Purpose |
Frequently Used Phase |
Example |
表示次序 |
at first開始 |
At first I thought he was right;on second thoughts,I wasllot sure. |
開頭我認爲他是對的,再一想我又沒有把握了。 |
first of all 首先;第一 |
To do a good job, first of all you must keep your mind on your work. |
要作好工做,你首先必須專心於你本身的工做。 |
to begin with 首先 |
To begin with,we ought to know what we are studying for. |
首先,咱們應該知道爲何而學習。 |
above all 首先;尤爲是 |
You must,above all,set your heart on study. |
首先,你必須專心致志於學習。 |
first,then,finally 首先,而後,最後 |
First,we go over the story,then we make an outline of it,and finally we retell it. |
首先,咱們看一遍故事,而後寫一個提綱,最後進行復述。 |
First,second,third 第一,第二,第三 |
Why should we learn swimming? First,because it is a very good form of exercise.Second,it gives pleasure. Third, it may sometimes mean the difference between life and death. |
爲何咱們要學游泳?第一,由於它是一項很好的運動形式;第二,它給咱們帶來樂趣;第三,會不會游泳有時可能成爲生死攸關的問題。 |
On the one hand,on the other hand 一方面,另外一方面 |
On the one hand he had to study,on the other hand he had a big family to support. |
一方面他要學習,另外一方面他還要維持一個你們庭。 |
in the first place,in the second place 第一,第二 |
In the first place,we should not delay our work…In the second place,we should divide our work to be done at regular times during the day. |
第一,咱們不能拖延咱們的工做……。第二,咱們應該把工做分別安排在一天的固定時間裏去完成 |
引出題目 |
on the subject 關於 |
On the subject of music,people nowadays love popular music rather than classical music. |
談到音樂,人們如今喜歡流行音樂,而不是古典音樂。 |
it is thought that 有人認爲 |
It is thought that some of the popular novels have bad effects on young people's mind. |
有人認爲一些通俗小說對年輕人的思想有壞的影響。 |
regarding 關於 |
Regarding this matter, what's your opinion? |
關於此事,你的意見如何? |
concerning 關於 |
Concerning their service, it needs improving. |
關於他們的服務工做,還須要改進。 |
I'd like to point out 我想指出 |
I'd like to point out that we are living in the 20th century. |
我想指出,咱們是生活在20世紀。 |
表示判斷 |
from my point of view 根據個人觀點 |
From my point of view,it is her mother's fault. |
根據個人觀點,這是她母親的錯。 |
in my opionion 根據個人見解 |
In my opinion, the whole affair was a waste of time. |
根據個人見解,整個事情都在浪費時間 |
in my view 在我看來 |
In my view, she is a bit too slow to respond. |
在我看來,她的反應有點遲鈍。 |
as I see it 依我之見 |
The difference, as I see it, is one of method. |
依我之見,這是一個方法問題。 |
it seems to me that 在我看來 |
It seems to me that this reseach plan will be very promising. |
在我看來,這項研究計劃是頗有但願的。 |
I am certain that 我確定 |
I am certain that he will come out first in the contest. |
我確定他會在比賽中得第一。 |
It is my belief that 我相信 |
It is my belief that there are living creatures on some other planets. |
我相信別的星球上也有生物存在 |
表示強調 |
actually 實際上 |
Actually,I find this subject rather interesting. |
實際上,我以爲這門學科至關有趣。 |
practically 實際上 |
The two are Practically the same. |
二者其實是同一種東西。 |
as a matter of fact 其實; 實際上 |
As a matter of fact they kept in contact with each other for quite a long time. |
其實,他們保持互相聯繫已經有至關長的時間了。 |
in reality 其實;實際上 |
We once took him for an expericed workcr.In reality, he was a student. |
