常見的一些科研分析軟件都找到了,排名第一的赫然是Abaqus...這名字取得好,中國六七十年代的小孩名字多以丁、乙之類短筆畫爲主。 COMSOL、NI Labview差很少全了,奇怪的是竟然沒找到ANSYS和MSC...
Provider: Software Licensing
Click on a product name to view a detailed page.
ABAQUS by Simulia Corporation (formerly Abaqus Inc)
Software for advanced finite element analysis
Aerospace Space Blockset by The MathWorks
Model and simulate aircraft, spacecraft, and propulsion systems
Aerospace Toolbox by The MathWorks
Model and simulate aircraft, spacecraft, and propulsion systems
Allegro by Franz Inc.
Franz Allegro Common Lisp with CLIM
AMOS by IBM (was SPSS Inc.)
Structural Equation Modeling to Test Relationships
AutoCAD by Autodesk, Inc.
Design software. Titles include: AutoCAD 2010, AutoCAD Architecture 2010, AutoCAD Raster Design 2010, AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010, Autodesk Vault for Civil Product Server, AutoCAD Electrical 2010, Autodesk Navisworks Manage 2010, AutoCAD Map 3D 2010, and oth
AutoCAD Architecture by Autodesk, Inc.
AutoCAD Architecture 2010
AutoCAD Civil 3D by Autodesk, Inc.
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010
AutoCAD Electrical by Autodesk, Inc.
AutoCAD Electrical
AutoCAD Map 3D by Autodesk, Inc.
AutoCAD Map 3D
AutoCAD MEP by Autodesk, Inc.
AutoCAD Raster Design by Autodesk, Inc.
AutoCAD Raster Design
AutoCAD Revit MEP Suite by Autodesk, Inc.
AutoCAD Revit MEP Suite
AutoCAD Revit Structure Suite by Autodesk, Inc.
AutoCAD Revit Structure Suite
Autodesk 3d Max Design by Autodesk, Inc.
Autodesk 3d Max Design
Autodesk 3ds Max Sample Files for Autodesk 3d Max 2010 and Autodesk by Autodesk, Inc.
Autodesk 3ds Max Sample Files for Autodesk 3d Max 2010 and Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2010
Autodesk Inventor Professional Suite by Autodesk, Inc.
Autodesk Inventor Professional Suite: Includes AutoDesk, Inventor Professional 2010 and AutoCAD Mechanical 2010)
Autodesk Navisworks Manage by Autodesk, Inc.
Autodesk Navisworks Manage
Autodesk Revit Architecture by Autodesk, Inc.
Autodesk Revit Architecture
Autodesk Revit MEP by Autodesk, Inc.
Autodesk Revit MEP
Autodesk Revit Structure by Autodesk, Inc.
Autodesk Revit Structure
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis by Autodesk, Inc.
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis
Autodesk Showcase by Autodesk, Inc.
Autodesk Showcase
Autodesk SketchbookPro by Autodesk, Inc.
Autodesk SketchbookPro
Autodesk Vault for Civil Product Server by Autodesk, Inc.
Autodesk Vault for Civil Product Server
Bioinformatics Toolbox by The MathWorks
Read, analyze, and visualize genomic, proteomic, and microarray data
Communications Blockset by The MathWorks
Design and simulate the physical layer of communication systems and components
Communications Toolbox by The MathWorks
Design and analyze algorithms for the physical layer of communication systems
modeling the performance of capacitors, inductors, motors, and microsensors
COMSOL Acoustics Module by COMSOL, Inc.
acoustics modeling
COMSOL CAD Import Module by COMSOL, Inc.
Specialized CAD tools to mathematical modeling in COMSOL Multiphysics.
COMSOL Chemical Engineering Module by COMSOL, Inc.
Analyzes transport phenomena coupled to reaction kinetics
COMSOL Earth Science Module by COMSOL, Inc.
Models single and coupled processes for geologic and environmental phenomena
COMSOL Heat Transfer Module by COMSOL, Inc.
Advanced analyses for heat transfer by conduction, convection, and radiation
COMSOL Material Library by COMSOL, Inc.
a material property database with more that 2500 materials and 20000 properties. The database contains temperature dependence of electrical, thermal, and structural properties of solid materials.
Advanced analyses for heat transfer by conduction, convection, and radiation.
COMSOL Multiphysics by COMSOL, Inc.
Multiphysics simulations and mathematical modeling
COMSOL Optimization Lab by COMSOL, Inc.
provides a state-of-the art suite of COMSOL Script functions for setting up and solving optimization problems.
COMSOL Reaction Engineering Lab by COMSOL, Inc.
uses reaction formulas to create models of reacting systems.
