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Q: Smart Ready 和 Smart 以及傳統藍牙之間是什麼關係?
1.Smart Ready 能夠和 Smart Ready、傳統藍牙,以及 Smart 之間相互鏈接和通訊。
2.傳統藍牙能夠和 Smart Ready、傳統藍牙之間鏈接和通訊
3.Smart 能夠和 Smart、 Smart Ready 之間鏈接和通訊android
Q: 雙模(dual-mode)和單模(single-mode)有什麼區別?
A: 都是藍牙芯片,雙模指的是同時支持1:BasicRate ( BR), 2:Bluetooth Low Energy ( BLE),如手機, PC 等採用的均是雙模的藍牙芯片。不少 android手機都代表支持藍牙 4.0,其實很大部分只支持 Smart Ready 裏的 BR。不是硬件的問題而是軟件裏還不支持LE。目前 Android4.3 系統纔開始全面支持 BLE。iOS 設備對藍牙 4.0 支持的最好,只要是 iPhone4S 和之後的設備均完美徹底支持藍牙 4.0。單模指的是隻支持Bluetooth Low Energy ( 縮寫:BLE或者LE),目前咱們在使用的如Cypress的PSoC和PRoC系列,TI的CC2640等都是單模芯片,只支持Smart。BLE最主要特色是低功耗和低速率,網上關於藍牙 4.0 一節鈕釦電池可以使用一年均是針對 BLE 而言。git
Q: There is a confusion between Server-Client vs Master-Slave vs Central-Peripheral. I need a simplified explanation.
A: These are the different roles defined at different layers of the BLE protocol stack.
Link Layer roles:github
- Master - Initiates a connection
- Slave - Advertises and waits for a connection initiation
GATT roles:web
- Server - Has data
- Client - Wants data
GAP roles:api
- Central - The primary device in a connection
- Peripheral - The secondary device in a connection
The GAP Central is always a Link Layer Master, while the GAP Peripheral is always a Link Layer Slave.app
Q: I am new to Bluetooth Low Energy and looking for a quick bringup. Where do I start?
A: For a quick bringup with Bluetooth Low Energy, please refer to the following:dom
If you want to know about the technology, please refer to the videos available at BLE Developer Portal.編輯器
2.1 Architecture / Configurations
- Protocol stack consists of two main sections:
綠色 Controller
藍色 Host
- Controller Block Diagram
- Profiles and Application sit on top of the GAP and GATT layers of the host
- In a 「single-device solution」 (or 「single-chip solution」), the host, controller, profiles, and application are all implemented together on the same chip
- In a 「dual-device solution」, the BLE controller is implemented on one device, while the host,application, and profiles are implemented separately
- In a 「network processor」, the host and controller are implemented together, but the application and profiles sit on another device (such as a PC or external microcontroller)
2.2 Physical Layer
- RF Specifications
- Operates in 2.4 GHz ISM band
- GFSK modulation
- 40 channels with 2 MHz spacing
- 3 fixed advertisting channels for broadcasting, which avoid 802.11 interferance
- 37 adaptively frequency hoppeddynamic data channels
- Physical layer can be combined with standard Bluetooth RF in a dual-mode device
- 2 MHz spacing allows for better adjacent channel rejection
2.3 BLE Link Layer
- **Channl :**3 Advertising Channels and 37 Data Channels
- Connection Initiation
Connection Request Packet Flow
Connection Parameters
- Channel Map- indicates which data channels are used during the connection
- Connection Interval- multiple of 1.25ms in range of 7.5ms and 4.0s
- Supervision Timeout- multiple of 10ms in the range of 100ms and 32.0s. Must be larger than: (1 + slaveLatency) * (ConnInterval)
- Slave Latency- any value between 0 and 499, though it cannot exceed:((supervisionTimeout / connInterval) – 1)
Connection Events
- All communications between two connected devices occur in 「connection events」
- Each event occurs on one data channel (channels 0-36), with the hop increment parameter determining the next channel for the next event
- During each connection event, the master transmits first, and the slave responds 150us later
- Master and slave can continue transmitting back and forth as many times as they want during a single connection event
- Connection events occur even when one (or both) sides have no data to send (the exception to this is when slave latency is enabled; more information on next slide). This allows both devices to acknowledge that the other is still there and keeps the connection active.
Slave Latency
Connection Parameters Tradeoffs
- Short connection interval:
- Higher power consumption for both devices
- Higher throughput in both directions
- Shorter wait for data to be sent in either direction
- Long connection interval:
- Lower power consumption for both devices
- Lower throughput in both directions
- Longer wait for data to be sent in either direction
- Low / Zero slave latency:
- Higher power consumption for peripheral
- Peripheral receives data sent from central device sooner
- High slave latency:
- Lower power consumption for peripheral during periods when it has no data to send
to central device
- Peripheral may not immediately receive data being sent from central device
Connection Update Request
If the slave does not like the connection parameters (interval, slave latency, or supervision timeout), it can send a connection update request to the master
Connection Termination
- A connection can be voluntarily terminated by either the master or the slave for any reason
- Connection can also be terminated as a result of a supervision timeout
Direct Test Mode
Allows a tester to directly control the device under test (DUT) in either Rx or Tx mode on any channel with any amount of data
2.4 Host/Controller Interface (HCI)
- Reused from standard Bluetooth specification,with new additional commands for low energy specific functions
- Thin layer; doesn‟t perform any processing
- In a dual-chip solution (with separate host and controller) allows for host to communicate with controller over a standard interface (UART,USB, SDIO, etc.)
- Used internally by the CC2540 BLE protocol stack for communication between higher and lower layers
- Also allows for custom 「vendor-specific commands」. In the CC2540, vendor-specific commands can be used by an external source to directly interface with the entire stack or application. This is called a 「Network Processor」
2.5 Host -- Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP)
- Permits upper level protocols and applications to transmit and receive upper layer data packets up to 23 bytes in length
- Provides channel management, allowing for logical channels between two endpoints,supported by the link layer
- Connection Parameter Updates
2.6 Security Manager Protocol (SMP)
- Performs authentication and key management
- Uses AES-128 as the encryption algorithm for security procedures
- Defines protocol to setup secure link
- Works with GAP to manage relationships between devices:
- Pairing – encryption between two devices once a connection has been established between them
- Authentication – verification that a peer device can be trusted, providing protection against 「Man-in-the-Middle」 attacks
- Bonding – long-term relationship between devices; security and identity information is saved for re-use next time the devices are connected
2.7 Generic Access Profile (GAP)
- Overview
- Defines generic procedures for connection-related services:
- Device Discovery
- Link Establishment
- Link Management
- Link Termination
- Initiation of security features
- Many GAP functions correspond directly to the functions of the Link Layer in the controller
- Profile Roles
- The GAP layer works in one of four profile roles:
- Broadcaster – an advertiser that is non-connectable
- Observer – scans for advertisements, but cannot initiate connections.
- Peripheral – an advertiser that is connectable and can operate as a slave in a single link layer connection.
- Central – scans for advertisements and initiates connections; operates as a master in a single or multiple link layer connections.
- Profile Multi-Roles
- The BLE specification allows for a few different possible multiple-role configurations:
- Peripheral and Broadcaster
- Peripheral and Observer
- Central and Broadcaster
- Discoverable Modes
- GAP supports three different discoverable modes:
- Non-discoverable Mode – No advertisements
- Limited Discoverable Mode – Device advertises for a limited amount of time before returning to the standby state
- General Discoverable Mode – Devices advertises continuously
- Advertisement and Scan Response Data
- GAP manages the data that is sent out in advertisement and scan response packets
- Pairing
- Pairing can be initiated by either the central or peripheral device
- Based on the combination of the capabilities of the two devices, one of two methods of pairing will be used:
- Passkey entry – one device will display a randomly generator passkey, while the other will require the user to input the passkey. This allows for an authenticated link (MITM protection)
- 「Just Works」 – the pairing process completes without requiring a passkey to be entered. The link will not be authenticated, but is encrypted
- During the pairing process, each device states whether it wants authentication to the other device
- Each device also states it‟s input/output capabilities from among these options:
- DisplayOnly – no way user can input anything into device, but it can output data
- DisplayYesNo – user can input 「yes」 or 「no」 but nothing else; can also display data
- KeyboardOnly – user can input a password or PIN, but no display
- NoInputNoOutput – device has no means for user input, and has no display
- KeyboardDisplay – device has a means for display as well as for input
2.8 Attribute Protocol (ATT)
2.9 Generic Attribute Profile (GATT)
GATT database:
- const CYBLE_GATTS_DB_T cyBle_gattDB[0x10u] = {
- { 0x0001u, 0x2800u , 0x00000001u , 0x0007u, {{0x1800u, NULL}} },
- { 0x0002u, 0x2803u , 0x00000201u , 0x0003u, {{0x2A00u, NULL}} },
- { 0x0003u, 0x2A00u , 0x00000201u , 0x0003u, {{0x0009u, (void *)&cyBle_attValuesLen[0]}} },
- { 0x0004u, 0x2803u , 0x00000201u , 0x0005u, {{0x2A01u, NULL}} },
- { 0x0005u, 0x2A01u , 0x00000201u , 0x0005u, {{0x0002u, (void *)&cyBle_attValuesLen[1]}} },
- { 0x0006u, 0x2803u , 0x00000201u , 0x0007u, {{0x2A04u, NULL}} },
- { 0x0007u, 0x2A04u , 0x00000201u , 0x0007u, {{0x0008u, (void *)&cyBle_attValuesLen[2]}} },
- { 0x0008u, 0x2800u , 0x00000001u , 0x000Bu, {{0x1801u, NULL}} },
- { 0x0009u, 0x2803u , 0x00002201u , 0x000Bu, {{0x2A05u, NULL}} },
- { 0x000Au, 0x2A05u , 0x00002201u , 0x000Bu, {{0x0004u, (void *)&cyBle_attValuesLen[3]}} },
- { 0x000Bu, 0x2902u , 0x00000A04u , 0x000Bu, {{0x0002u, (void *)&cyBle_attValuesLen[4]}} },
- { 0x000Cu, 0x2800u , 0x00000001u , 0x0010u, {{0xCBBBu, NULL}} },
- { 0x000Du, 0x2803u , 0x00001A01u , 0x0010u, {{0xCBB1u, NULL}} },
- { 0x000Eu, 0xCBB1u , 0x00011A04u , 0x0010u, {{0x00C8u, (void *)&cyBle_attValuesLen[5]}} },
- { 0x000Fu, 0x2901u , 0x00010001u , 0x000Fu, {{0x001Cu, (void *)&cyBle_attValuesLen[6]}} },
- { 0x0010u, 0x2902u , 0x00010A04u , 0x0010u, {{0x0002u, (void *)&cyBle_attValuesLen[7]}} },
- };
Custom Uart Tx Service
Handle |
att Type |
Permission |
value |
0x000Cu |
0x2800(GATT Service UUID) |
read |
0xCBBBu(2bytes) |
0x000Du |
0x2803u (GATT Characteristic UUID) |
read,write,notify |
0xCBB1u(2bytes) |
0x000Eu |
0xCBB1u (Custom Buffer UUID) |
read,write,notify |
(200bytes) |
0x000Fu |
0x2901u (Custom Descriptor UUID) |
read |
(28bytes) |
0x0010u |
0x2902u (Client Characteristic Configuration UUID) |
read,write |
(2bytes) |
Client Commands
When two BLE devices are in the connected state, the GATT client device can perform several different sub-procedures to communicate with the GATT server device:
- Discover Characteristic by UUID – search the GATT server for all attributes with type that matches the specified UUID
- Read Characteristic Value – read the value of the characteristic at the specified handle
- Write Characteristic Value – write a new value to the characteristic at the specified handle
A GATT server device, when configured to do so, can send out messages to the GATT client device without being prompted:
- Notification – The value a characteristic is sent from the server to the client without receiving a read request, and does not need to be acknowledged
- Indication – The value a characteristic is sent from the server to the client without receiving a read request, but must be acknowledged before any further data can be sent
3. BLE應用實例
3.1 BLE轉串口透傳例程
由 BLE_Uart_Transmission_Collector01和BLE_UART_Transmission_Server組成一對主從機程序,實現串口透傳功能。
硬件組成:基於 CY8CKIT-042 BLE Pioneer Kit
3.2 程序介紹
3.2.1 程序流程
3.2.2 主機和從機的聯繫
主機 |
從機 |
profile |
customer profile |
customer profile |
profile role |
Client(GATT Client) |
server(GATT Server) |
GAP role |
Central |
Peripheral |
- 在主流程上主機和從機是相似的
- 主機在BLE使能後,執行的 scan
- printf("EVT_STACK_ON \r\n");
- goto start_scan;
- BleConnected = 0;
- goto start_scan;
- printf("EVT_TIMEOUT \r\n");
- start_scan:
- if(BleConnected == 0)
- {
- ble_state = BLE_SCAN_STATE;
- }
- break;
- 從機在BLE使能後,執行的是Advertisement
- printf("EVT_STACK_ON \r\n");
- goto start_advert;
- start_advert:
- StartAdvertisement();
- ble_state = BLE_ADV_STATE;
- test_ptr=0;
- break;
- 下面是主機找到從機的關鍵函數,最終以 flag |= CONNECT; 爲出口,並在scan結束後CYBLE_EVT_GAPC_SCAN_START_STOP,發起鏈接CyBle_GapcConnectDevice(&peerAddr[deviceN]), peerAddr[deviceN]就是找到的從機的mac地址。
- void ScanProgressEventHandler(CYBLE_GAPC_ADV_REPORT_T* eventParam)
- {
- uint8 newDevice = 0u, device = 0u;
- uint8 i;
- uint8 adStructPtr = 0u;
- uint8 adTypePtr = 0u;
- uint8 nextPtr = 0u;
- printf("SCAN_PROGRESS_RESULT: peerAddrType - %d, ", eventParam->peerAddrType);
- printf("peerBdAddr - ");
- for(newDevice = 1u, i = 0u; i < advDevices; i++)
- {
- if((memcmp(peerAddr[i].bdAddr, eventParam->peerBdAddr, CYBLE_GAP_BD_ADDR_SIZE) == 0))
- {
- device = i;
- printf("%x: ", device);
- newDevice = 0u;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(newDevice != 0u)
- {
- if(advDevices < CYBLE_MAX_ADV_DEVICES)
- {
- memcpy(peerAddr[advDevices].bdAddr, eventParam->peerBdAddr, CYBLE_GAP_BD_ADDR_SIZE);
- peerAddr[advDevices].type = eventParam->peerAddrType;
- device = advDevices;
- advDevices++;
- printf("%x: ", device);
- }
- }
- for(i = CYBLE_GAP_BD_ADDR_SIZE; i > 0u; i--)
- {
- printf("%2.2x", eventParam->peerBdAddr[i-1]);
- }
- printf(", rssi - %d dBm, data - ", eventParam->rssi);
- adStructPtr = 0u;
- for(i = 0; i < eventParam->dataLen; i++)
- {
- printf("%2.2x ", eventParam->data[i]);
- if(i == adStructPtr)
- {
- adTypePtr = i + 1;
- adStructPtr += eventParam->data[i] + 1;
- nextPtr = 1;
- }
- else if(i == (adTypePtr + nextPtr))
- {
- switch(eventParam->data[adTypePtr])
- {
- break;
- if(serviceUuid == CyBle_Get16ByPtr(&(eventParam->data[i])))
- {
- newDevice = 2;
- }
- else
- {
- nextPtr += 2;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- printf("newDevice = %d \r\n",newDevice);
- if(2 == newDevice)
- {
- deviceN = device;
- printf(" This device contains ");
- switch(serviceUuid)
- {
- printf("Heart Rate Service \r\n");
- break;
- printf("Glucose Service \r\n");
- break;
- printf("Blood Pressure Service \r\n");
- break;
- printf("HID Service \r\n");
- printf("Stop Scanning, waiting for Scanning event \r\n");
- flag |= CONNECT;
- CyBle_GapcStopScan();
- break;
- case 0x290A:
- printf("Stop Scanning, waiting for Scanning event \r\n");
- flag |= CONNECT;
- CyBle_GapcStopScan();
- break;
- printf("Customer Service \r\n");
- printf("Stop Scanning, waiting for Scanning event \r\n");
- flag |= CONNECT;
- CyBle_GapcStopScan();
- break;
- default:
- printf("%x \r\n", serviceUuid);
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- printf("\r\n");
- }
- }
3.2.3 初始化程序
- int main()
- {
- CyGlobalIntEnable;
- CommInit();
- printf("BLE Uart Transmission Collector Example Project \r\n");
- Scanning_LED_Write(LED_OFF);
