Author: Jasper Yanghtml
School: Buptpython
class eulerlib.numtheory.Divisors(maxnum=1000) Implements methods related to prime factors and divisors. Parameters: maxnum – Upper limit for the list of primes. (default = 1000) divisors(num) Returns a list of ALL divisors of num (including 1 and num). Parameters: num – An integer for which divisors are needed. Returns: A list [d1,d2,...dn] of divisors of num phi(num) Returns the number of totatives of num Parameters: num – Integer for which number of totatives are needed. Returns: Number of totatives of num
Note A totative of an integer num is any integer i such that, 0 < i < n and GCD(i,num) == 1.
Uses Euler’s totient function.函數
歐拉方程 $$ \phi(x) $$ 就是在計算n的totative個數。
在n的乘法模下的totatives造成了模n乘法羣( Multiplicative group of integers modulo n )。 --->後面這句涉及的羣的知識我去維基上了解下後沒看懂,放棄了,將來有機會看看中文資料理解一下再添加進來吧。 wiki傳送門code
在數論中,對正整數n,歐拉函數 $$ \varphi (n) $$ 是小於或等於n的正整數中與n互質的數的數目。此函數以其首名研究者歐拉命名,它又稱爲φ函數(由高斯所命名)或是歐拉總計函數[1](totient function,由西爾維斯特所命名)。
例如 $$ \varphi (8)=4 $$,由於1,3,5,7均和8互質。
歐拉函數其實是模n的同餘類所構成的乘法羣(即環 $$ {\mathbb {Z}}/n{\mathbb {Z}} $$ 的全部單位元組成的乘法羣)的階。這個性質與拉格朗日定理一塊兒構成了歐拉定理的證實。ip
若n是質數p的k次冪, $$ \varphi (n)=\varphi (p^{k})=p^{k}-p^{{k-1}}=(p-1)p^{{k-1}} $$ ,由於除了p的倍數外,其餘數都跟n互質。get
若 $$ n=p_{1}^{k_{1}}p_{2}^{k_{2}}\cdots p_{r}^{k_{r}} $$
則 $$ \varphi (n)=\prod _{{i=1}}^{r}p_{i}^{{k_{i}-1}}(p_{i}-1)=\prod _{{p\mid n}}p^{{\alpha _{p}-1}}(p-1)=n\prod _{{p|n}}\left(1-{\frac {1}{p}}\right) $$
其中 $$ \alpha _{p} $$ 是使得 $$ p^{{\alpha }} $$ 整除n的最大整數 $ alpha $(這裏 $$ \alpha _{p_{i}}=k_{i} $$ )。
例如 $$ \varphi (72)=\varphi (2^{3}\times 3^{2})=2^{{3-1}}(2-1)\times 3^{{2-1}}(3-1)=2^{2}\times 1\times 3\times 2=24 $$
eulerlib.numtheory.Divisors(maxnum=1000)下的 phi函數
使用過程, e = eulerlib.numtheory.Divisors(10000) # 這裏的10000是最大值,默認是1000 e.phi(100) # 求phi(100)
這個函數的實現源碼以下: 源碼傳送門
def phi(self,num): """Returns the number of `totatives <>`_ of *num* :param num: Integer for which number of totatives are needed. :returns: Number of totatives of *num* .. note:: A totative of an integer *num* is any integer *i* such that, 0 < i < n and *GCD(i,num) == 1*. Uses `Euler's totient function <>`_. """ if(num < 1): return 0 if(num == 1): return 1 if(num in self.primes_table): # 這個素數的table一開始就有了,從別的包導來的,去看定義就是maxnum之內的全部素數 return num-1 pfs = self.prime_factors_only(num) # 這個步驟就是找出p了 prod = num for pfi in pfs: prod = prod*(pfi-1)/pfi return prod def prime_factors_only(self,num): """Returns the `prime factors <>`_ *pf* :sub:`i` of *num*. :param num: An integer for which prime factors are needed :returns: A list [pf1,pf2,...pfi] of prime factors of *num* """ if num in self.pfactonly_table: return self.pfactonly_table[num] elif ((num < 2) or (num > self.limit)): return [] elif num in self.primes_table: self.pfactonly_table[num] = [num] return [num] else: result = [] tnum = num for prime in self.primes_table: if(tnum%prime==0): result.append(prime) pdiv = prime*prime while(tnum%pdiv == 0): pdiv *= prime pdiv //= prime # 這個//= 和 /=彷佛沒有區別 tnum //= pdiv if(tnum in self.primes_table): result.append(tnum) break elif(tnum == 1): break self.pfactonly_table[num] = result return result
paper done : 2017/4/19