[PHP打野] 對pear-FSM的研究(一)基本瞭解

FSM(有限狀態機)是啥? php

有限狀態機英語finite-state machine縮寫FSM)又稱有限狀態自動機,簡稱狀態機,是表示有限個狀態以及在這些狀態之間的轉移和動做等行爲的數學模型git

詳細請看維基百科,FSM(http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%9C%89%E9%99%90%E7%8A%B6%E6%80%81%E6%9C%BA)。自動機編程(http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%87%AA%E5%8A%A8%E6%9C%BA%E7%BC%96%E7%A8%8B) 程序員

簡單來講,這玩意用於事物有多種狀態,主要在狀態之間變來變去的場景,你很想用個goto跳到上面的某個if的地方。 好比一個魔方,好比形式語言分析,好比魔獸世界戰士戰鬥姿態防護姿態狂暴姿態角鬥士姿態,好比模擬一堆電路元件…… 一般對於此類問題,若是輸入條件是能夠徹底預知的,那麼能夠經過寫while裏套一堆if then,或者switch case來處理,或者經過構造一個「圖」的數據結構更彈性些。(固然也有某些比較狂熱的方式好比弄無數層對象來折騰程序員本身和機器)可是這些方式不夠接近機器與數學的本質,也難以應對未知條件。 今天,爲尋求遠古強大的元素力量,我將帶你深刻不毛之地,研究研究php裏pear-FSM。 github

下載地址是 編程

http://pear.php.net/package/FSM vim

做者後來也把項目遷移到了github,目前版本都是1.3.1 數組

https://github.com/pear/FSM 數據結構

Current Release  
1.3.1 (stable) was released on 2011-02-16 (Changelog)

what? 看起來距今有些年代?不要緊,C語言還在,不少60年代的技術,80年代的技術也至今經典不息。咱們研究的是遠古力量,心裏要平靜,不要有私心雜念。 編輯器

下載後解開包看看。首先要看docs\guide.txt,請用能區分換行的文本編輯器看,好比notepad++。 ide


Building a Finite State Machine

The first step in building a Finite State Machine involves listing the finite
set of states.  Then, all of the permissible transitions between these states
must be defined.  A symbol and an optional callback function are associated
with each transition.  The input processing routine will attempt to match its
current symbol against the list of registered transitions.  If a transition
from the current state using that symbol is found, the machine will move to
the new state specified by the transition and, if one has been specified, the
associated callback function will be invoked.

這玩意咋用? 首先要弄出個帶點起碼狀態的狀態機。而後定義容許的狀態轉換方式。用符號+回調函數方式來定義轉換。 定義好之後, 輸入的信息就會通過符號的匹配來對應的轉換。(強心針:暈了? 看看這句 $state=$arr['mySymbol']; 這樣就是一種簡單的符號-狀態匹配,固然本文裏實現的更復雜點點,不過也是經過數組查詢來調用對應函數) 若是輸入的符號,對應當前狀態能夠轉換到別的狀態,就轉狀態;有指明對應狀態轉換對應的回調函數就調用這個函數。

(強心針2: 又暈了? 說白就是這麼回事。假如你臉朝向是個狀態,如今向左(狀態1)看着本身的屏幕。給本身下了死命令,除非右邊來美女(符號)不然不扭頭(狀態轉換)。而後右邊來了個男的(符號),死命令查找不到這個性取向,不扭頭。來了個美女(符號),查詢死命令有這個狀態轉換,則扭頭(狀態轉換),而且調用定義好的回調函數(打招呼,吹口哨,耍流氓……自便)

Creating a New FSM Object
Start by including the FSM package in your script::

下面是怎麼用這個玩意的具體實戰。第一步,php require會用?下面這句是php的,把fsm.php require進來。

    require 'FSM.php';

When constructing a new FSM object, you must specify the machine's initial
state and provide a payload variable.  The payload will be passed to all of
the callback functions, supplying them with state information without
(ab)using global variables.

