python 操做PPT練習

from pptx import Presentation
from pptx.util import Pt, Inches

prs = Presentation()

slide = prs.slides.add_slide(prs.slide_layouts[1])# 添加空白頁PPT

body_shape = slide.shapes.placeholders
body_shape[0].text = 'this is placeholders[0]'  # 在第一個文本框中文字框架內添加文字
body_shape[1].text = 'this is placeholders[1]'  # 在第二個文本框中文字框架內添加文字

new_paragraph = body_shape[1].text_frame.add_paragraph()  # 在第二個shape中的文本框架中添加新段落
new_paragraph.text = 'add_paragraph'  # 新段落中文字
new_paragraph.font.bold = True  # 文字加粗
new_paragraph.font.italic = True  # 文字斜體
new_paragraph.font.size = Pt(15)  # 文字大小
new_paragraph.font.underline = True  # 文字下劃線
new_paragraph.level = 1  # 新段落的級別

left = top = width = height = Inches(5)  # 預設位置及大小
textbox = slide.shapes.add_textbox(left, top, width, height)  # left,top爲相對位置,width,height爲文本框大小
textbox.text = 'this is a new textbox'  # 文本框中文字
new_para = textbox.text_frame.add_paragraph()  # 在新文本框中添加段落
new_para.text = 'this is second para in textbox'  # 段落文字

img_path = 'dog.png'  # 文件路徑
left, top, width, height = Inches(1), Inches(4.5), Inches(2), Inches(2)  # 預設位置及大小
pic = slide.shapes.add_picture(img_path, left, top, width, height)  # 在指定位置按預設值添加圖片

from pptx.enum.shapes import MSO_AUTO_SHAPE_TYPE
left, top, width, height = Inches(1), Inches(3), Inches(1.8), Inches(1)  # 預設位置及大小
shape = slide.shapes.add_shape(MSO_AUTO_SHAPE_TYPE.PENTAGON, left, top, width, height)  # 在指定位置按預設值添加類型爲PENTAGON的形狀
shape.text = 'Step 1'
for n in range(2, 6):
    left = left + width - Inches(0.3)
    shape = slide.shapes.add_shape(MSO_AUTO_SHAPE_TYPE.CHEVRON, left, top, width, height)
    shape.text = 'Step{}'.format(n)

rows, cols, left, top, width, height = 2, 2, Inches(3.5), Inches(4.5), Inches(6), Inches(0.8)
table = slide.shapes.add_table(rows, cols, left, top, width, height).table  # 添加表格,並取表格類
table.columns[0].width = Inches(2.0)  # 第一縱列寬度
table.columns[1].width = Inches(4.0)  # 第二縱列寬度
table.cell(0, 0).text = 'text00'  # 指定位置寫入文本
table.cell(0, 1).text = 'text01'
table.cell(1, 0).text = 'text10'
table.cell(1, 1).text = 'text11'

from import ChartData
from pptx.enum.chart import XL_CHART_TYPE
from pptx.enum.chart import XL_TICK_MARK
from pptx.dml.color import RGBColor
from pptx.enum.chart import XL_DATA_LABEL_POSITION
from pptx.enum.chart import XL_LEGEND_POSITION

slide = prs.slides.add_slide(prs.slide_layouts[6])  # 在幻燈片中加入一頁6號風格(空白)幻燈片

# chart1 左上方圖
x, y, cx, cy = Inches(0.5), Inches(0.5), Inches(4), Inches(3)  # 按英尺標準指定x,y值

chart_data = ChartData()  # 圖表data類

chart_data.categories = [u'A班級得分率', u'B班級得分率']  # 圖表加入兩欄
chart_data.add_series(u'得分率對比', (80.5, 60.5))  # 在兩欄分別填入數據

graphic_frame = slide.shapes.add_chart(
    XL_CHART_TYPE.COLUMN_CLUSTERED, x, y, cx, cy, chart_data
)  # add_chart(圖表類型,xy表示圖表位置,cx cy表示圖表寬高,而且插入chart_data中規定好的數據)

chart = graphic_frame.chart  # 從生成的圖表中取出圖表類
chart.chart_style = 21  # 圖表總體顏色風格

chart.has_title = True  # 圖表是否含有標題,默認爲False
chart.chart_title.text_frame.clear()  # 清除原標題
new_paragraph = chart.chart_title.text_frame.add_paragraph()  # 添加一行新標題
new_paragraph.text = '得分率對比'  # 新標題
new_paragraph.font.size = Pt(15)  # 新標題字體大小

category_axis = chart.category_axis  # category_axis 爲chart的category控制類
category_axis.has_major_gridlines = True  # 是否顯示縱軸線
category_axis.tick_labels.font.italic = True  # tick_labels爲圖表下標籤,置爲斜體
category_axis.tick_labels.font.size = Pt(15)  # 下標籤字體大小
category_axis.tick_labels.font.color.rgb = RGBColor(255, 0, 0)  # 標籤字體顏色

