Before we publish our package, we want to make sure everything is set up correctly. We’ll cover versioning, preparing our package, adding a proper README, and updating our package.json
Using npm version:git
The reason to use npm version to prumping the version, is because it create a version commit and tag.npm
npm version patch
Setup a pre- and post- scripts:json
"prepare": "yarn run build", "postpublilsh": "git push --tags"
You might also need to update peerDependencies in order to info the user which verison of react is minimue required.ui
"peerDependencies": { "react": ">=16.8.6" }
Depend on your package name:code
// A "name": "some-react-hooks" //B "name": "@zhentiw/some-react-hooks" //@<user-name>/package-name
If you are using B version, it default to a private npm package, if you want to make it public:blog
"publishConfig": { "access": "public" }