- apiResult = CyBle_Start(AppCallBack);
- if(apiResult != CYBLE_ERROR_OK)
- {
- printf("CyBle_Start API Error: %xd \r\n", apiResult);
- }
- else
- {
- printf("CyBle_Start API ok \r\n");
- }
- TC_CC_ISR_StartEx(InterruptHandler);
- Timer_Start();
3.2.4 主程序
- while(1)
- {
- {
- {
- CySysPmSleep();
- HandleLEDs(ble_state);
- }
- HandleLEDs(ble_state);
- }
- if(CyBle_GetState() == CYBLE_STATE_CONNECTED)
- {
- CommMonitorUart();
- CommMonitorBLE();
- #if 0
- if(mainTimer != 0u)
- {
- mainTimer = 0u;
- if(storeBondingData == ENABLED)
- {
- cystatus retValue;
- retValue = CyBle_StoreBondingData(0u);
- printf("Store bonding data, status: %lx \r\n", retValue);
- storeBondingData = DISABLED;
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- CyBle_ProcessEvents();
- }
- void CommMonitorBLE(void)
- {
- if(uCommState.Bit.BLERxFinshed == ENABLED)
- {
- uCommState.Bit.BLERxFinshed = DISABLED;
- CommUartTxByte();
- CommUartRxReady();
- CommBLERxReady();
- }
- }
- void CommMonitorUart(void)
- {
- CYBLE_GATT_HANDLE_VALUE_PAIR_T CustomNotificationhandle;
- if(uCommState.Bit.UartRxFinished == ENABLED)
- {
- uCommState.Bit.UartRxFinished = DISABLED;
- uCommState.Bit.BLERxRDY = DISABLED;
- CustomNotificationhandle.attrHandle = UART_TX_HANDLE;
- CustomNotificationhandle.value.val = &Buffer[1];
- CustomNotificationhandle.value.len = Buffer[0];
- CustomNotificationhandle.value.actualLen = Buffer[0];
- #if 0
- apiResult = CyBle_GattsNotification(cyBle_connHandle, &CustomNotificationhandle);
- #else
- apiResult = CyBle_GattcWriteWithoutResponse(cyBle_connHandle,&CustomNotificationhandle);
- #endif
- CyBle_GattsWriteAttributeValue(&CustomNotificationhandle,FALSE,&cyBle_connHandle,FALSE);
- #ifdef test
- if(apiResult != CYBLE_ERROR_OK)
- {
- printf("ble send Error: %x \r\n", apiResult);
- }
- else
- {
- printf("ble send ok len: %x \r\n", CustomNotificationhandle.value.len);
- }
- #endif
- CommUartRxReady();
- Uart_LED_OFF;
- CommBLERxReady();
- }
- }
藍牙的事件回調函數 接收藍牙數據,產生uCommState.Bit.BLERxFinshed
- void AppCallBack(uint32 event, void* eventParam)
- {
- ...
- wrReqParam = (CYBLE_GATTS_WRITE_REQ_PARAM_T *) eventParam;
- if(wrReqParam->handleValPair.attrHandle == UART_TX_HANDLE)
- {
- len = wrReqParam->handleValPair.value.len;
- Buffer[0] = len;
- memcpy(&Buffer[1],wrReqParam->handleValPair.value.val,len);
- uCommState.Bit.BLERxFinshed = ENABLED;
- }
- ....
- }
串口中斷函數及定時器中斷函數 接收串口數據,產生uCommState.Bit.UartRxFinished
- CY_ISR(Transport_RX_ISR)
- CY_ISR(Transport_Timer_ISR)
3.2.5 程序的調試
- * 1 AppCallBack :CYBLE_EVT_STACK_ON:StartAdvertisement()
- * 3&4 AppCallBack :CYBLE_EVT_GAP_DEVICE_CONNECTED 鏈接間隔 爲 7.5ms
- 這個透傳的程序目前咱們用於無線打印數據,配合下圖的虛擬示波器使用
3.3 其餘精彩例程
PSoC 4 BLE is an easy-to-use, ARM® Cortex™-M0 based, single-chip solution which integrates programmable analog front ends, programmable digital peripherals, CapSense® technology for touch-sensing, and a Bluetooth® LE (Low Energy) or Bluetooth Smart radio. http://www.cypress.com/psoc4ble/ — Edit
4. BLE語音遙控器
4.1 概述
- 利爾達BLE遙控器方案是基於藍牙4.1的多功能智能遙控器解決方案,能夠根據需求加入藍牙語音,多指觸控,體感控制等功能。本方案採樣了Cypress的PRco系列,該系列是Cypress公司專門針對低功耗藍牙設備推出的超低功耗,超高集成度的單芯片解決方案。
功能 |
性能 |
備註 |
BLE stack |
Bluetooth 4.2 single-mode device |
TX output power |
–18 dBm to +3 dBm |
RX sensitivity |
–89 dBm |
TX current |
15.6 mA at 0 dBm |
RX current |
16.4 mA |
Cortex-M0 |
operating at up to 48 MHz |
flash memory |
128~256 KB |
SRAM memory |
16~32 KB |
Other feature |
1.3-µA Deep-Sleep mode |
CapSense® Touch Sensing |
Two-finger gestures |
12-bit, 1-Msps SAR ADC with internal reference |
4.2 功能介紹
- LED & IR 硬件實現呼吸燈 和 紅外NEC編碼
4.3 BLE HID Profile
- Human Interface Device Service
- report map
HID設備描述符 其中咱們定義了兩個私有的描述符,這個是咱們用來傳輸語音的。由於BLE並不支持 A2DP(Advenced Audio Distribution Profile)藍牙立體聲協議,要傳語音數據咱們只能利用私有的通道。
- 在 android端提供相應的驅動來解析咱們的語音數據,最終提供標準的PCM數據給到android的中間層。