value_axis = chart.value_axis  # value_axis 爲chart的value控制類
value_axis.maximum_scale = 100.0  # 縱座標最大值
value_axis.minimum_scale = 0.0  # 縱座標最小值
value_axis.minor_tick_mark = XL_TICK_MARK.CROSS
value_axis.has_minor_gridlines = True

tick_labels = value_axis.tick_labels  # tick_labels 爲chart的縱軸標籤控制類
tick_labels.number_format = '0%'  # 標籤顯示樣式
tick_labels.font.bold = True  # 字體加粗
tick_labels.font.size = Pt(14)  # 字體大小
tick_labels.font.color.rgb = RGBColor(0, 255, 0)  # 標籤顏色

plot = chart.plots[0]  # 取圖表中第一個plot
plot.has_data_labels = True  # 是否顯示數據標籤
data_labels = plot.data_labels  # 數據標籤控制類
data_labels.font.size = Pt(13)  # 字體大小
data_labels.font.color.rgb = RGBColor(0, 0, 255)  # 字體顏色
data_labels.position = XL_DATA_LABEL_POSITION.INSIDE_END  # 字體位置

# chart 2 左下方圖
x, y, cx, cy = Inches(0.5), Inches(3.5), Inches(4), Inches(3)  # 按英尺標準指定x,y值
chart_data = ChartData()
chart_data.categories = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
chart_data.add_series(u'A班級選項佔比', (80, 10, 9, 10))
chart = slide.shapes.add_chart(
    XL_CHART_TYPE.PIE, x, y, cx, cy, chart_data
).chart  # PIE爲餅狀圖

chart.has_legend = True  # 是否含有下方的說明
chart.legend.position = XL_LEGEND_POSITION.BOTTOM
chart.legend.horz_offset = 0  # 說明位移量 [-1, 1] 默認爲0

chart.plots[0].has_data_labels = True  # 餅中是否寫入數值
data_labels = chart.plots[0].data_labels
data_labels.number_format = '0%'  # 數值顯示格式
data_labels.position = XL_DATA_LABEL_POSITION.INSIDE_END  # 數值佈局方式

chart.has_title = True
chart.chart_title.text_frame.clear()  # 清除原標題
new_paragraph = chart.chart_title.text_frame.add_paragraph()  # 添加一行新標題
new_paragraph.text = 'A班級選項佔比'  # 新標題
new_paragraph.font.size = Pt(13)  # 新標題字體大小

# chart 3 右下方圖
x, y, cx, cy = Inches(5.5), Inches(4), Inches(4), Inches(3)  # 按英尺標準指定x,y值
chart_data = ChartData()
chart_data.categories = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
chart_data.add_series(u'B班級選項佔比', (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4))
chart = slide.shapes.add_chart(
    XL_CHART_TYPE.PIE, x, y, cx, cy, chart_data

chart.has_legend = True
chart.legend.position = XL_LEGEND_POSITION.BOTTOM

chart.plots[0].has_data_labels = True
data_labels = chart.plots[0].data_labels
data_labels.number_format = '0%'
data_labels.position = XL_DATA_LABEL_POSITION.INSIDE_END

chart.has_title = True
chart.chart_title.text_frame.clear()  # 清除原標題
new_paragraph = chart.chart_title.text_frame.add_paragraph()  # 添加一行新標題
new_paragraph.text = 'B班級選項佔比'  # 新標題
new_paragraph.font.size = Pt(13)  # 新標題字體大小

# chart 4 右上方圖
x, y, cx, cy = Inches(5.5), Inches(0.5), Inches(4), Inches(3)
chart_data = ChartData()
chart_data.categories = ['0', '1-3', '4-6', '7-9']
chart_data.add_series('', (50, 18, 30, 34))
chart = slide.shapes.add_chart(
    XL_CHART_TYPE.PIE, x, y, cx, cy, chart_data

chart.has_legend = True
chart.legend.position = XL_LEGEND_POSITION.BOTTOM
chart.legend.font.size = Pt(13)

chart.plots[0].has_data_labels = True
data_labels = chart.plots[0].data_labels
data_labels.number_format = '0%'
data_labels.position = XL_DATA_LABEL_POSITION.INSIDE_END

chart.has_title = True
new_title = chart.chart_title.text_frame.add_paragraph()
new_title.text = '得分佔比'
new_title.font.size = Pt(13)'python-pptx.pptx')

from pptx import Presentation

prs = Presentation('教育行業通案模板 1.pptx')

# text_runs will be populated with a list of strings,
# one for each text run in presentation
text_runs = []

for slide in prs.slides:
    for shape in slide.shapes:
        if not shape.has_text_frame:
        for paragraph in shape.text_frame.paragraphs:
            for run in paragraph.runs: