研究花多少時間來學 Py 就好?
原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #414html
用 GloVe 向量自動查找單詞線索python
In the Czech boardgame Codenames, one player must come up with a single-word clue that prompts their teammates to select certain words from a 5x5 board while simultaneously avoiding a 「bomb」 word that, if selected, causes the team to lose. In this article, James Somers explores how to generate clues automatically using Global Vectors for Word Representations—with surprising results.git
In this episode, Christopher interviews Jon Fincher from the Real Python Team. Jon talks about his recent articles on PyGame and Arcade. They discuss if game programming is a good way to develop your Python programming skills, and if a game would make a good portfolio piece.api
幾乎變成真蟒 專場了...一則週刊中4+消息都是來自 RealPython,markdown
不過, 人家是真的大力在原創各類嗯哼.
See how you can use the SimPy package to model real-world processes with a high potential for congestion. You’ll create an algorithm to approximate a complex system, and then you’ll design and run a simulation of that system in Python.
「What’s left? Well, a lot! Now that the basic machinery is in place, and Python can send and retrieve bytes to and from Postgres, it’s time to attack the adaptation layer.」
叕一次從新開始嘗試構築完美 ORM 層,而後, 發現果真仍是天真了...
「In this post, I will try to answer the question: why do we feel weird about technical solutions?」 Not strictly Python-focused, but absolutely worth a read.
「Use the pandas data analysis tool to explore the free COVID-19 data set provided by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.」
這個真不錯, 就現實世界結合在一塊兒了...
「Wait, don’t answer that. It doesn’t matter.」
如今看 42 分鐘真的夠了,
當年用了半年, 實在是不得法.
Yes nad Not
Articles, Tutorials and Talks
Django vs. Flask in 2019: 應該選哪一個? [2019]
」[…] Django and Flask are by far the two most popular Python web frameworks… In the end, both frameworks are used to develop web applications. The key difference lies in how they achieve this goal. Think of Django as a car and Flask as a bike. Both can get you from point A to point B, but their approaches are quite different.」
因此, 俺還在使用 Bottle...
「Feature importance scores play an important role in a predictive modeling project, including providing insight into the data, insight into the model, and the basis for dimensionality reduction and feature selection that can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of a predictive model on the problem. In this tutorial, you will discover feature importance scores for machine learning in Python.」
「As developers, we rely on static analysis tools to check, lint and transform our code. We use these tools to help us be more productive and produce better code. However, when we write content using markdown the tools at our disposal are scarce. In this article we describe how we developed a Markdown extension to address challenges in managing content using Markdown in Django sites.」
Django 完美自我耦合時, 還沒 markdown, 因此...
用 WSL 在 Windows 上構建 Python 開發環境
Learn how to set-up a development environment on Windows that leverages the power of the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). From installing WSL, interfacing with Windows Terminal, setting up VS Code, and even running graphical Linux apps, this comprehensive tutorial covers everything you need to know to set-up a development workflow.
good good luck for u.
If you’ve ever wondered how to simplify complex conditionals by determining if at least one in a series of conditions is true, then look no further. This tutorial will teach you all about how to use any() in Python to do just that.
比較 Python 對象的正確姿式: 「is」 vs 「==」
Learn when to use the Python is, is not, == and != operators. You’ll see what these comparison operators do under the hood, dive into some quirks of object identity and interning, and define a custom class.
Learn how the permutations() and combinations() functions in Python’s itertools module can help you writer cleaner and faster for loops.
TLDR is a daily, curated newsletter with links and TLDRs of the most interesting stories in tech, science, and programming.
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code
pyliveupdate: 用於分析,調試和錯誤修復的運行時代碼的操做框架
rain: 演示Python打包,測試,構建和部署的實時示例
fuzz 忽然變得流行起來了...
以及, 這也是 ML 相關的...
pywharf: 在 GitHub 上託管 Python 包
由 golang 示範後, 你們都想這麼做,
問題是 github 也 block 了呢?
typer-cli: 用 自動完成功能 來運行Typer腳本
Events, MeetUp 真的是全球線下活動組織中心
你說 zoom 的股票能不漲嘛?
❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-(
文科生的戰鬥, 雖然沒辦法象 wuhan2020 們那樣快速組織工程師,
可是, 文科生經過大量海外報道的瀏覽/對比/翻譯/報道/...
能夠幫助人們經過真實世界的反應, 來更好的理解當前狀態.
並且, 一個徹底沒有技術基礎的文科團隊, 天然經過 github 完成全部協同,
實在..感動 -> github 太好用了.
NN 3970
好文筆,感嘆號年度配額: 1/3
就是四處 是也乎,( ̄▽ ̄)
私自嗯哼: ZoomQuiet (訂閱號: ZoomQuiet42) 公開課程: 蟒營 (訂閱號: Mainium) 歷史吐糟: Chaos42 (訂閱號 PythoniCamp) as 核心組織者: PyChina (訂閱號: PyChinaOrg) 本地社區: GDG珠海 (訂閱號: GDG-ZhuHai) TFUG珠海 (訂閱號: ZH_TFUG)
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