過去幾年發表於各大 AI 頂會論文提出的 400 多種算法中,公開算法代碼的僅佔 6%,其中三分之一的論文做者分享了測試數據,約 54% 的分享包含「僞代碼」。這是今年 AAAI 會議上一個嚴峻的報告。 人工智能這個蓬勃發展的領域正面臨着實驗重現的危機,就像實驗重現問題過去十年來一直困擾着心理學、醫學以及其餘領域同樣。最根本的問題是研究人員一般不共享他們的源代碼。 git
可驗證的知識是科學的基礎,它事關理解。隨着人工智能領域的發展,打破不可復現性將是必要的。爲此,PaperWeekly 聯手百度 PaddlePaddle 共同發起了本次論文有獎復現,咱們但願和來自學界、工業界的研究者一塊兒接力,爲 AI 行業帶來良性循環。算法
下載安裝命令 ## CPU版本安裝命令 pip install -f https://paddlepaddle.org.cn/pip/oschina/cpu paddlepaddle ## GPU版本安裝命令 pip install -f https://paddlepaddle.org.cn/pip/oschina/gpu paddlepaddle-gpu
筆者本次復現的是中科院自動化所發表於 ACL 2017 的經典文章——Joint Extraction of Entities and Relations Based on a Novel Tagging Scheme。app
論文復現代碼: 函數
圖 1 是一個如何將原始標註數據(實體+實體關係)轉換爲論文中提到的新型標註方式的示例。在數據中,每個詞彙會被賦予一個實體標籤,所以經過抽取和實體有關的詞語,構成實體。
▲ 圖1. 一個構成實體和關係的數據實例
論文使用「BIES」規則(B:實體起始,I:實體內部,E:實體結束,S:單一實體)去標註詞語在實體中的位置信息。對於實體關係類型,則經過預先定義的關係集合肯定。對於關係角色,論文使用「1」和「2」肯定。一個被抽取的實體關係結果由一個三元組表示(實體 1-關係類型-實體 2)。「1」表示這個詞語屬於第一個實體,「2」則表示這個詞語屬於第二個實體。所以,標籤總數是:Nt = 2*4 *|R|+1。R 是預先定義好的關係類型的數量。
從圖 1 能夠看出,輸入的句子包含兩個三元組:
{United States, Country-President, Trump}
{Apple Inc, Company-Founder, Steven Paul Jobs}
Country-President: CP
因爲「United」,「States」,「 Trump」,「Apple」,「Inc」 ,「Steven」, 「Paul」, 「Jobs」構成了描述實體的詞彙,所以這些詞語都被賦予了特定的標記。
例如,「United」是實體「United States」的第一個詞語,同時也和「Country-President」關聯,所以「United」詞語的標註是「B-CP-1」。「B」表示Begin,「CP」表示Country President,「1」表示「United」詞語所在的實體「United States」是三元組中的第一個對象。
同理,由於「States」是「United States」實體的結尾詞語,但依然屬於「Country President」關係,同時也是三元組的第一個對象,所以「States」的標註是「E-CP-1」。
對於另外一個詞語「Trump」,它是構成「Trump」這一實體的惟一詞語,所以使用「S」。同時,Trump 實體屬於「Country President」關係,所以它具備CP標籤,又同時這一實體在三元組中是第二個對象,所以它被標註「2」。綜上,「Trump」這一詞語的標註是:「S-CP-2」。除了這些和實體有關的詞語外,無關詞語被標註「O」。
固然,對於擁有兩個和兩個以上實體的句子,論文將每兩個實體構成一個三元組,並使用最小距離原則(距離最近的兩個實體構成一對關係)。在圖 1 中,「United States」和「Trump」由於最小距離構成了一對實體。此外,論文只探討一對一關係三元組。
雙向長短時編碼層(Bi-LSTM Encoder Layer)
在序列標註問題中,雙向長短時編碼器體現了對單個詞語的語義信息的良好捕捉。這一編碼器有一個前向和後向的長短時層,並在末尾將兩層合併。詞嵌入層則將詞語的獨熱編碼(1-hot representation)轉換爲詞嵌入的向量。
▲ 公式1. 雙向長短時編碼器
公式 1 中的 i,f 和 o 分別爲 LSTM 模塊在 t 時刻的輸入門,遺忘門和輸出門。c 爲 LSTM 模塊的輸出,W 爲權重。對於當前時刻,其隱層向量的結果取決於起義時刻的
是第 d 維度下在第 t 個詞彙的詞向量,n 則是句序列的長度。在通過了詞嵌入後,前向和後向的長短時神經網絡分佈接受數據輸入,前向則句子順序從前向後,後向則從後向前。
對於每個詞語向量(通過詞嵌入後), 前向長短時神經網絡層經過考慮語義信息,將
。解碼器根據雙向長短時編碼器的輸出進行計算。解碼器的內部公式相似於公式 1。
▲ 公式2. 長短時解碼器
在解碼器後加入 softmax 層,預測該詞語的標籤。解碼器的內部結構相似於編碼器。
▲ 公式3. softmax層
爲 softmax 矩陣,
▲ 圖2. 網絡總體結構圖
偏置目標函數(Bias Objective Function)
▲ 公式4. 訓練中激活函數使用RMSprop
|D| 是訓練集大小,是句子
是詞語 t 在
是歸一化的 tag 的機率。I(O) 是一個條件函數(switching function),用於區分 tag 爲「O」和不爲「O」的時候的損失。
▲ 公式5. 條件函數
α 是偏置權重,該項越大,則帶關係的標籤對模型的影響越大。
import paddle.fluid as fluidimport paddle.v2 as paddlefrom paddle.fluid.initializer import NormalInitializerimport reimport math#coding='utf-8'import jsonimport numpy as npfrom paddle.v2.plot import Plotertrain_title = "Train cost"test_title = "Test cost"plot_cost = Ploter(train_title, test_title)step = 0#=============================================global parameters and hyperparameters==================================EMBEDDING = 300DROPOUT = 0.5LSTM_ENCODE = 300LSTM_DECODE = 600BIAS_ALPHA = 10VALIDATION_SIZE = 0.1TRAIN_PATH = '/home/aistudio/data/data1272/train.json'TEST_PATH = '/home/aistudio/data/data1272/test.json'FILE_PATH = '/home/aistudio/data/'X_TRAIN = '/home/aistudio/data/data1272/sentence_train.txt'Y_TRAIN = '/home/aistudio/data/data1272/seq_train.txt'X_TEST = '/home/aistudio/data/data1272/sentence_test.txt'Y_TEST = '/home/aistudio/data/data1272/seq_test.txt'WORD_DICT = '/home/aistudio/data/data1272/word_dict.txt'TAG_DICT = '/home/aistudio/data/data1272/tag_dict.txt'EPOCH_NUM = 1000BATCH_SIZE = 128#=============================================get data from the dataset==============================================def get_data(train_path, test_path, train_valid_size): ''' extracting data for json file ''' train_file = open(train_path).readlines() x_train = [] y_train = [] for i in train_file: data = json.loads(i) x_data, y_data = data_decoding(data) ''' appending each single data into the x_train/y_train sets ''' x_train += x_data y_train += y_data test_file = open(test_path).readlines() x_test = [] y_test = [] for j in test_file: data = json.loads(j) x_data, y_data = data_decoding(data) x_test += x_data y_test += y_data return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_testdef data_decoding(data): ''' decode the json file sentText is the sentence each sentence may have multiple types of relations for every single data, it contains: (sentence-splited, labels) ''' sentence = data["sentText"] relations = data["relationMentions"] x_data = [] y_data = [] for i in relations: entity_1 = i["em1Text"].split(" ") entity_2 = i["em2Text"].split(" ") relation = i["label"] relation_label_1 = entity_label_construction(entity_1) relation_label_2 = entity_label_construction(entity_2) output_list = sentence_label_construction(sentence, relation_label_1, relation_label_2, relation) x_data.append(sentence.split(" ")) y_data.append(output_list) return x_data, y_datadef entity_label_construction(entity): ''' give each word in an entity the label for entity with multiple words, it should follow the BIES rule ''' relation_label = {} for i in range(len(entity)): if i == 0 and len(entity) >= 1: relation_label[entity[i]] = "B" if i != 0 and len(entity) >= 1 and i != len(entity) -1: relation_label[entity[i]] = "I" if i== len(entity) -1 and len(entity) >= 1: relation_label[entity[i]] = "E" if i ==0 and len(entity) == 1: relation_label[entity[i]] = "S" return relation_labeldef sentence_label_construction(sentence, relation_label_1, relation_label_2, relation): ''' combine the label for each word in each entity with the relation and then combine the relation-entity label with the position of the entity in the triplet ''' element_list = sentence.split(" ") dlist_1 = list(relation_label_1) dlist_2 = list(relation_label_2) output_list = [] for i in element_list: if i in dlist_1: output_list.append(relation + '-' + relation_label_1[i] + '-1' ) elif i in dlist_2: output_list.append(relation + '-' + relation_label_2[i] + '-2') else: output_list.append('O') return output_listdef format_control(string): str1 = re.sub(r'\r','',string) str2 = re.sub(r'\n','',str1) str3 = re.sub(r'\s*','',str2) return str3def joint_extraction(): vocab_size = len(open(WORD_DICT,'r').readlines()) tag_num = len(open(TAG_DICT,'r').readlines()) def