COMSOL RF Module by COMSOL, Inc.
Modeling in RF, microwave and optical engineering requires resolving the scale of the transmitting device while capturing effects many orders of magnitude greater.
COMSOL Script by COMSOL, Inc.
Command-line modeling, technical computing and GUI-design
COMSOL Structural Mechanics Module by COMSOL, Inc.
Performs classical stress-strain analyses and models full multiphysics interactions
Control System by The MathWorks
Design and analyze controllers for closed-loop dynamic systems
Curve Fitting Toolbox by The MathWorks
Perform model fitting and analysis
Data Acquisition Toolbox by The MathWorks
Test & Measurement
Database Toolbox by The MathWorks
Exchange data between MATLAB and any ODBC/JBDC-compliant database.
DBArtisan by Embarcadero Technologies
Database Administration Tool for Sybase & Oracle
Distributing Computing Toolbox by The MathWorks
Toolboc to be used to solve computationally and data-intensive problems using MATLAB and Simulink in a multiprocessor computing environment.
Econometrics Toolbox by The MathWorks
Econometrics Toolbox provides functions for modeling economic data.
Enterprise Guide by SAS Institute Inc.
Microsoft Windows client application
ENVI by ITT Visual Information Systems (formerly Research Systems Inc. (RSI))
Remote Sensing
Environmental Stats for S-PLUS by Insightful Corp.
An add-on module to S-PLUS, provides a set of pull-down menus and functions for performing graphical and statistical analyses of environmental data.
Excel Link by The MathWorks
Integrate MATLAB math and graphics into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
Extended Symbolic Math Toolbox by The MathWorks
Perform computations using symbolic mathematics and variable-precision arithmetic
Filter Design Toolbox by The MathWorks
Design and analyze fixed-point, adaptive, and multirate filters
Financial Derivatives Toolbox by The MathWorks
Model and analyze equity and fixed-income derivatives
Financial Toolbox by The MathWorks
Analyze financial data and develop financial algorithms
Fixed-Point Toolbox by The MathWorks
Design and verify fixed-point algorithms and analyze fixed-point data
Fuzzy Logic Toolbox by The MathWorks
Design and simulate fuzzy logic systems
GARCH Toolbox by The MathWorks
Analyze financial volatility using univariate GARCH models
Gauges Blockset by The MathWorks
Monitor signals with graphical instruments
Gaussian by Gaussian, Inc.
Software program used to study electronic and molecular structure
GaussView by Gaussian, Inc.
A graphical user interface for Gaussian
Genetic Algorithm and Direct Search by The MathWorks
Solve optimization problems using genetic and direct search algorithms
Genstat by Numerical Algorithms Group
General Statistical System
HP-DEC by Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
HP-DEC Operating System (Tru64, Open VMS), Compilers and Tools.
HP-Dec CSLG-PAKs by Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
Product Authorization Keys (PAKs) for Open VMS and Tru64 Unix.
HP-Dec Open VMS by Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
Operating System for DEC Alpha workstations and servers.
HP-Dec Open VMS Alpha Software Products Library by Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
Series of CD-ROM collections providing Software Patches, general and platform-specific installation and user information.
HP-Dec Tru64 by Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
Operating System for HP (DEC/Compaq) workstations and servers
HP-Dec Tru64 UNIX Software Products Library by Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
Series of CD-ROM collections providing Software Patches, general and platform-specific installation and user information.
IDL by ITT Visual Information Systems (formerly Research Systems Inc. (RSI))
Programming software used for data analysis, visualization and cross-platform application development.
Image Acquisition Toolbox by The MathWorks
Acquire video and images from PC-compatible frame-grabber cards and video devices
Image Processing by The MathWorks
Image processing, analysis, and algorithm development
IMSL by Visual Numerics, Inc.
Mathematical and Graphical Subroutine Libraries available on Leland Systems.
IMSL C Numerical Library by Visual Numerics, Inc.
Advanced mathematical and statistical functionality for programmers to embed in applications that are written C/C++.
IMSL Fortran Numerical Library by Visual Numerics, Inc.
Mathematical and statistical code library for Fortran programmers developing high performance computing applications
Instrument Control Toolbox by The MathWorks
Test & Measurement
IRIS Explorer by Numerical Algorithms Group
3-D Data Visualization
JMSL Numerical Library for Java by Visual Numerics, Inc.
Collection of mathematical, statistical, financial, data mining and charting classes available in 100% Java.
LabVIEW by National Instruments
Graphical development environment for creating flexible and scalable test, measurement, and control applications rapidly.
LabVIEW Control Design and Simulink Module Version 8.6 by National Instruments
Analyze open-loop model behavior, design closed-loop controllers, simulate online and offline systems, and conduct physical implementations.
LabVIEW Datalogging Supervisory Control Module ver 8.6 by National Instruments
Incorporates additional functionality for the rapid development of distributed measurement and control and high-channel-count monitoring applications
LabVIEW Digital Filter Design Toolkit Version 8.6 by National Instruments
Floating- and fixed-point design with LabVIEW or ANSI C autocode generation Digital filter design, analysis, and implementation within LabVIEW.
LabVIEW DSP Module version 8.6 by National Instruments
An extensive library of signal processing algorithms
LabVIEW Embedded module for ADI Blackfin Processor Version 8.6 by National Instruments
NI LabVIEW Embedded Module for ADI Blackfin Processors provides a comprehensive graphical development approach for complex embedded systems. This new module, jointly developed by ADI and National Instruments, integrates NI LabVIEW and ADI VisualDSP++ to p
LabVIEW Execution Trace Toolkit Version 2.0.1 by National Instruments
NI LabVIEW Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit helps you trace the execution of LabVIEW VIs on a Windows target during run time to detect and locate problems in code that could affect performance or cause unexpected behavior. It provides a chronological view
LabVIEW FPGA Module Version 8.6 by National Instruments
Graphical development for field-programmable gate array (FPGA) chips on NI reconfigurable I/O (RIO) hardware
LabVIEW Math Interface Toolkit Version 1.0.2 by National Instruments
National Instruments LabVIEW Math Interface Toolkit provides LabVIEW developers a seamless link for distributing their LabVIEW applications for use in the MATLAB analysis environment.
LabVIEW Mobile Module Version 8.6 by National Instruments
Use the LabVIEW Mobile Module to develop applications for the latest handheld devices and smartphones.
LabVIEW Modulation Toolkit Version 4.1 by National Instruments
National Instruments Modulation Toolkit extends the built-in analysis capability of LabVIEW with functions and tools for signal generation, analysis, visualization, and processing of standard and custom digital and analog modulation formats. With this too
LabVIEW Real-Time Module [RTX or ETS] 8.6 by National Instruments
Real-time data acquisition and control applications with graphical development
LabVIEW Simulation Interface Toolkit Version 5.0 by National Instruments
Integrates dynamic system simulation into the LabVIEW environment.
LabVIEW Statechart Module Version 8.6 by National Instruments
LabVIEW Statechart Module provides a high level of abstraction for designing applications using states, transitions, and events.
LabVIEW System Identification Toolkit Version 4.0 by National Instruments
National Instruments LabVIEW System Identification Toolkit combines data acquisition tools with system identification algorithms for accurate plant modeling. It provides two tools, an assistant and a library of VIs, for identifying discrete single-input
LabWindows/CVI Full Development System version 9 by National Instruments
ANSI C integrated development environment
Mac OS X by Apple
Operating system for Apple computers.
Maple by Maplesoft
Software for mathematical symbolic manipulation.
Mapping Toolbox by The MathWorks
Image processing, analysis, and algorithm development
Mathematica by Wolfram Research, Inc.
Symbolic Math Computation Environment
MATLAB Builder for Excel by The MathWorks
Convert MATLAB algorithms into independent Excel add-ins
MATLAB Compiler by The MathWorks
Convert MATLAB programs into stand-alone applications and software components
MATLAB Suite by The MathWorks
MATLAB is a high-level language and interactive environment that enables you to perform computationally intensive tasks. Stanford Extended set (MATLAB+49 products) available to Stanford fac, staff, and grad students through the Software Licensing office.
Measurement Studio Enterprise Edition ver 8.6 by National Instruments
The complete integrated measurement solution of tools created specifically for Visual Basic, Visual Studio .NET, and Visual C++ programmers
Model Predictive Control Toolbox by The MathWorks
Develop model predictivecontroller in MATLAB and Simulink
Movable Type by Six Apart
Weblog software - note - we only have an earlier version available.
NAg C Library by Numerical Algorithms Group
C Library
NAg Fortran 77 Library by Numerical Algorithms Group
NAg Fortran 77 Library
NAg Fortran 90 Library by Numerical Algorithms Group
NAg Fortran 90 Library
NAg Fortran 95 Compiler by Numerical Algorithms Group
NaG Fortran 95 Compiler
NAg Fortran SMP Library by Numerical Algorithms Group
NAg Fortran SMP Library
NAg Suite by Numerical Algorithms Group
Mathematical algorithms library
NetApp Software by NetApp
Software for NetApp appliances available to Stanford departments. Titles covered are NFS,CIFS,SnapMirror,SnapVault-Primary,MultiStore,SnapRestore,Operations Manager,CFO,iSCSI,Deduplication. Available via a cost-sharing arrangement with IT Services.
