync source, upstream registry // If you want to directly sync from official npm registry // please drop them an email first sourceNpmRegistry: '', sourceNpmWeb: '', // upstream registry is base on cnpm/ or not // if your upstream is official npm registry, please turn it off sourceNpmRegistryIsCNpm: true, // if install return 404, try to sync from source registry syncByInstall: true, // sync mode select // none: do not sync any module, proxy all public modules from sourceNpmRegistry // exist: only sync exist modules // all: sync all modules syncModel: 'exist', // 'none', 'all', 'exist' syncConcurrency: 1, // sync interval, default is 10 minutes syncInterval: '10m', // sync polular modules, default to false // because cnpm can not auto sync tag change for now // so we want to sync popular modules to ensure their tags syncPopular: false, syncPopularInterval: '1h', // top 100 topPopular: 100, // sync devDependencies or not, default is false syncDevDependencies: false, // try to remove all deleted versions from original registry syncDeletedVersions: true, // changes streaming sync syncChangesStream: false, handleSyncRegistry: '', // default badge subject badgeSubject: 'cnpm', // defautl use badgeService: { url: function(subject, status, options) { options = options || {}; let url = `${utility.encodeURIComponent(subject)}/${utility.encodeURIComponent(status)}`; if (options.color) { url += `/${utility.encodeURIComponent(options.color)}`; } if (options.icon) { url += `?icon=${utility.encodeURIComponent(options.icon)}`; } return url; }, }, packagephobiaURL: '', packagephobiaSupportPrivatePackage: false, // custom user service, @see // when you not intend to ingegrate with your company user system, then use null, it would // use the default cnpm user system userService: null, // always-auth // Force npm to always require authentication when accessing the registry, even for GET requests. alwaysAuth: false, // if you are behind firewall, need to request through http proxy, please set this // e.g.: `httpProxy: ''` // httpProxy: '', httpProxy: null, // root url snykUrl: '', // // if enable this option, must create module_abbreviated and package_readme table in database enableAbbreviatedMetadata: true, // global hook function: function* (envelope) {} // envelope format please see globalHook: null, opensearch: { host: '', }, };
uploadDir屬性設置同步的模塊存放的臨時路徑,默認爲path.join(dataDir, 'downloads'),即root/
nfs屬性控制包存儲,包括上傳,下載等等。nfs的意思是network file system
registry服務主要是用來提供給用戶源相關操做,好比設置npm源 web服務主要是提供給用戶的一個圖形化管理界面,好比在界面上查詢某個模塊
由於咱們的npm私服是放在docker裏,包文件不可能使用fs-cnpm存儲在docker裏,因此咱們接入了 amazon s3的對象存儲服務。
官方提供了接入npm的協議 NFS-Guide
Can download the uploaded file through http request. like qn-cnpm. uploadBuffer: use options.key to customize the filename, then callback {url: ''}. url: accept a key and respond download url. remove: remove file by key Can not download by http request. like sfs-client or oss-cnpm. uploadBuffer: upload the file, and must callback {key: 'xxx'}, so can record the key, and use this key to download or remove. download: need provide download api to download the file by key. createDownloadStream: streaming download file by key remove: remove file by key
若是存儲系統支持經過http請求下載包文件,就提供uploadBuffer,url,remove方法 若是存儲系統不支持經過http請求下載包文件,就須要提供uploadBuffer,download,createDownloadStream,remove方法。
exports.create = function (options) { return new AwsWrapper(options); }; function AwsWrapper(options) { this.client = new S3(options); this.mode = options.mode; this.bucket = options.bucket; var params = { Bucket: options.bucket, CreateBucketConfiguration: { LocationConstraint: ":npm"//桶所在服務區 } }; this.client.createBucket(params, function (err, data) { if (err) { // an error occurred logger.syncInfo(err); } else { // successful response console.log(data.Location); } }); }
const key = trimKey(options.key); logger.syncInfo(`enter aws->uploadBuffer key=${key}`); let result = { key, }; let uploadParams = { Bucket: this.bucket, Key: key, Body: fileBuffer }; this.client.upload (uploadParams, function (err, data) { if (err) { logger.syncInfo(err); } });
const key = trimKey(options.key); logger.syncInfo(`進入aws->upload key=${key} filePath=${filePath}`); let result = { key, }; let fileStream = fs.createReadStream(filePath); fileStream.on('error', function(err) { logger.syncInfo(err); }); let uploadParams = { Bucket: this.bucket, Key: key, Body: fileStream }; await this.client.upload (uploadParams, function (err, data) { if (err) { logger.syncInfo(err); } }); return result;
