本文例子基於:5.0.4 Hash是Redis中一種比較常見的數據結構,其實現爲hashtable/ziplist,默認建立時爲ziplist,當到達必定量級時,redis會將ziplist轉化爲hashtablejava
//將hash表中key的域field的值設爲value //若是key不存在,一個新的哈希表被建立並進行HSET操做 //若是域field已經存在於哈希表中,舊值將被覆蓋 hset key field value
//建立不存在的field >hset user:1 id 1 (integer) 1 //覆蓋原先的field >hset user:1 id 2 (integer) 0 >hget user:1 id "2" //獲取不存在的field >hget user:1 not_exist (nil) ---------------------------------- // hsetnx key field value //當不存在該field 設置成功返回1 ,不然返回0 > hsetnx user:1 id 1 (integer) 1 > hsetnx user:1 id 1 (integer) 0 > hget user:1 id "1" ---------------------------------- // hmset key field value [field value ....] //批量設置多個鍵值對 >HMSET user:1 id 1 name "黑搜丶D" wechat "black-search" OK ---------------------------------- //hget key field //獲取hash表key中給定的field的值 >hget user:1 id "1" ---------------------------------- // hmget key field[field...] //按照咱們輸入的field的順序返回 >hmget user:1 name wechat id not_exist 1) "黑搜丶D" 2) "black-search" 3) "1" 4) (nil) ---------------------------------- // hdel key field 刪除返回被成功移除的域的數量 > hgetall user:1 1) "id" 2) "1" 3) "name" 4) "black-search" > HDEL user:1 name (integer) 1 > HDEL user:1 name (integer) 0 ---------------------------------- // HINCRBY key field increment // 爲hash表某個整數類型的field增長increment ,返回增長increment以後的大小 > hset user:1 wechat "black-search" (integer) 1 > HINCRBY user:1 wechat 2 (error) ERR hash value is not an integer > HINCRBY user:1 id 21 (integer) 22 > hget user:1 id "22"
至此,redis hash的用法先告一段落.數據結構
# Hashes are encoded using a memory efficient data structure when they have a # small number of entries, and the biggest entry does not exceed a given # threshold. These thresholds can be configured using the following directives. hash-max-ziplist-entries 512 hash-max-ziplist-value 64
// 這裏測試當鍵值對小於等於512時,hash的類型 @RequestMapping("/") public void test(){ List<Long> list = redisTemplate.executePipelined(new RedisCallback<Long>() { @Override public Long doInRedis(RedisConnection redisConnection) throws DataAccessException { redisConnection.openPipeline(); for (int i=0;i<512;i++){ redisConnection.hSet("key".getBytes(),("field"+i).getBytes(),"value".getBytes()); } return null; } }); System.out.println("結束"); } //咱們發現這裏hash的類型就是ziplist > debug object key Value at:0xbc6f80 refcount:1 encoding:ziplist serializedlength:2603 lru:14344435 lru_seconds_idle:17 //讓咱們調大一下循環的次數,改成513,咱們發現 > debug object key Value at:0xbc6f80 refcount:1 encoding:hashtable serializedlength:7587 lru:14344656 lru_seconds_idle:4
//首先咱們來看一下dict的結構 typedef struct dict { dictType *type; void *privdata; dictht ht[2]; long rehashidx; /* rehashing not in progress if rehashidx == -1 */ unsigned long iterators; /* number of iterators currently running */ } dict; typedef struct dictType { uint64_t (*hashFunction)(const void *key); void *(*keyDup)(void *privdata, const void *key); void *(*valDup)(void *privdata, const void *obj); int (*keyCompare)(void *privdata, const void *key1, const void *key2); void (*keyDestructor)(void *privdata, void *key); void (*valDestructor)(void *privdata, void *obj); } dictType; /* This is our hash table structure. Every dictionary has two of this as we * implement incremental rehashing, for the old to the new table. */ typedef struct dictht { dictEntry **table; unsigned long size; unsigned long sizemask; unsigned long used; } dictht; typedef struct dictEntry { void *key; union { void *val; uint64_t u64; int64_t s64; double d; } v; struct dictEntry *next; } dictEntry;