Neural Network Toolbox by The MathWorks
Design and simulate neural networks
NI Circuit Design Suite Evaluation Version 10.1 by National Instruments
NI Circuit Design Suite for Education provides an interactive learning environment where students can explore circuit behavior through simulation and analysis. This complete toolchain is designed with educational features to aid student learning and help
NI MATRIXx 8.1.1 by National Instruments
Graphical Simulation and Control Design Software
NI SignalExpress version 3.0 by National Instruments
Interactive software for quickly acquiring, comparing, automating, and storing measurements.
NI SoftMotion Development Module Version 2.2 by National Instruments
NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW is for machine builders and OEMs creating custom motion controllers for better machine performance and for researchers implementing advanced control design algorithms for motion control. The module includes fun
NI Vision Acquisition Software Version 8.6 by National Instruments
National Instruments Vision Acquisition software works with thousands of cameras, including IEEE 1394 and GigE Vision, and includes all of the tools you need to acquire, save, and display images. With a set of easy-to-use functions and example programs, y
NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection Version 3.6 by National Instruments
National Instruments Vision Builder for Automated Inspection (AI) is a configurable machine vision development environment that requires no programming. With Vision Builder AI, you can solve most machine vision application challenges without the use of a
NI Vision Development Module version 8.6 by National Instruments
A library of image processing and machine vision functions for LabVIEW, C/C++, and Visual Basic
NI-DAQmx Base Version 3.2 by National Instruments
NI-DAQmx Base offers a subset of NI-DAQmx functionality on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Windows Mobile, and Windows CE OSs.
NVivo by QSR International
Qualitative Analysis software
Optimization by The MathWorks
Solve standard and large-scale optimization problems
Oracle Advanced Security by Oracle Corporation
Industry standard network encryption, strong authentication (PKI, Kerberos, RADIUS).
Oracle Application Server by Oracle Corporation
Middleware for building web applications and database portals
Oracle Configuration Management Pack by Oracle Corporation
Track hardware and software configuration for hosts and databases plus cloning for database instances and Oracle home to facilitate deployments.
Oracle Designer by Oracle Corporation
A complete toolset to model, generate, and design enterprise applications.
Oracle Developer Suite by Oracle Corporation
Developer and design tools including Reports, Forms, Designer, Warehouse Builder, Discoverer, and JDeveloper.
Oracle Diagnostics Pack by Oracle Corporation
Ensure high availability of mission-critical business systems by reducing the number of complex performance tasks.
Oracle E-Business Suite by Oracle Corporation
Includes Purchasing, Project Costing and Billing, Financials, Sales and Analyzers, iProcurement, Grants, Internet Expenses, and Human Resources.
Oracle Enterprise Manager by Oracle Corporation
Extensible, browser-based management and monitoring environment for application server nodes and J2EE components.
Oracle Forms by Oracle Corporation
A PL/SQL-based development environment for building database-centric internet applications.
Oracle JDeveloper by Oracle Corporation
A standards-based framework for designing end-to-end J2EE applications.
Oracle Partitioning Option by Oracle Corporation
Enhanced data management environment for OLTP, datamart, and data warehouse applications; improves manageability, availability, and performance for large underlying database tables and indexes.
Oracle Portal by Oracle Corporation
A complete and integrated framework for developing, deploying, and managing enterprise portals.
Oracle Real Application Clusters by Oracle Corporation
Runs database applications across multiple clustered servers.
Oracle Reports by Oracle Corporation
An enterprise tool that produces high quality reports.
Oracle Server, Enterprise Edition by Oracle Corporation
Complete data management tool
Oracle Tuning Pack by Oracle Corporation
Dynamic tuning recommendations for more-efficient resource utilization, higher transaction throughput, faster query performance; avoid costly hardware, memory, and disk upgrades.
Oracle Warehouse Builder by Oracle Corporation
An enterprise business intelligence integration design tool that manages the full life-cycle of data and metadata for the Oracle 10g Database.
Parallel Computing Toolbox by The MathWorks
Parallel Computing Toolbox enables you to harness a multicore computer, cluster, grid, or cloud to solve computationally and data-intensive problems.
Partial Differential Equation Toolbox by The MathWorks
Solve and analyze partial differential equations
PASW (SPSS) by IBM (was SPSS Inc.)
Statistical Data Analysis
PASW (SPSS) Advanced Models by IBM (was SPSS Inc.)