咱們一度把他看成有經驗的工人,其實他是個學生。 |
in fact 實際上 |
It was,in fact,the most beautiful city I have ever seen. |
實際上,它是我曾經見到過的最美麗的城市。 |
obviously 明顯地 |
Obviously,there is much room for improvement in our work. |
很明顯,咱們的工做還有不少要改進的地方。 |
equally 一樣地 |
He was equally successful in gaining the prize. |
他也一樣得到了獎品。 |
without doubt 毫無疑問 |
Without doubt these theories were all wrong. |
毫無疑問,這些理論都是錯的。 |
anyway 無論怎樣;反正 |
That was not our fault, anyway. |
那反正不是咱們的借。 |
naturally 固然;天然地 |
One will naturally ask why. |
人們固然要問爲何。 |
simply 簡直;徹底 |
His arguments are simply water-tight. |
他的論證簡直無懈可擊 |
almost 幾乎;簡直 |
The news is almost too good to be true. |
這消息簡直好得難以置信。 |
especially 特別地 |
Beijing is beautiful, especially in late autumn. |
北京很美麗,特別是在晚秋。 |
Only 反而 |
The failure only strengthened our determination. |
失敗反而加強了咱們的決心。 |
far from 非但不;遠遠不 |
Far from discouraged,we took added strength from our defeat. |
咱們不單漢因失敗而氣餒,反而從中汲取了力量。 |
表示補充、排除 |
moreover 並且 |
He refused to help me,more over he laughed at me in public. |
他拒絕幫助我,並且還當衆嘲笑我。 |
furthermore 並且 |
Furthermore, he never cared for other people's interests. |
並且他從不關心別人的利益 |
what is more 並且 |
What's more, I found,to my great surprise,a girl of six from Nanjing could speak good English. |
並且,使我吃驚的是,我還發現一位南京來的六歲女孩能說一口很好的英語。 |
and…as well 並且 |
This old worker has experience and knowledge as well. |
這位老工人既有經驗,又有知識。 |
apart from 除了 |
Apart from oxygen, there are some other gases in the air. |
除了氧氣之外,空氣中還有其它氣體。 |
in addition to 除了;加上 |
In addition to "when", we can use "as soon as" to introduce this kind of sentences. |
除了"when",咱們還能用「as soon as」來引導這類句子。 |
表示舉例、說明 |
for instance 例如 |
Television,for instance, is a great invention in the 20th century. |
例如,電視就是20世紀的一個偉大發明。 |
for example 例如 |
「At this」 sometimes may mean "hearing this".example:Mother burst into tears at this."At this" |
有時可能表示「聽到這消息」的意思。例如:聽到這消息,母親大哭起來。 |
such as 例如 |
There are many lovely parks in Beijing, such as the Summer Palace,Beihai and Zhongshan Park. |
北京有不少可愛的公園,例如頤和園、北海和中山公園。 |
take the case of 以……爲例 |
Take the case of cars,they use a lot of gas. |
以汽車爲例,它們要消耗不少汽油。 |
in other words換句話說 |
In other words,the output has been increased fifty million tons. |
換句話說,就是產量已增長了五千萬噸。 |
that is to say 那就是說 |
That is to say we won't have enough time for a holiday. |
那就是說,咱們沒有足夠的時間去度假。 |
that is 即 |
He left last month-that is,in August this year. |
他是上個月,也就是今年八月離開的。 |
namely 即;這就是說 |
Arabic is written in the opposite direction to English, namely from right to left. |
阿拉伯文的書寫方向同英語相反,即它是從右到左的。 |
to be more exact 說得更精確一點 |
He came home very late last night,to be more exact,very early this morning. |
他是昨天深夜,更確切地說是今天凌晨纔回家的。 |
·表示目的、結果 |
as a result 結果 |
The production,as a result,has begun to rise rapidly. |
生產終於開始迅速增加了。 |
at last 最後 |
At last he obeyed the order silently. |
最後,他一聲不吭地服從了命令。 |
for the purpose of 爲了……目的 |
For the purpose of learning,he visited many hospitals. |
