MoDui_algorithm's thinking is to sort the inquiries offline and move several pointer to visit the wanted section數組
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#include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> #include<cmath> #define f(b) for(int i=1;i<=b;i++) #define ll long long using namespace std;const int N=50003; struct Mo{int l,r,ID;ll A,B;}q[N];//build a Mo_Dui struct //l:left point r:right point ID:read_order ll S(ll x){return x*x;} ll GCD(ll a,ll b){while(b^=a^=b^=a%=b);return a;} //work out greatest_common_divisor of two numbers int n,m,col[N],unit,Be[N];ll sum[N],ans; //sum is used to mark each color's sum //ans is used to mark present_block's information //col is used to mark each position's color //Be is to mark each color's block bool cmp(Mo a,Mo b){return Be[a.l]==Be[b.l]?a.r<b.r:a.l<b.l;} //if their left pointer are in the same block(part),just compare their right pointer to put them in order //or,just compare their left pointer to put them in order bool CMP(Mo a,Mo b){return a.ID<b.ID;}; //this compare function's work is to sort the array depends on read_order void revise(int x,int add){ans=ans-S(sum[col[x]])+S(sum[col[x]]+=add);} int main(){ //here ,we divide the array into sqrt(n) blocks(parts),and each block(part)'s size is sqrt(n) //if you don't know ,you can return to primary school and have a study(primary school's Olympic Mathematics) scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);//read the total_num of socks and the total_num of inquiries unit=sqrt(n);//mark down sqrt(n) f(n)//make a loop from 1 to n in order to read each sock's color scanf("%d",&col[i]),Be[i]=i/unit+1;//read the color and mark it's block(part) f(m)scanf("%d%d",&q[i].l,&q[i].r),q[i].ID=i;//read the chosen section and mark its read_order sort(q+1,q+m+1,cmp);//sort the inquiries to make them in order(in this way,we can move pointer more easier) //one of Mo_Dui_algorithm's features:offline sort optimization int l=1,r=0;//initializate left_pointer as 1 and right_pointer as 0 f(m)//make a loop from 1 to m in order to visit each inquiry {while(l<q[i].l)revise(l,-1),l++;//if the left_pointer is smaller than the wanted_left_pointer,just renew the answer and move the left_pointer while(l>q[i].l)revise(l-1,1),l--;//if the left_pointer is bigger than the wanted_left_pointer,just renew the answer and move the left_pointer while(r<q[i].r)revise(r+1,1),r++;//if the right_pointer is smaller than the wanted_right_pointer,just renew the answer and move the right_pointer while(r>q[i].r)revise(r,-1),r--;//if the right_pointer is bigger than the wanted_right_pointer,just renew the answer and move the right_pointer if(q[i].l==q[i].r){q[i].A=0;q[i].B=1;continue;}//if the two points are the same,just mark the answer(no solution)and jump to next inquiry //or,just means it may has solution q[i].A=ans-(q[i].r-q[i].l+1);//work out the probability_fraction's numerator q[i].B=1LL*(q[i].r-q[i].l+1)*(q[i].r-q[i].l);//work out the probability_fraction's denominator ll gcd=GCD(q[i].A,q[i].B);q[i].A/=gcd;q[i].B/=gcd;//change the fraction into fraction in lowest terms }sort(q+1,q+m+1,CMP);//sort the inquiries in order to put them in read_order f(m)printf("%lld/%lld\n",q[i].A,q[i].B);return 0;}//out the answer
如圖,l指針向右移動一個單位,所形成的後果就是:咱們損失了一個紅色方塊。那麼怎樣維護?美妙地,sum[紅色]減去1。那Ans如何維護?先看分母,分母從n2變成(n-1)2,分子中的其餘顏色對應的部分是不會變的,紅色卻從sum[紅色]2變成(sum[紅色]-1)2 ,爲了方便計算咱們能夠直接向給Ans減去之前該顏色的答案貢獻(即sum[紅色]2)再加上如今的答案貢獻(即(sum[紅色]-1)2 )。同理,觀賞下面的r指針移動,將是差很少的。
