原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #387html
用 pdb 調試 Pythonpython
Learn the basics of using pdb, Python’s interactive source code debugger. pdb is a great tool for tracking down hard-to-find bugs, and it allows you to fix faulty code more quickly.git
這是屠龍技,輕易用不上, 真要用上了, 也說明已經身陷焦油坑, 難以逃離了...github
H如何驗證 PyPI 是否信任?express
「A co-worker of mine attended a technical talk about how Go’s module mirror works and he asked me whether there was something there that Python should do.」編程
好在, 一直有標準精良自檢方案
Also see the related discussion on Reddit.
多年媳婦, 熬成??? 叕一例...
Fun read about the challenges of naming and renaming open-source projects.
The PyCascades call for proposals is open until October 1st.
Freelance -> 自由職業的...
conda 系作到熱議...這真的是挖到了一個剛需...
怪不得 Anaconda 成立公司, 專心支持預編各類語言環境的快速提供了...
反正,俺折騰了不少, 仍是老實本分用 Pyenv:
TS3: Pyenv 最終介紹 — Blogging 蟒營™ 博客
Articles, Tutorials and Talks
Get the tools you need to start making asynchronous programming techniques a part of your repertoire. You’ll learn how to use Python async features to take advantage of IO processes and free up your CPU.
開始異步很簡單, 問題是業務兼容性和調試可控性...
「Pretty much every Python programmer out there has broken down at one point and and used the ‘pickle’ module for writing objects out to disk. […] However, using pickle is still a terrible idea that should be avoided whenever possible.」
簡單說, 用 -> JSON
Use Python’s subprocess module to execute instructions inside a Docker container that builds and tests your code in an automated CI/CD system.
Thonny: 適合初學者的 Python 編輯器(IDE)
Learn all about Thonny, a free Python Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that was especially designed with the beginner Pythonista in mind. It has a built-in debugger and allows you to do step-through expression evaluation.
就沒有 IDE 是爲了友好而發明的...
基於 Tk 開發的 IDE ?
...Raspbian系統中直接自帶的Python IDE
Matplotlib titles have configurable locations. And you can have more than one at once… This short tutorial shows you how to use this feature.
這可能就是最不 Pythonic 的部分了...
Analyzing Game of Thrones data to identify character importance, factions and gender interactions using Network Theory and Python.
You’ll learn what the functional paradigm is as well as how to use the basics of functional programming in Python.
emoji 達人...
How to enhance your images with colored filters and add border backgrounds using Python and OpenCV.
等等, 不是就內置的 Matplotlib?
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code
hypothesis-auto: 自行編寫的 Python 測試
An extension for the Hypothesis project that enables fully automatic tests for type annotated functions.
Comparison grids to help you find great Python packages for your projects.
將 Python 世界中各類模塊, 進行對比,
固然, 也能夠效果相反...
由於, 基本都是按 github 星數來排列的...
Gooey: 只需一行便可將(幾乎)任何 Python CLI 程序轉換爲完整 GUI 應用程序
自動將 CLI 工具翻譯爲 GUI 界面?
只是: 基於 wxPython, 那麼發行也不件簡單的事兒...
放心, 不支持中文
poodle: 用於 AI 規劃和自動編程的 Python 框架
~ 叕一個全新概念語言, 的 Python 包裝器...
叕一個 Python 運行時環境管理工具:
使用全新 nix 發行, 進入/出 要明確指令;
其它和 pyenv 們並沒有突出不一樣.
Events, MeetUp 真的是全球線下活動組織中心
大媽去 南寧 嗯哼
PyWeek 28 challenge: 「Tower」
❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-(
第3期已開課, 爲期6周;
191103 按時結束, 到時再約 4py ;-)
沒想到觸發出一個 DoIs
~ 真正實用的 AI 落地方向:
NN 3781
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