const params = { Bucket: this.bucket, Key: trimKey(key) }; logger.syncInfo(`進入aws->url key=${key} trimKey=${trimKey(key)}`); return this.client.getSignedUrl('getObject', params);
調用路徑在controllers/registry/package/remove.js controllers/registry/package/remove_version.js 和 controllers/sync_module_worker.js,當刪除包或者刪除版本的時候會進入這個方法,入參爲key和options
const params = { Bucket: this.bucket, Key: trimKey(key) }; logger.syncInfo(`進入aws->remove key=${key} trimKey=${trimKey(key)}`); await this.client.deleteObject(params);
也就是說, 咱們只須要定義createDownloadStream方法便可。
const params = { Bucket: this.bucket, Key: trimKey(key) }; logger.syncInfo(`進入aws->createDownloadStream key=${key} trimKey=${trimKey(key)}`); return this.client.getObject(params).createReadStream();
設置npm源爲剛搭建的私有源 npm config set registry 查看當前的registry地址 npm get registry 清理npm緩存 npm cache clean --force 隨便選一個項目 刪除node_modules包 rm -rf node_modules 安裝 npm install 手動同步一個包,好比react(能夠在web界面上的/sync/路徑下輸入包名進行同步) npm sync react
require('shelljs/global') const logger = require('./log').logger; const fs = require('fs'); const MODULE_DIR = '/node_modules'; const PARENT_PATH = '/Users/sunxiuguo/project/'; const projectName = [ 'test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4', ] const absolutePath = => { return { modulesPath: PARENT_PATH + item + MODULE_DIR, parentPath: PARENT_PATH + item, } }); const startTime = new Date('2018/11/06 21:00:000').getTime(); const endTime = new Date('2018/11/08 10:00:000').getTime(); /** * 讀取路徑 * @param path */ function getStat(path){ if (exec(`cd ${path}`).code == 0) { return true; } return false; } async function npmCachecleanAndInstall(projectPath) { cd(projectPath);`cd ${projectPath}`); exec('pwd'); await execAndLogAsync(`npm cache clean --force`); await execAndLogAsync(`npm install --registry=`) } async function execAndLogAsync(command) {; let result = await exec(command); if (result.stderr) { logger.error(result.stderr); } } async function install(path) {`install: path = ${JSON.stringify(path)}`); let isExists = getStat(path.modulesPath); if (!isExists) { // 若是不存在 npm install`install: 不存在${path.modulesPath}目錄,開始npm install`) await npmCachecleanAndInstall(path.parentPath); } else { // 若是存在,刪除 && npm install`install: 存在${path.modulesPath}目錄,開始刪除`) await execAndLogAsync(`rm -rf ${path.modulesPath}`);`install: 刪除${path.modulesPath}成功,開始npm install`) await npmCachecleanAndInstall(path.parentPath); } }'beginning!') if (new Date().getTime() < startTime) {`未到開始時間, 開始時間爲2018/11/06 22:00:000`) exit(1); } for(let path of absolutePath) { (async function(){ while (new Date().getTime() < endTime) { await install(path); } })() }
首先添加一個用戶,添加後會默認以這個用戶登陸 npm adduser username:sunxiuguo password:sunxiuguo 進入要發佈的目錄 npm publish 查看剛纔發佈的包信息(也能夠在web界面上查詢) npm view moduleName 這時若是其餘小夥伴也要發佈這個包,就會報錯了,由於其餘小夥伴不是這個包的maintainer 我們來查看一下這個包的owner都有誰 npm owner ls moduleName 而後添加wangwang爲這個包的owner npm owner add wangwang moduleName 什麼?!!又報錯了?! 不要慌,那是由於根本沒有wangwang這個用戶,須要執行npm adduser添加一下 npm adduser username:wangwang password:1231131313 再次添加owner npm owner add wangwang moduleName 成功了!今後wangwang也能夠發佈這個包了 之後若是想登陸,直接Login便可 npm login username:wangwang password:1231131313
強調一下,撤銷發佈包是很危險的一件事情,若是有其餘同窗用了你的包,而後你心血澎湃地把這個包撤銷了??其餘同窗確定一臉問號 npm unpublish moduleName
- 根據規範,只有在發包的24小時內才容許撤銷發佈的包( unpublish is only allowed with versions published in the last 24 hours)
- 即便你撤銷了發佈的包,發包的時候也不能再和被撤銷的包的名稱和版本重複了(即不能名稱相同,版本相同,由於這二者構成的惟一標識已經被「佔用」了)
若是你再也不維護你發佈的moduleA了,可使用下面這個命令 這個命令並不會撤銷已發佈的包,只是會在其餘人用的你的包時收到警告 npm deprecate moduleA
主版號:當你作了不相容的API 修改,
改變當前package的版本號,update_type爲patch, minor, or major其中之一,分別表示修訂號,次版號,主版號 npm version <update_type> 好比當前版本號爲0.1.0 npm version patch 0.1.1 npm version minor 0.2.0 npm version major 1.0.0
Error: could not get uid/gid [ 'nobody', 0 ] at /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/uid-number/uid-number.js:37:16 at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:205:5) at emitTwo (events.js:106:13) at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:191:7) at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:891:16) at Socket.<anonymous> (internal/child_process.js:342:11) at emitOne (events.js:96:13) at Socket.emit (events.js:188:7) at Pipe._handle.close [as _onclose] (net.js:497:12) 在全局安裝前執行下面這條命令便可 npm config set unsafe-perm true
清一下緩存 npm cache clean --force
這個問題我本身的狀況是,在controllers/utils.js裏,調用nfs.download方法,writeStream尚未寫完,就開始了readStream而且清理了臨時路徑,致使文件被截斷了,因此必定要注意異步的問題,而且調試的時候儘可能寫好try catch和日誌,方便之後定位問題。 固然也能夠直接定義一個createDownloadStream方法,直接返回可讀流給body。