1,查找進程 socket
ps -ef | grep shutdown(進程名)
pgrep shutdown 查找shutdown進程名的pid
pidof shutdown(shutdown必須是進程名的全稱)
2,停止進程 blog
2.1, kill -s 9 pid 進程
2.2, pkill shutdown(進程名,能夠是名稱一部分)
2.3, killall -9 shutdown(進程名必須是完整的) get
2.4,grep shutdown |xargs kill -s 9
附錄:各類信號及其用途 pip
Signal | Description | Signal number on Linux x86[1] |
SIGABRT | Process aborted | 6 |
SIGALRM | Signal raised by alarm | 14 |
SIGBUS | Bus error: "access to undefined portion of memory object" | 7 |
SIGCHLD | Child process terminated, stopped (or continued*) | 17 |
SIGCONT | Continue if stopped | 18 |
SIGFPE | Floating point exception: "erroneous arithmetic operation" | 8 |
SIGHUP | Hangup | 1 |
SIGILL | Illegal instruction | 4 |
SIGINT | Interrupt | 2 |
SIGKILL | Kill (terminate immediately) | 9 |
SIGPIPE | Write to pipe with no one reading | 13 |
SIGQUIT | Quit and dump core | 3 |
SIGSEGV | Segmentation violation | 11 |
SIGSTOP | Stop executing temporarily | 19 |
SIGTERM | Termination (request to terminate) | 15 |
SIGTSTP | Terminal stop signal | 20 |
SIGTTIN | Background process attempting to read from tty ("in") | 21 |
SIGTTOU | Background process attempting to write to tty ("out") | 22 |
SIGUSR1 | User-defined 1 | 10 |
SIGUSR2 | User-defined 2 | 12 |
SIGPOLL | Pollable event | 29 |
SIGPROF | Profiling timer expired | 27 |
SIGSYS | Bad syscall | 31 |
SIGTRAP | Trace/breakpoint trap | 5 |
SIGURG | Urgent data available on socket | 23 |
SIGVTALRM | Signal raised by timer counting virtual time: "virtual timer expired" | 26 |
SIGXCPU | CPU time limit exceeded | 24 |
SIGXFSZ | File size limit exceeded | 25 |