Graphite is a "smart font" system developed specifically to handle the complexities of lesser-known languages of the world. php
上面這段話是從Graphite的官網(上摘的對於這個Open Source library的功能的描述。它是一個相似於Harfbuzz的一個文本shape的引擎,只不過,它在shape的過程當中,會更加依賴於font文件中提供的信息。對於緬甸語的處理,Graphite引擎 + Padauk font 文件的組合方案,堪稱完美。 html
這個library用到的API也大多在standard C++的範圍以內,這就給用NDK編譯這個library創造了很好的條件。 linux
在NDK中使用STL的方法,能夠看到Google官方文檔(prebuilts/ndk/7/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/README)中的一段話: android
This directory contains the headers and prebuilt binaries for the GNU libstdc++-v3 C++ Standard Template Library implementation. These are generated from the toolchain sources by the script under build/tools. To use it, define APP_STL to 'gnustl_static' in your See docs/CPLUSPLUS-SUPPORT.html for more details. This implementation fully supports C++ exceptions and RTTI.這段文字中提到的 Application.mk的含義是,須要在jni這個folder下原來的那個Android.mk文件的基礎之上,添加另外的一個名爲 Application.mk的文件。在咱們爲了編譯graphite2而添加的 Application.mk文件中,實際上能夠只有一句話:
APP_STL := gnustl_static
編譯這種module的另外的一個麻煩之處是,咱們沒有辦法一會兒看出來,到底須要往咱們的source file list中添加多少個source file。大概只能經過逐個的添加文件,直到在也不會爆出「Undefined reference to ...」 這種build error的信息爲止了吧。以下的 文件是通過反覆的連接報錯->添加source file這樣一個過程,所獲得的結果。 c++
# Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) HOME := /media/hanpfei ANDROID_SOURCE_TOP=$(HOME)/LinData/android_src/JellyBean LOCAL_MODULE := hello-jni LOCAL_SRC_FILES := hello-jni.cpp \ JniHelper.cpp\ JniDebug.cpp LOCAL_LDLIBS := -llog include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := graphite2 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := graphite2-1.2.0/src/Bidi.cpp \ graphite2-1.2.0/src/CachedFace.cpp \ graphite2-1.2.0/src/call_machine.cpp \ graphite2-1.2.0/src/CmapCache.cpp \ graphite2-1.2.0/src/Code.cpp \ graphite2-1.2.0/src/Face.cpp \ graphite2-1.2.0/src/FeatureMap.cpp \ graphite2-1.2.0/src/FileFace.cpp \ graphite2-1.2.0/src/Font.cpp \ graphite2-1.2.0/src/GlyphCache.cpp \ graphite2-1.2.0/src/GlyphFace.cpp \ graphite2-1.2.0/src/gr_face.cpp \ graphite2-1.2.0/src/gr_font.cpp \ graphite2-1.2.0/src/gr_logging.cpp \ graphite2-1.2.0/src/gr_slot.cpp \ graphite2-1.2.0/src/json.cpp \ graphite2-1.2.0/src/NameTable.cpp \ graphite2-1.2.0/src/Pass.cpp \ graphite2-1.2.0/src/SegCache.cpp \ graphite2-1.2.0/src/SegCacheEntry.cpp \ graphite2-1.2.0/src/SegCacheStore.cpp \ graphite2-1.2.0/src/Segment.cpp \ graphite2-1.2.0/src/Silf.cpp \ graphite2-1.2.0/src/Slot.cpp \ graphite2-1.2.0/src/Sparse.cpp \ graphite2-1.2.0/src/TtfUtil.cpp \ graphite2-1.2.0/src/UtfCodec.cpp LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/graphite2-1.2.0/src \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/graphite2-1.2.0/include include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)
這個Android.mk文件中,另外一個值得咱們參考的是,在同一個mk文件中,定義對於兩個library的編譯的方法。我的認爲,比較關鍵的地方在於,include $(CLEAR_VARS) 這一行。它的含義大致上是將前面定義的全部的變量都給清除掉。這樣大概就能夠讓咱們很方便的將多個Android.mk文件給合併成爲一個了。 shell
執行ndk-build,輸出大概就會像下面這樣: express
hanpfei@ubuntu:/media/hanpfei/LinData/workspace/Graphite-jni$ ndk-build /home/hanpfei/Data/Tools/android-ndk-r8d/build/core/ Android NDK: WARNING: APP_PLATFORM android-14 is larger than android:minSdkVersion 3 in ./AndroidManifest.xml Gdbserver : [arm-linux-androideabi-4.6] libs/armeabi/gdbserver Gdbsetup : libs/armeabi/gdb.setup Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= Bidi.cpp Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= CachedFace.cpp Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= call_machine.cpp Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= CmapCache.cpp Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= Code.cpp Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= Face.cpp Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= FeatureMap.cpp Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= FileFace.cpp Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= Font.cpp Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= GlyphCache.cpp Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= GlyphFace.cpp Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= gr_face.cpp Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= gr_font.cpp Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= gr_logging.cpp Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= gr_slot.cpp Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= json.cpp Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= NameTable.cpp Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= Pass.cpp Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= SegCache.cpp Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= SegCacheEntry.cpp Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= SegCacheStore.cpp Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= Segment.cpp Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= Silf.cpp Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= Slot.cpp Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= Sparse.cpp Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= TtfUtil.cpp Compile++ thumb : graphite2 <= UtfCodec.cpp SharedLibrary : Install : => libs/armeabi/ Compile++ thumb : hello-jni <= hello-jni.cpp Compile++ thumb : hello-jni <= JniHelper.cpp Compile++ thumb : hello-jni <= JniDebug.cpp SharedLibrary : Install : => libs/armeabi/
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