100 TOP Ikm C++ Online Test Questions 2017app
- 2. Which correctly describe C++ language?
- A. Statically typed language
- Type system - Wikipedia
- Dynamic programming language - Wikipedia
- 10. Which operators can be overloaded?
- A. .
- B. &
- C. sizeof
- D. ?:
- A10. B
- 15. Which is true about const member functions?
- A. const members can be invoked on both const and nonconst objects
- C. nonconst members can be invoked on const objects as well as nonconst objects
- A15. A
- 18. STL is based on which programming paradigms?
- C. Functional Programming
- 25. Which operator can be implemented as a nonmember operator?
- A. =
- B. ()
- C. []
- D. +
- A25. D
- 27. Which is not recommended in a header file?
- A. Type definitions (typedef)
- B. Class definitions
- C. Function definitions
- D. Template definitions
- A27. C
- 28. If the class name is X, what't the type of its "this" pointer (in a nonstatic, non-const member function) ?
- B. X* const
- 29. Which is the most prefered way of throwing and handling exceptions?
- A. Throw by value and catch by reference
- 31. The conditional compilation
- C. It is compiling a program based on a condition
- 39. Seek time is
- B. Time taken by read/write head mechanism to position itself over appropriate cylinder
- 40. Latency time is
- C. Time taken by appropriate sector to come under read/write head