#include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> #include<cmath> #define f(b) for(int i=1;i<=b;i++) using namespace std;const int N=10003; struct Query{int l,r,Tim,ID;}q[N]; //l: inquiry_section's left_border r: inquiry_section's right_border //Tim :this inquiry's change_times ID:inquiry_order struct Change{int pos,New,Old;}c[N];//the highlight part 1!! persistent-marked array //pos: the position changed //New: this position's new color //Old: this position's previous color int n,m,s[N],color[N*100],Time,t,now[N],unit,Be[N],ans[N],Ans,l=1,r,T; //s[]:each colorpen's present_color depends on read_order //Be[]:mark each location's block //now[]:mark each location's present color //unit:the size(length) of each block //ans[]:against each inquiry,mark it's answer //l: present left_pointer r:present right_pointer Ans:present answer T:present time //n:total_number of colorpens m:total_number of inquiries t,Time:iterator //color:marked each color's number bool cmp(Query a,Query b){return Be[a.l]==Be[b.l]?(Be[a.r]==Be[b.r]?a.Tim<b.Tim:a.r<b.r):a.l<b.l;} //if their left_pointers are in the same block just compare their right_pointers' block, // if their right_pointers are in the same block ,just sort them depends on change_times, // or just sort depends on their right_pointer //if their left_pointers are not in the same block,just sort depends on their left_pointers void revise(int x,int d){color[x]+=d;if(d>0)Ans+=color[x]==1;if(d<0)Ans-=color[x]==0;}//the highlight part 2!! revise_operation //change this color's number ,if have add this color's num:if color[x]!=1,just means it has been add into the Ans or just means has not and add it into the Ans //if have minus this color's num: if color[x]!=0,just means this color is still real inside the present_inquiry_section.Or ,just means this color isn't real inside the present_inquiry_section,just renew the Ans void going(int x,int d){if(l<=x&&x<=r)revise(d,1),revise(s[x],-1);s[x]=d;} //if x is inside the section ,just operate on it:add the new color and minus the previous color //at last change the colorpen's color int main(){scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);//read the total_number of colorpens and the total_number of inquiries unit=pow(n,0.666666);//set the size of each block f(n)scanf("%d",&s[i]),now[i]=s[i],Be[i]=i/unit+1;//make a loop from 1 to n in order to read each colorpen's color //mark this location's color,and its block f(m){char sign;int x,y;scanf(" %c %d%d",&sign,&x,&y);//read the kind of inquiry,x,and y if(sign=='Q')q[++t]=(Query){x,y,Time,t};//if the kind is Q,just means it asked for different_colorpens_num between x and y //just push it into the query_array else c[++Time]=(Change){x,y,now[x]},now[x]=y;//or ,just the kind is R,it wanted to revise x's color into y //just pish it into the change_array,and change this location's color } sort(q+1,q+t+1,cmp);//sort the query_array depends on incremental order f(t){//make a loop from 1 to t in order to deal with each inquiry while(T<q[i].Tim)going(c[T+1].pos,c[T+1].New),T++; //if the now_time is smaller than the wanted time ,just change the color into the present_time's color and renew the time while(T>q[i].Tim)going(c[T].pos,c[T].Old),T--; //if the now_time is larger than the wanted time , just change the color into the previous_time's color and renew the time while(l<q[i].l)revise(s[l],-1),l++; //if the present left_pointer is smaller than the wanted left_pointer ,just move the left_pointer to right,renew the Ans and the present_color_number while(l>q[i].l)revise(s[l-1],1),l--; //if the present left_pointer is larger than the wanted left_pointer ,just move the left_pointer to left ,renew the Ans and the present_color_number while(r<q[i].r)revise(s[r+1],1),r++; //if the present right_pointer is smaller than the wanted right_pointer ,just move the right_pointer to right ,renew the Ans and the present_color_number while(r>q[i].r)revise(s[r],-1),r--; //if the present right_pointer is larger than the wanted right_pointer ,just move the right_pointer to left ,renew the Ans and the present_color_number ans[q[i].ID]=Ans;//mark the answer depends on inquiry_order }f(t)printf("%d\n",ans[i]);return 0;}//out the answer