爲了學習借鑑,他參觀了許多醫院。 |
therefore 所以 |
The examination is still far away,therefore we plan to go for an outing. |
離考試時間還很遠,所以咱們計劃去郊遊。 |
thus 所以;從而 |
He studied diligently, thus he got high marks. |
他學習勤奮,於是得了高分。 |
in this way 這樣 |
In this way you can get rid of bad habits. |
這樣你就能改掉壞習慣了。 |
·表示轉折、讓步 |
yet 然而 |
Although this sounds strange,yet it is true. |
這件事聽起來雖然奇怪,然而倒是真的。 |
however 但是;不過 |
However,we will look into the matter later. |
不過咱們之後還要調查這件事。 |
nevertheless 然而 |
Some of them hadn't for 36 hours,They went on working nevertheless. |
有些人已經38個小時未睡,然而他們仍繼續工做。 |
after all 到底;畢竟 |
What harm does it do after all? |
這到底有什麼危害呢? |
whereas 而 |
He thought I was lying,whereas I was telling the truth. |
他認爲我在撤謊,而我說的確實是真話。 |
even if 即便 |
Even if we achieve great success in our work, there is no reason to feel conceited. |
即便咱們的工做取得了巨大成績,也沒有理由感到驕傲。 |
on the contrary 相反 |
You think it simple,but on the contrary,it is complicated. |
你認爲這容易,可是相反,這很複雜。 |
no matter 無論 |
No matter how difficult it may be, we are determined to carry the research to the end. |
無論有多少困難,咱們決心把這項研究進行到底。 |
in spite of 無論;儘管 |
In spite of the cold weather, we went on digging the earth. |
儘管天冷,咱們仍是繼續挖土。 |
all the same 仍然;儘管如此 |
He is not doing a very good job. All the same,you have to admit that he is doing his best. |
他工做作得不很好。儘管如此,你還得認可他盡了最大的努力。 |
·表示條件、緣由 |
Once 一旦 |
Once you begin,you must continue. |
一旦開始,你就必須繼續下去 |
as long as 只要 |
I will fight for the cause of Communism as long as I live. |
只要我活着一天,就要爲共產主義奮鬥一天 |
supposing 假如 |
Supposing that yon were rich, what then? |
假如你很富裕的話,那麼會怎樣呢? |
in case 萬一;假使 |
In case I forget,please remind me about it. |
萬一我忘了,請提醒我 |
on condition that 若是;假若 |
We shall go to Guangzhou for our holiday,on condition that it isn't too expensive. |
假若費用不太貴,咱們將去廣州度假。 |
on account of 由於 |
On account of the bad weather,the harvest was poor. |
因爲天氣很差,農做物歉收。 |
thanks to 因爲 |
Thanks to her ability,she has achieved great success. |
因爲她的才能,她得到了極大的成功 |
as far as 根據 |
As far as I know, it is less valuable than diamond. |
據我所知,它不如金剛石貴重。 |
owing to 因爲 |
Owing to his lack of experience,he didn't do the work well. |
他因爲缺少經驗,沒有將工做作好 |
but for 要不是有 |
But for his help,we would have failed. |
要不是有他幫忙,咱們是不會成功的。 |
according to 根據;按照 |
According to the weather report, it is going to snow tomorrow. |
根據天氣預報,明天要下雪。 |
considering 考慮到 |
Considering that the time is short,you ought tO go all out to fulfil the plan. |
考慮到時間很少了,你應該盡心盡力去完成計劃。 |
it is understood that 不用說;你們知道 |
It is understood that strict discipline is good for a student. |
你們都知道, 嚴格的紀律對一個學生來講是有好處的。 |
it was noted above that 前面已經指出 |
It was noted above that hard work and labour are often neceaaary to train a man's talent. |
咱們在前面已經指出,艱苦的工做與勞動,經常是鍛鍊一我的的才能所不可缺乏的。 |
it will be seen from this 因而可知 |
It will be seen from this that the need for water is increasing day by day. |
因而可知,對水的須要正在日益變得迫切。 |