Rust 來解決 Python 環境管理問題->pyflow
原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #389html
In this course, you’ll learn the basics of creating powerful web applications with Django, a Python web framework. You’ll build a portfolio website to showcase your web development projects, complete with a fully functioning blog.github
好象今年開始, 真蟒 已經佔據主要週刊內容了...web
適用於 Python 的自動格式化程序正則表達式
An auto formatter is a tool that will format your code in a way it complies with the tool or any other standard it set. But which auto formatter should you use with Python code?算法
這種事兒叫用戶選擇會出人命的, 學習 golang, 及時官方欽定一個並內建纔對flask
用 Datadog 分佈式跟蹤和 APM 監視您的 Python 應用程序
Debug and optimize your code by tracing requests across web servers, databases, and services in your environment—and seamlessly correlate those traces with metrics and logs to troubleshoot issues. Try Datadog in your environment with a free 14-day trial →
CPython uses Timsort for sorting containers. Timsort is a fast O(n log n) stable sorting algorithm built for the real world — not constructed in academia.
PyPy has a new and faster JSON parser implementation. This post covers the design decisions that were made to develop the new and improved parser.
好象只有 PyPy 還在繼續 Pythonic 之旅
用 %autoreload 自動從新加載 Python 模塊
Tired of having to reload a module each time you change it? IPython’s %autoreload to the rescue!
{% for ... %} {% empty %} {% endfor %} anyone?
爲何不經常使用? 緣由很明顯了哪
When and why 2 + 2 = 4.00000000000000000001…
老爹當年一閃神, 到今反覆嗯哼永不斷
Twitter discussion about everyone’s best-loved Python libraries. What’s your personal favorite?
只能是 this
Articles, Tutorials and Talks
Learn what hash tables are, why you would use them, and how they’re used to implement dictionaries in the most popular Python interpreter: CPython.
其實, 就是當年 Python 源代碼鑑賞的片斷思考
Learn how to write Python interfaces in C. Find out how to invoke C functions from within Python and build Python C extension modules. You’ll learn how to parse arguments, return values, and raise custom exceptions using the Python API.
Cython 即安.
「Is the Rectified Adam (RAdam) optimizer actually better than the standard Adam optimizer? According to my 24 experiments, the answer is no, typically not (but there are cases where you do want to use it instead of Adam).」
做者發現, 仍是原版好
How to use Python’s built-in zip() function to solve common programming problems. You’ll learn how to traverse multiple iterables in parallel and create dictionaries with just a few lines of code.
What the Py 2.x end-of-life deadline means in practice, e.g. 「Just because the PSF consider Python 2 unsupported does not mean that Python 2 is unsupported within RHEL.」 Also see the related discussion on Hacker News.
大廠也曰了, 官方不支持, 不是事兒
Derive PCA from first principles and implement a working version in Python by writing all the linear algebra code from scratch. Nice tutorial!
From Scratch
Tips on acing your Python coding interview, PSF has a new Code of Conduct, and regex testing tools.
國外電臺節目, 應聘, 同樣是熱點
用 Python 和 Pandas 分析 Stack Overflow 調查
Do your own data science exploration and analysis on the annual developer survey’s dataset.
叕來了, 幾乎有流量就有一切, 包含公知
如何使用 Mapbox 將地圖添加到 Django Web App 項目中
Learn how to add maps and location-based data to your web applications using Mapbox.
從頭開始用 Python 編寫 Simplex Solver
用 Kubernetes 上託管的 Python 編寫本身的 DNS 服務器
好象 K8s 是萬能通常...
經過 Streamlit 將 Python 腳本轉換爲漂亮的 ML 工具
其實吧, 最快和全面的仍是無頭瀏覽器們...
推薦國產 mini-blink
其實, Matplotlib 一直有參數控制,只是...
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code
叕一個嘗試解決 正則表達式 困境的工具...
老李推薦的? 大西雅圖地區 華人工程師
Waffle -> 華夫餅..
django-stubs: 用 於Django 的 PEP-484 類型檢查 Stubs
一個 PEP 須要模塊來支持, 也是沒什麼了...
flask-swagger-types: 用以 Flask 的 Swagger API 規範生成器和類型檢查器
pybind11: C ++ 11 和 Python 間無縫操做
Seamless -> 差點兒當作 無恥了...
只是,爲何要在 C++11 和 Py 間轉換?
神奇哪, 用 Rust 開發的, 解決 Python 開發/維護/運行時一應問題的工具,
準備替代 Pyenv/Pipenv/... 各類*env
Events, MeetUp 真的是全球線下活動組織中心
⋅ PyConDE & PyData Berlin 2019
❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-(
第3期已開課, 爲期6周;
191103 按時結束,
到時再約 4py ;-)
NN 3795
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