多說無益,入門題奉上:Haruna’s Breakfast
void ADD(int from,int to){e[k]=(E){to,head[from]};head[from]=k++;} void dfs(int u){fr(i,1,19)if((1<<i)>deep[u])break;else fa[u][i]=fa[fa[u][i-1]][i-1]; int bottom=top; tf(i,head,u)if(to!=fa[u][0]){fa[to][0]=u;deep[to]=deep[u]+1;dfs(to); if(top-bottom>=unit){m++;while(top!=bottom)Be[st[top--]]=m;}}st[++top]=u;} int LCA(int x,int y){if(deep[x]<deep[y])swap(x,y);int Dis=deep[x]-deep[y]; fr(i,0,16)if((1<<i)&Dis)x=fa[x][i];if(x==y)return x; fd(i,16,0)if(fa[x][i]!=fa[y][i])x=fa[x][i],y=fa[y][i];return x==y?x:fa[x][0];} struct Change{int u,New,Old;}cq[N]; struct Query{int u,v,tim,id; bool operator <(const Query &a) const{return Be[u]==Be[a.u]?(Be[v]==Be[a.v]?tim<a.tim:Be[v]<Be[a.v]):Be[u]<Be[a.u];}}q[N]; struct Datalock{struct _blo{int l,r;}b[350]; int n,Be[N],m,unit,num[N],sum[350]; void init(){unit=sqrt(n);m=(n-1)/unit+1;fr(i,1,n)Be[i]=(i-1)/unit+1; fr(i,1,m)b[i].l=(i-1)*unit+1,b[i].r=i*unit;b[m].r=n;} void Add(int v){if(v<=n)sum[Be[v]]+=(++num[v])==1;} void Del(int v){if(v<=n)sum[Be[v]]-=(--num[v])==0;} int mex(){fr(i,1,m)if(sum[i]!=b[i].r-b[i].l+1) fr(j,b[i].l,b[i].r)if(!num[j])return j;return -1;}}Data; void revise(int u,int d){if(vis[u])Data.Del(a[u]),Data.Add(d);a[u]=d;} void Run(int u){if(vis[u])Data.Del(a[u]),vis[u]=0;else Data.Add(a[u]),vis[u]=1;} void move(int x,int y){ if(deep[x]<deep[y])swap(x,y); while(deep[x]>deep[y])Run(x),x=fa[x][0];while(x!=y)Run(x),Run(y),x=fa[x][0],y=fa[y][0];} void Mo(){fr(i,1,p){ while(T<q[i].tim)T++,revise(cq[T].u,cq[T].New); while(T>q[i].tim)revise(cq[T].u,cq[T].Old),T--; if(u!=q[i].u)move(u,q[i].u),u=q[i].u;if(v!=q[i].v)move(v,q[i].v),v=q[i].v; int anc=LCA(u,v);Run(anc);ans[q[i].id]=Data.mex()-1;Run(anc);}}
void Run(int u){if(vis[u])Data.Del(a[u]),vis[u]=0;else Data.Add(a[u]),vis[u]=1;}
#include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> #include<cmath> #define ct register int #define ff(b) for(ct i=1;i<=b;i++) #define fr(i,a,b) for(ct i=a;i<=b;i++) #define fd(i,a,b) for(ct i=a;i>=b;i--) #define tf(i,a,x) for(ct i=a[x],to=e[i].to;i;i=e[i].next,to=e[i].to) int in(){ct x=0,f=1;char ch=getchar(); while(ch<'0'||ch>'9'){if(ch=='-')f=-1;ch=getchar();} while('0'<=ch&&ch<='9'){x=(x<<3)+(x<<1)+(ch^48);ch=getchar();}return x*f;} using namespace std; /*--global variables--*/ const int N=50009; int unit,Be[N],m,ans[N],vis[N]; //unit:the size(length) of each block //Be[]:mark each location's block //m:total_number of inquiries //ans[]:against each inquiry,mark it's answer //vis[]:mark each endpoint if it has been visited int st[N],top;//stack int fa[N][18],deep[N]; //fa[][]:each endpoint's father //deep: each endpoint's deep int a[N],u=1,v=1,T; //T,u,v:iterator //a[]:each point's delicious_num int tim,p;//counters /*--global variables above--*/ /*--edge--*/ int cnt=1,head[N]; struct E{int to,next;}e[N*3];//edge //v:to_endpoint next:from_endpointer's point void ADD(int from,int to){e[cnt]=(E){to,head[from]};head[from]=cnt++;}//add edge /*--edge above--*/ /*--Mo struct--*/ struct Change{int u,New,Old;}cq[N];//persistent-marked array //pos: the position changed //New: this position's new color //Old: this position's previous color struct Query{int u,v,tim,id; //u: inquiry_section's left_border v: inquiry_section's right_border //Tim :this inquiry's change_times id:inquiry_order bool operator <(const Query &a) const{return Be[u]==Be[a.u]?