第一期PEJC,2018年11月17日上午9:00,N2-146 ios
SDU, Plant Ecology Journal Club November 16, 2018 (Session 1st)vim
一、爲何要作Journal Club (Liu Lele);dom
二、河流對植物種羣遺傳結構的影響系列綜述(Wang Jingwen);ide
三、使用電鏡觀測植物根系的探索(Yin Meiqi);post
四、How to skim a paper? A case (Liu Lele):flex
SDU, Plant Ecology Journal Club November 24, 2018 (Session 2nd)
一、河流對植物種羣遺傳結構的影響系列綜述2(Wang Jingwen)
PPT下載 (提取碼:62bw)
Geng Q, Yao Z, Yang J, He J, Wang D, Wang Z, Liu H. Effect of Yangtze River on population genetic structure of the relict plant Parrotia subaequalis in eastern China. Ecology and evolution. 2015 Oct;5(20):4617-27.
Sander NL, Pérez‐Zavala F, Da Silva CJ, Arruda JC, Pulido MT, Barelli MA, Rossi AB, Viana AP, Boechat MS, Bacon CD, Cibrián‐Jaramillo A. Rivers shape population genetic structure in Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae). Ecology and Evolution. 2018.
Baker SA, Dyer RJ. Invasion genetics of Microstegium vimineum (Poaceae) within the James River Basin of Virginia, USA. Conservation Genetics. 2011 Jun 1;12(3):793-803.
二、Transgenerational epigenetics in non-model plants with common garden experiments (Liu Lele)
Groot MP, Wagemaker N, Ouborg NJ, Verhoeven KJ, Vergeer P. Epigenetic population differentiation in field‐and common garden‐grown Scabiosa columbaria plants. Ecology and evolution. 2018 Mar;8(6):3505-17.
Preite V, Oplaat C, Biere A, Kirschner J, van der Putten WH, Verhoeven KJ. Increased transgenerational epigenetic variation, but not predictable epigenetic variants, after environmental exposure in two apomictic dandelion lineages. Ecology and evolution. 2018 Mar;8(5):3047-59.
Herrera CM, Alonso C, Medrano M, Pérez R, Bazaga P. Transgenerational epigenetics: Inheritance of global cytosine methylation and methylation‐related epigenetic markers in the shrub Lavandula latifolia. American journal of botany. 2018 Apr;105(4):741-8.
Rendina González AP, Preite V, Verhoeven K, Latzel V. Transgenerational effects and epigenetic memory in the clonal plant Trifolium repens. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2018;9:1677.
SDU, Plant Ecology Journal Club December 1, 2018 (Session 3rd)
一、Yin Meiqi: 不一樣生境蘆葦形態特徵和莖稈解剖結構分析 PPT
陳國倉, 張承烈. 不一樣生境蘆葦形態特徵和莖稈解剖結構的比較研究. 蘭州大學學報 (天然科學版). 1991;27.
二、Wang Jingwen: The causes and consequences of DNA methylome variation in plants PPT
Seymour D K, Becker C. The causes and consequences of DNA methylome variation in plants[J]. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 2017, 36:56-63.
三、Zhu Pengcheng: 水稻種植系統中,堆肥堆減小溫室氣體排放具備有益做用 PPT
Jeong S T , Kim G W , Hwang H Y , et al. Beneficial effect of compost utilization on reducing greenhouse gas emissions in a rice cultivation system through the overall management chain[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 613-614:115-122.
四、Sun Xiaohan: 植物交配系統研究初探 PPT
五、Liu Lele: The descriptors and drivers of reed die-back syndrome in Italy PPT
Coppi, A., Lastrucci, L., Cappelletti, D., Cerri, M., Ferranti, F., Ferri, V., Foggi, B., Gigante, D., Venanzoni, R., Viciani, D. and Selvaggi, R., 2018. AFLP Approach Reveals Variability in Phragmites australis: Implications for Its Die-Back and Evidence for Genotoxic Effects. Frontiers in plant science, 9, p.386.
Lastrucci, L., Lazzaro, L., Coppi, A., Foggi, B., Ferranti, F., Venanzoni, R., Cerri, M., Ferri, V., Gigante, D. and Reale, L., 2017. Demographic and macro-morphological evidence for common reed dieback in central Italy. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 10(2-3), pp.241-251.
Cerri, M., Ferranti, F., Coppi, A., Foggi, B., Gigante, D., Lastrucci, L., Onofri, A., Venanzoni, R., Viciani, D. and Reale, L., 2018. Influence of die-back syndrome on reproductive strategies within Phragmites australis populations. Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology, pp.1-7.
SDU, Plant Ecology Journal Club December 8, 2018 (Session 4th)
一、Yin Meiqi: 蘆葦形態結構對黃河三角洲不一樣生境的響應 PPT
韓鵬, 吳耿, 吳勇泉, et al. 蘆葦形態結構對黃河三角洲不一樣生境的響應[J]. 溼地科學, 2011, 9(2):185-190.