bilstm_lstm(word, target, vocab_size, tag_num): x = fluid.layers.embedding( input = word, size = [vocab_size, EMBEDDING], dtype = "float32", is_sparse = True) y = fluid.layers.embedding( input = target, size = [tag_num, tag_num], dtype = "float32", is_sparse = True) fw, _ = fluid.layers.dynamic_lstm( input = fluid.layers.fc(size = LSTM_ENCODE*4, input=x), size = LSTM_ENCODE*4, candidate_activation = "tanh", gate_activation = "sigmoid", cell_activation = "sigmoid", bias_attr=fluid.ParamAttr( initializer=NormalInitializer(loc=0.0, scale=1.0)), is_reverse = False) bw, _ = fluid.layers.dynamic_lstm( input = fluid.layers.fc(size = LSTM_ENCODE*4, input=x), size = LSTM_ENCODE*4, candidate_activation = "tanh", gate_activation = "sigmoid", cell_activation = "sigmoid", bias_attr=fluid.ParamAttr( initializer=NormalInitializer(loc=0.0, scale=1.0)), is_reverse = True) combine = fluid.layers.concat([fw,bw], axis=1) decode, _ = fluid.layers.dynamic_lstm( input = fluid.layers.fc(size = LSTM_DECODE*4, input=combine), size = LSTM_DECODE*4, candidate_activation = "tanh", gate_activation = "sigmoid", cell_activation = "sigmoid", bias_attr=fluid.ParamAttr( initializer=NormalInitializer(loc=0.0, scale=1.0)), is_reverse = False) softmax_connect = fluid.layers.fc(input=decode, size=tag_num) _cost = fluid.layers.softmax_with_cross_entropy( logits=softmax_connect, label = y, soft_label = True) _loss = fluid.layers.mean(x=_cost) return _loss, softmax_connect source = fluid.layers.data(name="source", shape=[1], dtype="int64", lod_level=1) target = fluid.layers.data(name="target", shape=[1], dtype="int64", lod_level=1) loss, softmax_connect = bilstm_lstm(source, target, vocab_size, tag_num) return lossdef get_index(word_dict, tag_dict, x_data, y_data): x_out = [word_dict[str(k)] for k in x_data] y_out = [tag_dict[str(l)] for l in y_data] return [x_out, y_out]def data2index(WORD_DICT, TAG_DICT, x_train, y_train): def _out_dict(word_dict_path, tag_dict_path): word_dict = {} f = open(word_dict_path,'r').readlines() for i, j in enumerate(f): word = re.sub(r'\n','',str(j))# word = re.sub(r'\r','',str(j))# word = re.sub(r'\s*','',str(j)) word_dict[word] = i + 1 tag_dict = {} f = open(tag_dict_path,'r').readlines() for m,n in enumerate(f): tag = re.sub(r'\n','',str(n)) tag_dict[tag] = m+1 return word_dict, tag_dict def _out_data(): word_dict, tag_dict = _out_dict(WORD_DICT, TAG_DICT) for data in list(zip(x_train, y_train)): x_out, y_out = get_index(word_dict, tag_dict, data[0], data[1]) yield x_out, y_out return _out_datadef optimizer_program(): return fluid.optimizer.Adam()if __name__ == "__main__": sentence_train, seq_train, sentence_test, seq_test = get_data(TRAIN_PATH,TEST_PATH,VALIDATION_SIZE) train_reader = paddle.batch( paddle.reader.shuffle( data2index(WORD_DICT, TAG_DICT, sentence_train, seq_train), buf_size=500), batch_size=128) test_reader = paddle.batch( paddle.reader.shuffle( data2index(WORD_DICT, TAG_DICT, sentence_test, seq_test), buf_size=500), batch_size=128) place = fluid.CPUPlace() feed_order=['source', 'target'] trainer = fluid.Trainer( train_func=joint_extraction, place=place, optimizer_func = optimizer_program) trainer.train( reader=train_reader, num_epochs=100, event_handler=event_handler_plot, feed_order=feed_order)as fluid import paddle.v2 as paddle from paddle.fluid.initializer import NormalInitializer import re import math #coding='utf-8' import json import numpy as np from paddle.v2.plot import Ploter train_title = "Train cost" test_title = "Test cost" plot_cost = Ploter(train_title, test_title) step = 0 #=============================================global parameters and hyperparameters================================== EMBEDDING = 300 DROPOUT = 0.5 LSTM_ENCODE = 300 LSTM_DECODE = 600 BIAS_ALPHA = 10 VALIDATION_SIZE = 0.1 TRAIN_PATH = '/home/aistudio/data/data1272/train.json' TEST_PATH = '/home/aistudio/data/data1272/test.json' FILE_PATH = '/home/aistudio/data/' X_TRAIN = '/home/aistudio/data/data1272/sentence_train.txt' Y_TRAIN = '/home/aistudio/data/data1272/seq_train.txt' X_TEST = '/home/aistudio/data/data1272/sentence_test.txt' Y_TEST = '/home/aistudio/data/data1272/seq_test.txt' WORD_DICT = '/home/aistudio/data/data1272/word_dict.txt' TAG_DICT = '/home/aistudio/data/data1272/tag_dict.txt' EPOCH_NUM = 1000 BATCH_SIZE = 128 #=============================================get data from the dataset============================================== def get_data(train_path, test_path, train_valid_size): ''' extracting data for json file ''' train_file = open(train_path).readlines() x_train = [] y_train = [] for i in train_file: data = json.loads(i) x_data, y_data = data_decoding(data) ''' appending each single data into the x_train/y_train sets ''' x_train += x_data y_train += y_data test_file = open(test_path).readlines() x_test = [] y_test = [] for j in test_file: data = json.loads(j) x_data, y_data = data_decoding(data) x_test += x_data y_test += y_data return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test def data_decoding(data): ''' decode the json file sentText is the sentence each sentence may have multiple types of relations for every single data, it contains: (sentence-splited, labels) ''' sentence = data["sentText"] relations = data["relationMentions"] x_data = [] y_data = [] for i in relations: entity_1 = i["em1Text"].split(" ") entity_2 = i["em2Text"].split(" ") relation = i["label"] relation_label_1 = entity_label_construction(entity_1) relation_label_2 = entity_label_construction(entity_2) output_list = sentence_label_construction(sentence, relation_label_1, relation_label_2, relation) x_data.append(sentence.split(" ")) y_data.append(output_list) return x_data, y_data def entity_label_construction(entity): ''' give each word in an entity the label for entity with multiple words, it should follow the BIES rule ''' relation_label = {} for i in range(len(entity)): if i == 0 and len(entity) >= 1: relation_label[entity[i]] = "B" if i != 0 and len(entity) >= 1 and i != len(entity) -1: relation_label[entity[i]] = "I" if i== len(entity) -1 and len(entity) >= 1: relation_label[entity[i]] = "E" if i ==0 and len(entity) == 1: relation_label[entity[i]] = "S" return relation_label def