而後new 個FSM 對象出來,這new不能隨便亂new, 脖子朝向不能null是吧? 得new出來個初始狀態和負載變量。


In this example, we pass an array representing a stack as the payload.  The
machine's initial state is set to ``START``.


    $stack = array();
    $fsm = new FSM('START', $stack);


Defining Transitions

We'll need to define some transitions in order to make our machine useful.
Let's assume our machine has two additional states: ``MIDDLE`` and ``END``.
Here's how we would define transitions to move us from ``START`` to ``MIDDLE``
and from ``MIDDLE`` to ``END``::




    function FirstCallback($symbol, $payload)
        echo "First Transition\n";

    function SecondCallback($symbol, $payload)
        echo "Second Transition\n";

    $fsm->addTransition('FIRST', 'START', 'MIDDLE', 'FirstCallback');
    $fsm->addTransition('SECOND', 'MIDDLE', 'END', 'SecondCallback');



Our machine is now aware of three states (``START``, ``MIDDLE``, and ``END``)
and two symbols (``FIRST`` and ``SECOND``).  Two transitions (``START`` to
``MIDDLE`` and ``MIDDLE`` to ``END``) have been defined and associated with
callbacks.  The following code will process the symbols ``FIRST`` and
``SECOND`` and move us from our initial state (``START``) through the
``MIDDLE`` state to the ``END`` state.




The processing routine will invoke our two callbacks along the way, as well,
resulting in the following being printed::

    First Transition
    Second Transition


Setting Default Transitions
Now we'll set up a default transition.  This transition will be used whenever
the processing routine cannot find a better match for the current state and
symbol.  For our example, we'll consider this an error and print a warning for
the user.


如今咱們來設定個默認轉換。默認轉換用來在符號匹配不了時調用(switch..case..default 懂?)。在咱們例子裏



    function ErrorCallback($symbol, $payload)
        echo "This symbol does not compute: $symbol\n";

    $fsm->setDefaultTransition('START', 'ErrorCallback');

Now let's process our symbols in an unexcepted order::


Because the ``SECOND`` transition doesn't specify ``START`` as its initial
state, the default transition will be used and the error callback will be
invoked.  The ``FIRST`` transition will work as expected, however, because the
machine will still be in the ``START`` state.


Plotting a State Machine

The FSM package optionally supports the ability to plot a machine's states
with the help of the `Image_GraphViz`_ package.  Doing so is as simple as
creating a new ``FSM_GraphViz`` object using an existing state machine
instance and then exporting the graph.



    require_once 'FSM/GraphViz.php';
    $converter = new FSM_GraphViz($fsm);
    $graph = $converter->export();

The resulting graph object is an ``Image_GraphViz`` instance.  To export the
graph as an image, use the ``image()`` method::


This will produce an image similar to the following:

.. figure:: graphviz.png
   :alt: Example State Machine Plot

Consult the `Image_GraphViz documentation`_ for additional usage information.

.. _Image_GraphViz: http://pear.php.net/package/Image_GraphViz
.. _Image_GraphViz documentation: http://pear.php.net/package/Image_GraphViz/docs


Development and Support

Reporting Problems and Suggestions
If you run into a problem or would like to make a suggestion, please use the
`PEAR Bug Tracker`_.  Feel free to contact me directly for other issues, but
please try to use the bug tracker whenever possible so that others in the
community will benefit from your feedback and my responses.

- `Open Bugs`_
- `Report a New Bug`_

.. _PEAR Bug Tracker: http://pear.php.net/bugs/
.. _Open Bugs: http://pear.php.net/package/FSM/bugs
.. _Report a New Bug: http://pear.php.net/bugs/report.php?package=FSM

Coming Soon
This section contains a list of "todo" items that will hopefully be addressed
in future releases.

- *No items at this time.*

If you have feature suggestions, please submit them using the `PEAR Bug

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