二、Wang Jingwen: Genetic differentiation of Rubus chamaemorus populations PPT
Leišová‐Svobodová, L., Phillips, J., Martinussen, I. and Holubec, V., 2018. Genetic differentiation of Rubus chamaemorus populations in the Czech Republic and Norway after the last glacial period. Ecology and Evolution, 8(11), pp.5701-5711.
三、Liu Lele: Genetic and Epigenetic Contributions to Adaptation in Arabidopsis PPT
Fakheran, S., Paul-Victor, C., Heichinger, C., Schmid, B., Grossniklaus, U. and Turnbull, L.A., 2010. Adaptation and extinction in experimentally fragmented landscapes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, p.201010846.
Schmid, M.W., Heichinger, C., Schmid, D.C., Guthörl, D., Gagliardini, V., Bruggmann, R., Aluri, S., Aquino, C., Schmid, B., Turnbull, L.A. and Grossniklaus, U., 2018. Contribution of epigenetic variation to adaptation in Arabidopsis. Nature communications, 9(1), p.4446.
SDU, Plant Ecology Journal Club December 15, 2018 (Session 5th)
一、Yin Meiqi: Anatomy study in three different ecotypes of reed. PPT
Liu, Y., Li, X., Liu, M., Cao, B., Tan, H., Wang, J. and Li, X., 2012. Responses of three different ecotypes of reed (Phragmites communis Trin.) to their natural habitats: leaf surface micro-morphology, anatomy, chloroplast ultrastructure and physio-chemical characteristics. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 51, pp.159-167.
二、Liu Lele: Plant Growth-Promoting Organisms in Soybean Hydroponics. PPT
Paradiso, R., Arena, C., De Micco, V., Giordano, M., Aronne, G. and De Pascale, S., 2017. Changes in Leaf Anatomical Traits Enhanced Photosynthetic Activity of Soybean Grown in Hydroponics with Plant Growth-Promoting Microorganisms. Frontiers in plant science, 8, p.674.
三、Zhu Pengcheng: Litter decomposition PPT
Allison, S.D., Lu, Y., Weihe, C., Goulden, M.L., Martiny, A.C., Treseder, K.K. and Martiny, J.B., 2013. Microbial abundance and composition influence litter decomposition response to environmental change. Ecology, 94(3), pp.714-725.
四、Li Yichen: 微生物肥料製備及有效性驗證明驗之實驗設計討論 PPT
SDU, Plant Ecology Journal Club December 22, 2018 (Session 6th)
一、Liu Lele: Root endophytes in Phragmites australis
Bowen JL, Kearns PJ, Byrnes JE, Wigginton S, Allen WJ, Greenwood M, Tran K, Yu J, Cronin JT, Meyerson LA. Lineage overwhelms environmental conditions in determining rhizosphere bacterial community structure in a cosmopolitan invasive plant. Nature communications. 2017 Sep 5;8(1):433.
Bickford WA, Goldberg DE, Kowalski KP, Zak DR. Root endophytes and invasiveness: no difference between native and non‐native Phragmites in the Great Lakes Region. Ecosphere. 2018 Dec;9(12):e02526.
Shearin ZR, Filipek M, Desai R, Bickford WA, Kowalski KP, Clay K. Fungal endophytes from seeds of invasive, non-native Phragmites australis and their potential role in germination and seedling growth. Plant and Soil. 2018 Jan 1;422(1-2):183-94.
White JF, Kingsley KI, Kowalski KP, Irizarry I, Micci A, Soares MA, Bergen MS. Disease protection and allelopathic interactions of seed-transmitted endophytic pseudomonads of invasive reed grass (Phragmites australis). Plant and Soil. 2018 Jan 1;422(1-2):195-208.
二、Wang Jingwen: Microsatellite markers in Phragmites australis
Saltonstall K. Microsatellite variation within and among North American lineages of Phragmites australis. Molecular Ecology. 2003 Jul;12(7):1689-702.
SDU, Plant Ecology Journal Club. December 28, 2018 (Session 7th)
一、Liu Lele : (1) Soil legacy (2) Paremtage analysis
Schmid, M. W., Hahl, T. , van Moorsel, S. J., Wagg, C. , De Deyn, G. B. and Schmid, B. (2018), Feedbacks of plant identity and diversity on the diversity and community composition of rhizosphere microbiomes from a long‐term biodiversity experiment. Mol Ecol. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1111/mec.14987
Flanagan, S. P. and Jones, A. G. (2018), The future of parentage analysis: from microsatellites to SNPs and beyond. Mol Ecol. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1111/mec.14988
二、Wang Jingwen: Epigenetic diversity increases the productivity and stability of plant populations
Latzel, V.I.T., Allan, E., Silveira, A.B., Colot, V., Fischer, M. and Bossdorf, O., 2013. Epigenetic diversity increases the productivity and stability of plant populations. Nature communications, 4, p.2875.
三、Yin Meiqi: Phenotypic differences among ploidy levels of Phragmites australis growing in Romania
Paucã-Comãnescu, M., Clevering, O.A., Hanganu, J. and Gridin, M., 1999. Phenotypic differences among ploidy levels of Phragmites australis growing in Romania. Aquatic Botany, 64(3-4), pp.223-234.