[SnappyData] 'no matches found: -locators=localhost[10334]' on zsh

I managed to reproduce this issue.bash

  1. Run chsh -s /bin/zsh
  2. Restart the Terminal
  3. Run ./sbin/snappy-start-all

The resulting error is:app

localhost: Starting SnappyData Locator using peer discovery on: localhost[10334]
localhost: Starting DRDA server for SnappyData at address localhost/[1527]
localhost: Logs generated in /Users/radu/Development/programs/snappydata-0.1.0-PREVIEW/sbin/../work/localhost-locator-1/gfxdlocator.log
localhost: SnappyData Locator pid: 10109 status: running
localhost: zsh:1: no matches found: -locators=RaduAdlgicasMBP[10334]
localhost: zsh:1: no matches found: -locators=RaduAdlgicasMBP[10334]

To go around this issue, run chsh -s /bin/bash and restart the Terminal.this