從以上咱們能夠知道,dict裏面包含了兩個dictht(ps:hashtable),一般狀況下只有一個dictht有值.可是當dict擴容/縮容的時候,須要分配新的dictht,而後漸進式搬遷,當遷移結束以後,舊的dictht被刪除,只保留新的dictht dict如何解決hash衝突呢?其實原理跟Java的HashMap是同樣的,採用數組+鏈表的方式去解決ide
dictEntry *dictAddRaw(dict *d, void *key, dictEntry **existing) { long index; dictEntry *entry; dictht *ht; //這裏每次都會進行搬遷~ if (dictIsRehashing(d)) _dictRehashStep(d); /* Get the index of the new element, or -1 if * the element already exists. */ if ((index = _dictKeyIndex(d, key, dictHashKey(d,key), existing)) == -1) return NULL; /* Allocate the memory and store the new entry. * Insert the element in top, with the assumption that in a database * system it is more likely that recently added entries are accessed * more frequently. */ //當字典處於搬遷中,將新添加的元素掛到新的數組下面 ht = dictIsRehashing(d) ? &d->ht[1] : &d->ht[0]; entry = zmalloc(sizeof(*entry)); entry->next = ht->table[index]; ht->table[index] = entry; ht->used++; /* Set the hash entry fields. */ dictSetKey(d, entry, key); return entry; }
這樣,在客戶端每次請求(hset/hdel等)都會去判斷是否須要搬遷,那麼當客戶端不請求咱們的時候,有可能沒有完整的搬遷?no no no redis會在定時任務裏面掃描處於rehash的dict,而後完成剩餘的搬遷~代碼以下測試
/* This function handles 'background' operations we are required to do * incrementally in Redis databases, such as active key expiring, resizing, * rehashing. */ void databasesCron(void) { /* Expire keys by random sampling. Not required for slaves * as master will synthesize DELs for us. */ if (server.active_expire_enabled) { if (server.masterhost == NULL) { activeExpireCycle(ACTIVE_EXPIRE_CYCLE_SLOW); } else { expireSlaveKeys(); } } /* Defrag keys gradually. */ if (server.active_defrag_enabled) activeDefragCycle(); /* Perform hash tables rehashing if needed, but only if there are no * other processes saving the DB on disk. Otherwise rehashing is bad * as will cause a lot of copy-on-write of memory pages. */ if (server.rdb_child_pid == -1 && server.aof_child_pid == -1) { /* We use global counters so if we stop the computation at a given * DB we'll be able to start from the successive in the next * cron loop iteration. */ static unsigned int resize_db = 0; static unsigned int rehash_db = 0; int dbs_per_call = CRON_DBS_PER_CALL; int j; /* Don't test more DBs than we have. */ if (dbs_per_call > server.dbnum) dbs_per_call = server.dbnum; /* Resize */ for (j = 0; j < dbs_per_call; j++) { tryResizeHashTables(resize_db % server.dbnum); resize_db++; } /* Rehash */ //重點在這裏rehash if (server.activerehashing) { for (j = 0; j < dbs_per_call; j++) { int work_done = incrementallyRehash(rehash_db); if (work_done) { /* If the function did some work, stop here, we'll do * more at the next cron loop. */ break; } else { /* If this db didn't need rehash, we'll try the next one. */ rehash_db++; rehash_db %= server.dbnum; } } } } }
//上一講使用string >set user:1 '{"id":1,"name":"黑搜丶D","wechat":"black-search"}' //讓咱們使用hash來實現類似的作法 > HMSET user:1 id 1 name "黑搜丶D" wechat "black-search" OK //獲取key的某個field的值 >hget user:1 wechat "black-search" //獲取到key的全部 field:value組合 > HGETALL user:1 1) "id" 2) "1" 3) "name" 4) "\xe9\xbb\x91\xe6\x90\x9c\xe4\xb8\xb6D" 5) "wechat" 6) "black-search"
相對於string的用法,咱們使用hash get某個field或者set某個field會省不少帶寬~