A powerful set of sophisticated univariate and multivariate analysis techniques
PASW (SPSS) Regression Models by IBM (was SPSS Inc.)
Nonlinear regression models
PASW (SPSS) Text Analysis for Surveys by IBM (was SPSS Inc.)
Statistical Survey Data Analysis
Pro/Engineer by Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC)
Product design and development software.
Rational PurifyPlus by IBM Rational
Rational PurifyPlus Enterprise Edition are debugging, profiling, and coverage tools.
Real-Time Windows Target by The MathWorks
Run Simulink models on a PC in real time
Real-Time Workshop by The MathWorks
Generates and executes stand-alone C code for developing and testing algorithms modeled in Simulink
RF Blockset by The MathWorks
Design and simulate the behavior of radio frequency (RF) systems and components in a wireless system
RF Toolbox by The MathWorks
Design and analyze networks of radio frequency (RF) components
Robust Control Toolbox by The MathWorks
Design robust controllers for plants with uncertain parameters and unmodeled dynamics
S-PLUS by Insightful Corp.
Programming Language for Statistical Graphical Analysis of Data
S-PLUS FinMetrics by Insightful Corp.
Software for modeling, analyzing, and visualizing financial market data
S-PLUS SpatialStats by Insightful Corp.
Software package for the exploration and modeling of spatially correlated data.
S-PLUS Suite by Insightful Corp.
Programming Language for Statistical Graphical Analysis of Data
S-PLUS Wavelets by Insightful Corp.
A set of analysis tools, created specifically for scientific and technical data.
SAS by SAS Institute Inc.
Business intelligence and predictive analytics software.
SAS JMP by SAS Institute Inc.
JMP was developed to perform simple and complex statistical analyses. It dynamically links statistics with graphics to interactively explore, understand, and visualize data. This allows you to click on any point in a graph, and see the corresponding data
Signal Processing by The MathWorks
Perform signal processing, analysis, and algorithm development
Signal Processing Blockset by The MathWorks
Design and simulate signal processing systems and devices
SimBiology by The MathWorks
Tools for modeling, designing, simulating, and analyzing biochemical pathways
SimMechanics by The MathWorks
Tools for modeling and simulating mechanical systems
Simscape by The MathWorks
Simscape? extends Simulink? with tools for modeling systems spanning mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, and other physical domains as physical networks.
Simulink by The MathWorks
A platform for multidomain simulation and Model-Based Design for dynamic systems
Simulink Accelerator by The MathWorks
Accelerate and optimize model performance
Simulink Control Design by The MathWorks
Perform linear analysis of nonlinear models.
Simulink Fixed-Point by The MathWorks
Design and simulate fixed-point systems
Simulink Response Optimization by The MathWorks
Optimize parameters in Simulink models
Sophos PureMessage by Sophos
Spam and Virus Filter for Email - available for departmental purchase via Software Licensing.
Sophos Server by Sophos
Stanford switched from Symantec to Sophos Antivirus products in Fall 2008. Software Licensing administers the license for the server (managed) console.
Spline Toolbox by The MathWorks
Create and manipulate spline approximation models of data
Spreadsheet Link EX by The MathWorks
Spreadsheet Link? EX connects Excel? spreadsheet software with the MATLAB? workspace, enabling you to access the MATLAB environment from an Excel spreadsheet.
Stat/Transfer by Stata Corporation
Data Conversion
Stata by Stata Corporation
Statistical Data Analysis
Stata/SE by Stata Corporation
Statistical Analysis Package
Stateflow by The MathWorks
Interactive design and simulation tool for event-driven systems
Stateflow Coder by The MathWorks
Generates portable integer, floating-point, or fixed-point C code for Stateflow charts
Statistics by The MathWorks
Apply statistical algorithms and probability models
Symbolic Math by The MathWorks
Perform computations using symbolic mathematics and variable-precision arithmetic
System Identification Toolbox by The MathWorks
Create linear dynamic models from measured input-output data
Toolkit Software for LabVIEW Mac by National Instruments
Additional LabVIEW software
Toolkit Software for LabVIEW Windows by National Instruments
Toolkit Software for LabVIEW, Lab Windows s/CVI and Measurement Studio
Tripwire by Tripwire Inc.
Data Integrity Management System.
Video & Image Processing Blockset by The MathWorks
Design, simulation, implementation, and verification of video and image processing algorithms and systems
Wavelet Toolbox by The MathWorks
Analyze and synthesize signals and images using wavelet techniques
xPC Target by The MathWorks
Perform real-time rapid prototyping and hardware-in-the-loop simulation using PC hardware
XPC Target Embedded Option by The MathWorks
Deploy real-time applications on PC hardwarephp