(Be[v]==Be[a.v]?tim<a.tim:Be[v]<Be[a.v]):Be[u]<Be[a.u];}}q[N]; //encapsulate the block_struct,set compare_function inside /*--Mo struct above--*/ //--------- struct Datalock{ struct _blo{int l,r;}b[350];//pointer //l: present left_pointer r:present right_pointer int n,Be[N],m,unit,num[N],sum[350]; //n:total_number of colorpens //Be[]:mark each location's block //m:total_number of inquiries t,Time:iterator //unit:the size(length) of each block //num:marked each color's number void init(){unit=sqrt(n);m=(n-1)/unit+1;ff(n)Be[i]=(i-1)/unit+1; ff(m)b[i].l=(i-1)*unit+1,b[i].r=i*unit;b[m].r=n;} void Add(int v){if(v<=n)sum[Be[v]]+=(++num[v])==1;} void Del(int v){if(v<=n)sum[Be[v]]-=(--num[v])==0;} int mex(){ff(m)if(sum[i]!=b[i].r-b[i].l+1) fr(j,b[i].l,b[i].r)if(!num[j])return j;return -1;}}Data; //----------encapsulate the revise_operation void dfs(int u){ff(19)if((1<<i)>deep[u])break;else fa[u][i]=fa[fa[u][i-1]][i-1]; int bottom=top; tf(i,head,u)if(to!=fa[u][0]){fa[to][0]=u;deep[to]=deep[u]+1;dfs(to); if(top-bottom>=unit){m++;while(top!=bottom)Be[st[top--]]=m;}}st[++top]=u;} int LCA(int x,int y){if(deep[x]<deep[y])swap(x,y);int Dis=deep[x]-deep[y]; fr(i,0,16)if((1<<i)&Dis)x=fa[x][i];if(x==y)return x; fd(i,16,0)if(fa[x][i]!=fa[y][i])x=fa[x][i],y=fa[y][i];return x==y?x:fa[x][0];} void revise(int u,int d){if(vis[u])Data.Del(a[u]),Data.Add(d);a[u]=d;} //revise_operation:delt the old_num's message and add the new_num's message,at last change the num void Run(int u){if(vis[u])Data.Del(a[u]),vis[u]=0;else Data.Add(a[u]),vis[u]=1;} //visit operation:if u has been visited,just delt its message,and mark it has not been visited //or,just add its message and mark it has been visited void move(int x,int y){if(deep[x]<deep[y])swap(x,y); while(deep[x]>deep[y])Run(x),x=fa[x][0];while(x!=y)Run(x),Run(y),x=fa[x][0],y=fa[y][0];} //move operation:move from the deeper one to another one ,until they are in the same deep //then there are two cases: //case 1:they are same,just means has moved from x to y,just return //case 2:they are different,just means they are in the different side of their LCA,just move them bove,until they meet int main(){int uu,vv,op,x,y,n,Q,t[N]; scanf("%d%d",&n,&Q);//read the total_number of points and the total_number of operations unit=pow(n,0.45);//work out the unit ff(n)a[i]=in(),t[i]=++a[i];//read each point's delicious_num ff(n-1)uu=in(),vv=in(),ADD(uu,vv),ADD(vv,uu);//read each edge,add this edge dfs(1);//initialization while(top)Be[st[top--]]=m;//if some points don't have its block,just set them together as the last block ff(Q){op=in(),x=in(),y=in();//read the operation and two num if(op)p++,q[p]=(Query){x,y,tim,p};//query_operation,just want present smallest absent_natural_number //just push it into to query_array else tim++,cq[tim]=(Change){x,y+1,t[x]},t[x]=y+1;//revise_operation,just push it into the change_array and change it }Data.n=n+1;Data.init();//initialization sort(q+1,q+1+p);//sort the query_array depends on incremental order ff(p){//make a loop from 1 to p in order to deal with each inquiry while(T<q[i].tim)T++,revise(cq[T].u,cq[T].New); //if the now_time is smaller than the wanted time ,just change the num into the present_time's num and renew the time while(T>q[i].tim)revise(cq[T].u,cq[T].Old),T--; //if the now_time is larger than the wanted time , just change the color into the previous_time's color and renew the time if(u!=q[i].u)move(u,q[i].u),u=q[i].u;if(v!=q[i].v)move(v,q[i].v),v=q[i].v; //if the now_left_pointer and now_left_pointer are not in the wanted position,just move them int anc=LCA(u,v);Run(anc);ans[q[i].id]=Data.mex()-1;Run(anc); //extra operation:calculate out the LCA's message }ff(p)printf("%d\n",ans[i]);//out the answer }