[Scikit-learn] 1.9 Naive Bayes

Ref: http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/naive_bayes.htmlhtml


1.9.1. Gaussian Naive Bayes

原理可參考:統計學習筆記(4)——樸素貝葉斯法 - 條件機率的應用數組

估計示範:X={有房=否婚姻情況=已婚年收入=120K}, 假設了 「每一個條件都是獨立的」。dom

P(No) * P(有房=否|No) * P(婚姻情況=已婚|No) * P(年收入=120K|No)  = 0.7 * 4/7 * 4/7 * 0.0072 = 0.0024post

P(Yes)* P(有房=否|Yes)* P(婚姻情況=已婚|Yes)* P(年收入=120K|Yes) = 0.3 * 1 * 0 * 1.2 * 10-9 = 0學習


from sklearn import datasets iris = datasets.load_iris()
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB gnb = GaussianNB() y_pred = gnb.fit(iris.data, iris.target).predict(iris.data) print("Number of mislabeled points out of a total %d points : %d" % (iris.data.shape[0],(iris.target != y_pred).sum()))
Number of mislabeled points out of a total 150 points : 6




1.9.2. Multinomial Naive Bayes

import numpy as np
# 0-4之間生成隨機數matrix X
= np.random.randint(5, size=(6, 100)) y = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])  # X的六行對應六個類別
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB clf = MultinomialNB() clf.fit(X, y)print(clf.predict(X[2:3]))  # 參數必須數組,不能是單個值


1.9.3. Bernoulli Naive Bayes

import numpy as np X = np.random.randint(2, size=(6, 100)) Y = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5])
from sklearn.naive_bayes import BernoulliNB clf = BernoulliNB() clf.fit(X, Y) print(clf.predict(X[2:3]))


Others: code

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[ML] Naive Bayes for Text Classificationblog

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