NMath Premium .net平臺數值計算控件

NMath Premium是在.NET平臺上將GPU加速數學計算的強大CUDA架構的優點利用到NMathNMath Stats中。CUDA是NVIDIA開發的一種並行計算平臺和編程模型,它能夠經過利用圖形處理單元的能力大幅提升計算性能。GPU計算是全部NVIDIA 8系列和更高級別的GPU中的一個標準功能。整個NVIDIA Tesla線均支持CUDA技術。編程

功能描述About Feature


Easy to Use

NMath Premium works with any CUDA-enabled GPU. NMath Premium automatically detects the presence of a CUDA-enabled GPU at runtime and seamlessly redirects appropriate computations to it. The library can be configured to specify which problems should be solved by the GPU, and which by the CPU. If a GPU is not present at runtime, the computation automatically falls back to the CPU without error.app

No GPU programming experience is required.less

With a few minor exceptions, such as optional GPU configuration settings, the API is identical between NMath and NMath Premium. Existing NMath developers can simply upgrade to NMath Premium and immediately begin to offer their users higher performance from current graphics cards, or from additional GPUs, without writing any new software.ide

No changes are required to existing NMath code.性能

Supported Features

GPU acceleration provides a 2-4x speed-up for many NMath functions. With large data sets running on high-performance GPUs, the speed-up can exceed 10x. Furthermore, off-loading computation to the GPU frees up the CPU for additional processing tasks, a further performance gain.ui

The directly supported features for GPU acceleration of linear algebra (dense systems) are:spa

  • Singular value decomposition (SVD)code

  • QR decompositioncomponent

  • Eigenvalue routines

  • Solve Ax = B

GPU acceleration for signal processing includes:

  • 1D Fast Fourier Transforms (Complex data input)

  • 2D Fast Fourier Transforms (Complex data input)

GPU: (1) NVIDIA Tesla M2090: 1 Fermi GPU, 512 CUDA cores, 6GB GDDR5 memory
CPU: Intel Xeon X5670, 2.93 GHz, 6-core with Hyper-Threading (12 threads), 12 MB L3 cache, 32 nm manufacturing process (Westmere)

Of course, many higher-level NMath and NMath Stats classes make use of these functions internally, and so also benefit from GPU acceleration indirectly.


  • Least squares, including weighted least squares

  • Filtering, such as moving window filters and Savitsky-Golay

  • Nonlinear programming (NLP)

  • Ordinary differential equations (ODE)

NMath Stats

  • Two-Way ANOVA, with or without repeated measures

  • Factor Analysis

  • Linear regression and logistic regression

  • Principal component analysis (PCA)

  • Partial least squares (PLS)

  • Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF)
