<view class='msg-con'> <view class='service-msg flex-wrap' > <view class='flex-item'> <view class='service-avatar'> <view class='iconfont icon-kefu'></view> </view> </view> <view class='flex-item4 service-item'> <view class='name s'>在線客服</view> </view> <button open-type="contact" hover-class="none"></button> </view> <view class='msg-item flex-wrap' wx:for="{{contactList}}" wx:key="{{index}}" wx:if="{{contactList.length > 0}}" bindtap='linkChat' data-id="{{item.To_Account}}" data-name="{{item.C2cNick}}"> <view class='flex-item'> <view class='msg-avatar'> <image style="width:50px;height:50px;border-radius:50%;" mode= "scaleToFill" wx:if="{{item.C2cImage == ''}}" src="{{noData}}"></image> <image style="width:50px;height:50px;border-radius:50%;" mode= "scaleToFill" wx:if="{{item.C2cImage != ''}}" src="{{item.C2cImage}}"></image> </view> </view> <view class='flex-item4 msg-text'> <view class='name flex-wrap'> <view class="flex-item ellipsis1">{{item.C2cNick}}</view> <view class="flex-item tr fz24 c9">{{item.MsgTimeStamp}}</view> </view> <view class='text flex-wrap'> <view class='flex-item3 ellipsis1'> <text>{{item.MsgShow}}</text> </view> <view class='flex-item'> <text class='count' wx:if="{{item.UnreadMsgCount > 0}}">{{item.UnreadMsgCount}}</text></view> </view> </view> </view> <view > </view> </view> <view class='dev' wx:if="{{!isNoData}}"> <image style="width:306rpx;height:306rpx;display:block;" mode= "scaleToFill" src="{{noData}}"></image> <view class="devt"> 消息列表爲空~ </view> </view>
.msg-con{ width: 100%; height: auto; background: #ffffff; padding:0px 10px; box-sizing: border-box; } .service-msg{ width: 100%; height: 70px; } .msg-item{ border-top: 1px solid #e5e5e5; } .service-avatar{ width: 50px; height: 50px; background: #69BEFF; margin: 10px 0; border-radius:50%; } .msg-avatar{ width: 50px; height: 50px; margin: 10px 0; border-radius:50%; } .msg-text{ margin-top:12px; } .name{ font-size: 16px; color: #333333; height: 25px; } .name.s{ height: 70px; line-height: 70px; } .text{ color: #999999; font-size: 13px; position: relative; } .icon-kefu::before{ width: 50px; height: 50px; line-height: 50px; display: block; color: #ffffff; text-align: center; font-size: 60rpx; } .count{ width: 20px; height: 20px; background:#F74C31; border-radius:50%; line-height: 20px; display: block; color: #ffffff; text-align: center; position: absolute; right: 0px; top: 0; } button{ color: #333333; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 1; width: 100%; height: 100%; background: rgba(0,0,0,0); } button:after{ border:none; } .service-msg{ position: relative; }
ar util = require('../..//utils/util.js'); //轉換時間插件 var webim = require('../../utils/webim.js');//騰訊雲im包 var webimhandler = require('../../utils/webim_handler.js');//這個是全部事件的騰訊js,這個頁面須要用到登陸 const app = getApp() Page({ /** * 頁面的初始數據 */ data: { isNoData:true, noData: app.data.imageUrl + '/no-msg.png',//無數據的圖片 contactList:[],//會話列表 }, onLoad: function (options) { }, onShow:function(){ wx.showLoading() var that = this; var selToID = '';//會話列表不設置對方私聊帳號 webimhandler.init({ //初始化的方法 accountMode: app.data.Config.accountMode , accountType: app.data.Config.accountType , sdkAppID: app.data.Config.sdkappid , selType: webim.SESSION_TYPE.C2C//私聊 , agent_member_id: app.data.userInfo.id//經紀人id , id: selToID //若是是經紀人,則填agent_member_id ,若是是普通用戶則填經紀人id , name: app.data.userInfo.agent_name , icon: app.data.userInfo.agent_pic, that: that }); if (webim.checkLogin()) {//檢查是否登陸返回true和false,不登陸則從新登陸 console.log('已登陸') that.initRecentContactList(); } else { console.log('登陸成功') webimhandler.sdkLogin(that, app, selToID, function () { that.initRecentContactList(); }); } }, //初始化聊天界面最近會話列表 initRecentContactList: function () { var that = this; webim.getRecentContactList({//獲取會話列表的方法 'Count': 10 //最近的會話數 ,最大爲 100 }, function (resp) { if (resp.SessionItem){ if (resp.SessionItem.length == 0) { that.setData({ isNoData: false, }) wx.hideLoading() }else if (resp.SessionItem.length > 0){ that.setData({ contactList: resp.SessionItem, isNoData:true }) var userId = that.data.contactList.map((item, index) => { return item.To_Account }) that.getAvatar(userId, that.data.contactList, function (data) { data = data.map((item,index)=>{ if (item.MsgShow == '[其餘]'){ item.MsgShow = '[房源信息]' } return item; }) that.setData({ contactList: data }) wx.hideLoading(); // 初始化最近會話的消息未讀數(監聽新消息事件) webim.syncMsgs(webimhandler.onMsgNotify()); }) // webim.syncMsgs(that.initUnreadMsgCount()) }else{ wx.hideLoading() return; } }else{ wx.hideLoading() } }, function (resp) { //錯誤回調 }); }, // 初始化最近會話的消息未讀數(這個方法用不到,多餘,這是個坑,登陸以後仍然返回空對象) initUnreadMsgCount: function(){ var sess; var sessMap = JSON.stringify(webim.MsgStore.sessMap()) ; for (var i in sessMap) { console.log('循環對象') sess = sessMap[i]; // if (selToID && selToID != sess.id()) { //更新其餘聊天對象的未讀消息數 console.log('sess.unread()', sess.unread()) // updateSessDiv(sess.type(), sess.id(), sess.name(), sess.unread()); // } } }, //獲取會話列表全部用戶頭像 getAvatar: function(userId, item, callback) { if(!callback) { callback = () => { } } var that = this; var tag_list = ['Tag_Profile_IM_Nick', 'Tag_Profile_IM_Image'] tag_list.push("Tag_Profile_IM_Nick"); //用戶id var account = userId var options = { From_Account: userId, To_Account: account, LastStandardSequence: 0, TagList: tag_list, }; var contactList = []; webim.getProfilePortrait( options, function (res) { var UserProfileItem = res.UserProfileItem; var C2cNick, C2cImage; for (var i = 0; i < UserProfileItem.length; i++) { var data = UserProfileItem[i].ProfileItem; // 循環添加暱稱和頭像 contactList = item.map((item, index) => { item.C2cNick = UserProfileItem[index].ProfileItem[0].Value item.C2cImage = UserProfileItem[index].ProfileItem[1].Value return item; }) } contactList = contactList.map((item, index) => { var MsgTimeStamp = util.getDateDiff(item.MsgTimeStamp * 1000) item.MsgTimeStamp = MsgTimeStamp; return item; }) callback(contactList) } ) }, /** * 頁面相關事件處理函數--監聽用戶下拉動做 */ onPullDownRefresh: function () { }, /** * 頁面上拉觸底事件的處理函數 */ onReachBottom: function () { }, /** * 從列表選擇一個會話跳轉聊天(須要傳你要聊天的會話的對方id過去) */ linkChat:function(e){ wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/chat/chat?id=' + e.currentTarget.dataset.id + '&name=' + e.currentTarget.dataset.name , }) } }) 登陸的方法 function sdkLogin(that,app, selToID,callback) { if (!callback){ callback = () => { } } this.init({ accountMode: app.data.Config.accountMode , accountType: app.data.Config.accountType , sdkAppID: app.data.Config.sdkappid , selType: webim.SESSION_TYPE.C2C//私聊 , agent_member_id: app.data.userInfo.id//經紀人id , id: selToID //若是是經紀人,則填agent_member_id ,若是是普通用戶則填經紀人id , name: app.data.userInfo.agent_name , icon: app.data.userInfo.agent_pic, that:that }); //當前用戶身份 var loginInfo = { 'sdkAppID':app.data.Config.sdkappid, //用戶所屬應用id,必填 'appIDAt3rd':app.data.Config.sdkappid, //用戶所屬應用id,必填 'accountType':app.data.Config.accountType, //用戶所屬應用賬號類型,必填 'identifier': app.data.userInfo.id, //當前用戶ID,必須是否字符串類型,選填 'identifierNick': app.data.userInfo.nickname, //當前用戶暱稱,選填 'userSig': app.data.userInfo.usersig, //當前用戶身份憑證,必須是字符串類型,選填 }; //1v1單聊的話,通常只須要 'onConnNotify' 和 'onMsgNotify'就好了。 //監聽鏈接狀態回調變化事件 var onConnNotify = function (resp) { switch (resp.ErrorCode) { case webim.CONNECTION_STATUS.ON: //webim.Log.warn('鏈接狀態正常...'); break; case webim.CONNECTION_STATUS.OFF: webim.Log.warn('鏈接已斷開,沒法收到新消息,請檢查下你的網絡是否正常'); break; default: webim.Log.error('未知鏈接狀態,status=' + resp.ErrorCode); break; } }; //監聽事件 var listeners = { "onConnNotify": onConnNotify//監聽鏈接狀態回調變化事件,必填 , "onMsgNotify": onMsgNotify }; //其餘對象,選填 var options = { 'isAccessFormalEnv': true,//是否訪問正式環境,默認訪問正式,選填 'isLogOn': true//是否開啓控制檯打印日誌,默認開啓,選填 }; //sdk登陸(獨立模式) webim.login(loginInfo, listeners, options, function (resp) { callback() }, function (err) { console.log("登陸失敗", err.ErrorInfo) }); }
var cache = require('./utils/cache.js'); var login = require('./utils/login.js'); App({ data: { Config :{ sdkappid: 1400129031,// accountType: 35602, accountMode: 0 //賬號模式,0-表示獨立模式 }, },
<view class='msg-con'> <view class='service-msg flex-wrap' > <view class='flex-item'> <view class='service-avatar'> <view class='iconfont icon-kefu'></view> </view> </view> <view class='flex-item4 service-item'> <view class='name s'>在線客服</view> </view> <button open-type="contact" hover-class="none"></button> </view> <view class='msg-item flex-wrap' wx:for="{{contactList}}" wx:key="{{index}}" wx:if="{{contactList.length > 0}}" bindtap='linkChat' data-id="{{item.To_Account}}" data-name="{{item.C2cNick}}"> <view class='flex-item'> <view class='msg-avatar'> <image style="width:50px;height:50px;border-radius:50%;" mode= "scaleToFill" wx:if="{{item.C2cImage == ''}}" src="{{noData}}"></image> <image style="width:50px;height:50px;border-radius:50%;" mode= "scaleToFill" wx:if="{{item.C2cImage != ''}}" src="{{item.C2cImage}}"></image> </view> </view> <view class='flex-item4 msg-text'> <view class='name flex-wrap'> <view class="flex-item ellipsis1">{{item.C2cNick}}</view> <view class="flex-item tr fz24 c9">{{item.MsgTimeStamp}}</view> </view> <view class='text flex-wrap'> <view class='flex-item3 ellipsis1'> <text>{{item.MsgShow}}</text> </view> <view class='flex-item'> <text class='count' wx:if="{{item.UnreadMsgCount > 0}}">{{item.UnreadMsgCount}}</text></view> </view> </view> </view> <view > </view> </view> <view class='dev' wx:if="{{!isNoData}}"> <image style="width:306rpx;height:306rpx;display:block;" mode= "scaleToFill" src="{{noData}}"></image> <view class="devt"> 消息列表爲空~ </view> </view>express