其次就是具體用什麼編寫了,最初我有兩種備選方案:C和python,這兩種語言來編寫各自有各自的優點。C能夠直接用lex和yacc來生成詞法分析器和語法分析器,lex和yacc的規則文件功能也很強大,幫助資源也很豐富。可是lex和yacc的Win32版本實際用下來以後發現並不理想,有些原有規則並不能很好的支持,並且Windows C編程適用面較窄,可能對我產生不了太大的學習價值。而python的PLY(lex和yacc的python一種實現)實際使用下來以後感受很好,並且定義詞法語法規則甚至比lex和yacc還要簡單。所以最後肯定了使用python來編寫這個解釋器Shell4Wingit
正如前面提到的,shell的不少功能都沒有提供支持,好比argument,就是諸如」ls –l」裏面的」-l」,主要是由於shell裏幾乎每一個命令都提供了至關多的參數,以致於要把這些命令的參數都實現的話,就是一個很龐大的工程了。所以個人作法是實現經常使用命令的經常使用參數,好比咱們使用ls命令的時候每每是ls –l每一個文件做爲一行返回。這樣作能夠在知足大部分平常須要的狀況下縮減工做量。下面一個示例腳本的執行結果:正則表達式
[Administrator@PC-20121113XYVZ]#cat example.sh echo "#This is a example shell script written to demostrate a shell interpreter named Shell4Win#" echo "Let's start with some simple commands" echo "ls can show files under current directory:" ls read "Press Enter key to continue" echo "pwd can show you current directory:" pwd read "Press Enter key to continue" echo "mkdir can make a directory,and grep can be used with pipes:" mkdir test ls|grep test echo "cd can change current directory:" cd test echo "redirection can create files:" echo "test content1">1 echo "test content2">2 cat 1 cat 2 echo "diff can be used to compare two text files:" diff 1 2 [Administrator@PC-20121113XYVZ]#sh example.sh #This is a example shell script written to demostrate a shell interpreter named Shell4Win# Let's start with some simple commands ls can show files under current directory: example.sh parser.out parsetab.py parsetab.pyc ply Shell4Win.py tools.py tools.pyc utilities.py utilities.pyc Press Enter key to continue pwd can show you current directory: C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\GitHub\Shell4Win\src Press Enter key to continue mkdir can make a directory,and grep can be used with pipes: Directory test created! test cd can change current directory: change current directory to test redirection can create files: test content1 test content2 diff can be used to compare two text files: line 1: test content1 test content2