sentence_label_construction(sentence, relation_label_1, relation_label_2, relation): ''' combine the label for each word in each entity with the relation and then combine the relation-entity label with the position of the entity in the triplet ''' element_list = sentence.split(" ") dlist_1 = list(relation_label_1) dlist_2 = list(relation_label_2) output_list = [] for i in element_list: if i in dlist_1: output_list.append(relation + '-' + relation_label_1[i] + '-1' ) elif i in dlist_2: output_list.append(relation + '-' + relation_label_2[i] + '-2') else: output_list.append('O') return output_list def format_control(string): str1 = re.sub(r'\r','',string) str2 = re.sub(r'\n','',str1) str3 = re.sub(r'\s*','',str2) return str3 def joint_extraction(): vocab_size = len(open(WORD_DICT,'r').readlines()) tag_num = len(open(TAG_DICT,'r').readlines()) def bilstm_lstm(word, target, vocab_size, tag_num): x = fluid.layers.embedding( input = word, size = [vocab_size, EMBEDDING], dtype = "float32", is_sparse = True) y = fluid.layers.embedding( input = target, size = [tag_num, tag_num], dtype = "float32", is_sparse = True) fw, _ = fluid.layers.dynamic_lstm( input = fluid.layers.fc(size = LSTM_ENCODE*4, input=x), size = LSTM_ENCODE*4, candidate_activation = "tanh", gate_activation = "sigmoid", cell_activation = "sigmoid", bias_attr=fluid.ParamAttr( initializer=NormalInitializer(loc=0.0, scale=1.0)), is_reverse = False) bw, _ = fluid.layers.dynamic_lstm( input = fluid.layers.fc(size = LSTM_ENCODE*4, input=x), size = LSTM_ENCODE*4, candidate_activation = "tanh", gate_activation = "sigmoid", cell_activation = "sigmoid", bias_attr=fluid.ParamAttr( initializer=NormalInitializer(loc=0.0, scale=1.0)), is_reverse = True) combine = fluid.layers.concat([fw,bw], axis=1) decode, _ = fluid.layers.dynamic_lstm( input = fluid.layers.fc(size = LSTM_DECODE*4, input=combine), size = LSTM_DECODE*4, candidate_activation = "tanh", gate_activation = "sigmoid", cell_activation = "sigmoid", bias_attr=fluid.ParamAttr( initializer=NormalInitializer(loc=0.0, scale=1.0)), is_reverse = False) softmax_connect = fluid.layers.fc(input=decode, size=tag_num) _cost = fluid.layers.softmax_with_cross_entropy( logits=softmax_connect, label = y, soft_label = True) _loss = fluid.layers.mean(x=_cost) return _loss, softmax_connect source = fluid.layers.data(name="source", shape=[1], dtype="int64", lod_level=1) target = fluid.layers.data(name="target", shape=[1], dtype="int64", lod_level=1) loss, softmax_connect = bilstm_lstm(source, target, vocab_size, tag_num) return loss def get_index(word_dict, tag_dict, x_data, y_data): x_out = [word_dict[str(k)] for k in x_data] y_out = [tag_dict[str(l)] for l in y_data] return [x_out, y_out] def data2index(WORD_DICT, TAG_DICT, x_train, y_train): def _out_dict(word_dict_path, tag_dict_path): word_dict = {} f = open(word_dict_path,'r').readlines() for i, j in enumerate(f): word = re.sub(r'\n','',str(j)) # word = re.sub(r'\r','',str(j)) # word = re.sub(r'\s*','',str(j)) word_dict[word] = i + 1 tag_dict = {} f = open(tag_dict_path,'r').readlines() for m,n in enumerate(f): tag = re.sub(r'\n','',str(n)) tag_dict[tag] = m+1 return word_dict, tag_dict def _out_data(): word_dict, tag_dict = _out_dict(WORD_DICT, TAG_DICT) for data in list(zip(x_train, y_train)): x_out, y_out = get_index(word_dict, tag_dict, data[0], data[1]) yield x_out, y_out return _out_data def optimizer_program(): return fluid.optimizer.Adam() if __name__ == "__main__": sentence_train, seq_train, sentence_test, seq_test = get_data(TRAIN_PATH,TEST_PATH,VALIDATION_SIZE) train_reader = paddle.batch( paddle.reader.shuffle( data2index(WORD_DICT, TAG_DICT, sentence_train, seq_train), buf_size=500), batch_size=128) test_reader = paddle.batch( paddle.reader.shuffle( data2index(WORD_DICT, TAG_DICT, sentence_test, seq_test), buf_size=500), batch_size=128) place = fluid.CPUPlace() feed_order=['source', 'target'] trainer = fluid.Trainer( train_func=joint_extraction, place=place, optimizer_func = optimizer_program) trainer.train( reader=train_reader, num_epochs=100, event_handler=event_handler_plot, feed_order=feed_order)
▲ 模型和運行函數train代碼展現
使用 NYT 公開數據集。大量數據經過遠程監督的方式提取。測試集則使用了人工標註的方式。訓練集總共有 353k 的三元組,測試集有 3880 個。此外,預約義的關係數量爲 24 個。
採用標準的精確率(Precision)和召回率(Recall)以及 F1 分數對結果進行評價。當三元組中的實體 1,實體 2,以及關係的抽取均正確纔可記爲 True。10% 的數據用於驗證集,且實驗進行了 10 次,結果取平均值和標準差。
詞嵌入使用 word2vec,詞嵌入向量是 300 維。論文對嵌入層進行了正則化,其 dropout 機率爲 0.5。長短時編碼器的長短時神經元數量爲 300,解碼器爲 600。偏置函數的權重 α 爲 10。
表 1 爲實體和實體關係抽取的表現結果,本論文正式方法名稱爲「LSTM-LSTM-Bias」。表格前三項爲管道方法,中間三項爲聯合抽取方法。
▲ 表1. 實體和實體關係抽取結果
從實驗結果看出,論文提到的方法廣泛優於管道方法和絕大多數聯合抽取方法。本論文另外一個值得注意的地方是,論文提出的方法較好地平衡了精確率和召回率的關係,儘管在精確率指標上略低於 LSTM-CRF。
表 1 也說明深度學習方法對三元組結果的抽取基本上好於傳統方法。做者認爲,這是由於深度學習方法在信息抽取中廣泛使用雙向長短時編碼器,能夠較好地編碼語義信息。
在不一樣深度學習的表現對比中,做者發現,LSTM-LSTM 方法好於 LSTM-CRF。論文認爲,這多是由於 LSTM 較 CRF 更好地捕捉了文本中實體的較長依賴關係。
表 2 爲深度學習方法對三元組各個元素的抽取效果對比,E1 表示實體 1 的抽取結果,E2 表示實體 2 的抽取結果,(E1,E2)表示實體的關係的抽取結果。
▲ 表2. 深度學習方法對三元組各元素抽取效果
表 2 說明,在對三元組實體的抽取中,對關係的抽取較三元組各個實體的抽取的精確率更好,但召回率更低。論文認爲,這是因爲有大量的實體抽取後未能組成合適的實體關係對。模型僅抽取了第一個實體 1,但未能找到合適的對應實體 2,或者僅有實體 2 被正確抽取出來。
此外,做者發現,表 2 的關係抽取結果比表 1 的結果提升了約 3%。做者認爲,這是因爲 3% 的結果預測錯誤是由於關係預測錯誤,而非實體預測錯誤致使的。
做者同時將論文方法和其餘深度學習方法在識別單個實體(實體 1,實體 2)上的表現進行了對比。做者認爲,雖然論文方法在識別單個實體上的表現低於其餘方法,但可以更好地識別關係。
▲ 表3. 單個實體識別結果
做者對比發現,當偏置項等於 10 時,F1 數值最高。所以建議偏置項設爲 10。
▲ 表4. 偏置項(α)數值和各項表現指標的關係
考慮到目前論文設計的實體關係抽取僅限於單個的關係,沒法對一句話中重合的多個實體關係進行抽取,論文做者考慮使用多分類器替換 softmax 層,以便對詞語進行多分類標註。
使用 PaddlePaddle 進行工做大致上感受不錯,優勢主要有:
1. 構建模型的過程較爲順利
PaddlePaddle 的官方文檔較爲清楚,大量的函數和 TensorFlow 主流框架對應,所以在尋找組件的時候能夠找到。
2. 運行速度快
據瞭解,PaddlePaddle 底層優化較好,速度比 TensorFlow 快不少。
3. 對 GPU 的支持
主流框架目前都支持了 GPU,PaddlePaddle 也一樣具備這一特性。
4. 動態圖架構
在數據更加複雜的狀況下,動態圖的構建優點比靜態圖更爲明顯。PaddlePaddle 框架下的 fluid 版本甚至比 TensorFlow 的動態圖支持更領先。
固然,考慮到 PaddlePaddle 依然年輕,仍有很多問題須要進一步優化:
1. 在筆者使用的時候,仍然不支持 Python 3.x(2018 年 9 月)。聽說在 11 月份會開始支持 Python 3.x,正在期待中。
2. Debug 仍然困難。可能一方面是由於筆者使用了 AI studio 而非傳統的 IDE 進行項目,另外一方面是 PaddlePaddle 內部的優化問題,代碼出錯的時候,很難找到問題緣由。這一點和 TensorFlow 有點像——各類各樣的報錯。
接下來期待 PaddlePaddle 更加支持 TPU 和 NPU,並更好地增長對小型移動設備和物聯網系統的支持,使模型能夠無障礙部署。
下載安裝命令 ## CPU版本安裝命令 pip install -f https://paddlepaddle.org.cn/pip/oschina/cpu paddlepaddle ## GPU版本安裝命令 pip install -f https://paddlepaddle.org.cn/pip/oschina/gpu paddlepaddle-gpu
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