50 characters or less = 5-7 wordsapp
for all devices: 25-30 characters = 3 - 5 wordsless
Applying for a jobthis
Making Announcementsorm
Join Us for Our Grand Openingci
Meet Our New CEOit
Try Our Newest Productio
which can also include date and timeform
you can also include your company name rather than using pronounsemail
Meeting Requestsimport
Meeting Cancelations
WHO & WHAT(1st sentence = 1st impression)
WHO AUTHOR(Subject of 1st sentence)
name + position/organization (First time)
My name is James Brown, and I am the general manager at Goods and Services, LLC.
pronoun(I,we,he,she,...) (Not first time)
I am delighted to inform you that we are now offering a 30% discount in our entire inventory.
Controlling Idea = Purpose
Job Application - Monica Moore
To Whom It May Concern,
My name is Monica Moore. I'm applying for a accounting job at ABC, Inc.
I will be great fit for this position beacuse I am skilled in various word-processing software and accounting software. I also have great communication skills. My resume includes more details of my skills and education. I am looking forward to your acceptance, and I hope you stay healthy and safe.
Monica Moore
Tel: +1-123-456-7890