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LeetCode最新題庫 按公司分類(2017年11月12日)【一畝三分地論壇刷題版】 - Powered by Discuz!post
# | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Difficulty | Note |
0015 | Leetcode 15. 3Sum | Python | Medium | |||
0026 | LeetCode 26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array | C++ | Easy | |||
0073 | Leetcode 73. Set Matrix Zeroes | Python | Medium | |||
0334 | Leetcode 334. Increasing Triplet Subsequence | Python | Medium | |||
# | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Difficulty | Note |
0003 | Leetcode 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 網站 |
Python ui |
Medium url |
0005.net |
C++ / Python |
Medium |
0007 |
C++ |
Easy |
0008 |
C++ |
Easy |
0014 |
C++ |
Easy |
0028 |
C++ |
Easy |
0038 |
C++ |
Easy |
0049 |
C++ |
Medium |
0125 |
C++ |
Easy |
0242 |
C++ |
Easy |
0344 |
C++ |
Easy |
0387 |
C++ | Easy | ||||
# | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Difficulty | Note |
0002 | Leetcode 2. Add Two Numbers | Python | Medium | |||
0160 | Leetcode 160. Intersection of Two Linked Lists | Python | Easy | |||
0328 | Leetcode 328. Odd Even Linked List | Python | Medium | |||
# | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Difficulty | Note |
0094 | Leetcode 94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal | Python | Medium | |||
0103 | Leetcode 103. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal | Python | Medium | |||
0105 | Leetcode 105. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal | Python | Medium | |||
0116 | Leetcode 116. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node | Python | Medium | |
0200 | Leetcode 200. Number of Islands | Python | Medium | |||
0230 | Leetcode 230. Kth Smallest Element in a BST | Python | Medium | |||
# | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Difficulty | Note |
0017 | LeetCode 17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number | C++ / Python | Medium | |||
0022 | Leetcode 22. Generate Parentheses | Python | Medium | |||
0046 | Leetcode 46. Permutations | Python | Medium | |||
0078 | Leetcode 78. Subsets | Python | Medium | |
0079 | Leetcode 79. Word Search | Python | Medium |
# | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Difficulty | Note |
0033 | Leetcode 33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array | Python | Medium | |||
0034 | Leetcode 34. Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array | Python | Medium | |||
0056 | Leetcode 56. Merge Intervals | Python | Medium | |||
0075 | Leetcode 75. Sort Colors | Python | Medium | |||
0162 | Leetcode 162. Find Peak Element | Python | Medium | |||
0215 | LeetCode 215. Kth Largest Element in an Array | Python | Medium | |||
0240 | Leetcode 240. Search a 2D Matrix II | Python | Medium | |||
0347 | LeetCode 347. Top K Frequent Elements | Python | Medium | |||
# | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Difficulty | Note |
0055 | LeetCode 55. Jump Game | Python | Medium | |||
0062 | Leetcode 62. Unique Paths | Python | Medium | |||
0322 | Leetcode 322. Coin Change | Python | Medium | |||
0300 | Leetcode 300. Longest Increasing Subsequence | Python | Medium | |
# | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Difficulty | Note |
0297 | Leetcode 297. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree | Python | Medium | |||
# | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Difficulty | Note |
0026 | LeetCode 26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array | C++ | Easy | |||
# | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Difficulty | Note |
0175 |
LeetCode 175. Combine Two Tables | SQL |
0176 |
LeetCode 176. Second Highest Salary | SQL |
0177 |
LeetCode 177. Nth Highest Salary | SQL |