#! /usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 __author__ = 'ryhan' # 如下代碼解決輸出亂碼問題 import sys import os import struct # print sys.getdefaultencoding() reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') # print sys.getdefaultencoding() class WaveOps(object): def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod def add_ulaw_header(s_flie, t_file): """ 文件加頭 :param wavfile: :return: """ # 文件檢測 if not s_flie or not os.path.exists(s_flie): return False, 's_flie not exists !' # 文件頭 if os.path.exists(t_file): with open(t_file, 'rb') as fin: riff_flag = fin.read(4) if riff_flag == 'RIFF': return False, 't_file already has header with RIFF !' # riff_flag, = struct.unpack('4s', fin.read(4)) with open(s_flie, 'rb') as fin: with open(t_file, 'wb') as fout: # fin.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET) start_pos = fin.tell() fin.seek(0, os.SEEK_END) end_pos = fin.tell() ulaw_header = WaveOps.create_ulaw_header(end_pos - start_pos) fout.write(ulaw_header) fin.seek(os.SEEK_SET) fout.write(fin.read()) if not os.path.exists(t_file): return False, 't_file not create success !' with open(t_file, 'rb') as ftag: riff_flag = ftag.read(4) print riff_flag if riff_flag == 'RIFF': return True, 'add header success !' else: return False, 'add header failure ! but t_file has created ~ ! ' @staticmethod def create_ulaw_header(audio_size, sampleRate=8000, bits=8, channel=1): """ 00H 4 char "RIFF" char riff_id[4]="RIFF" 04H 4 long int 文件總長-8 long int size0=文總長-8 08H 8 char "WAVEfmt " char wave_fmt[8] 10H 4 long int 12000000H(ULAW) long int size1=0x12 14H 2 int 07 00H int fmttag=0x07 16H 2 int 聲道數 int channel=1 或2 18H 4 long int 採樣率 long int samplespersec 1CH 4 long int 每秒播放字節數 long int bytepersec 20H 2 int 採樣一次佔字節數 int blockalign=0x01 22H 4 long int 量化數 long int bitpersamples=8 26H 4 char "fact" char wave_fact="fact" 2AH 8 char 0400000000530700H定 char temp 32H 4 char "data" char wave_data="data" 36H 4 long int 採樣數據字節數 lont int size2=文長-58 """ header = '' # 00H 4 char "RIFF" char riff_id[4]="RIFF" header += struct.pack('4c', 'R', 'I', 'F', 'F') # 04H 4 long int 文件總長-8 long int size0=文總長-8 header += struct.pack('i', audio_size + 58 - 8) # 08H 8 char "WAVEfmt " char wave_fmt[8] header += struct.pack('8c', 'W', 'A', 'V', 'E', 'f', 'm', 't', ' ') # 10H 4 long int 12000000H(ULAW) long int size1=0x12 header += '\x12\x00\x00\x00' # 14H 2 int 07 00H int fmttag=0x07 header += '\x07\x00' # 16H 2 int 聲道數 int channel=1 或2 header += struct.pack('H', channel) # 18H 4 long int 採樣率 long int samplespersec header += struct.pack('i', sampleRate) # 1CH 4 long int 每秒播放字節數 long int bytepersec header += struct.pack('i', sampleRate * bits / 8) # 20H 2 int 採樣一次佔字節數 int blockalign=0x01 header += struct.pack('H', channel * bits / 8) # 22H 4 long int 量化數 long int bitpersamples=8 header += struct.pack('i', bits) # 26H 4 char "fact" char wave_fact="fact" # rHeadInfo += struct.pack('4c', 'f', 'a', 'c', 't') # 2AH 8 char 0400000000530700H定 char temp # rHeadInfo += struct.pack('8c', 'c', 'h', 'a', 'r', 't', 'e', 'm', 'p') # 32H 4 char "data" char wave_data="data" header += struct.pack('4c', 'd', 'a', 't', 'a') # 36H 4 long int 採樣數據字節數 lont int size2=文長-58 header += struct.pack('i', audio_size) return header if __name__ == '__main__': print WaveOps.add_ulaw_header('wav/2-raw.wav', 'wav/2-new.wav')