xcode5 cocos2dx 初步

1) 第一個問題解決方式是把 Resources/目錄下的Info.plist刪掉 

2) 資源目錄less






      程序中根據分辨率 FileUtils::getInstance()->addSearchPath("xxxx")   打印的日誌是加載的ipad目錄 可是運行的時候使用的資源卻會是其餘目錄的資源。ip

      緣由: Resources/ ->  右鍵 -> Add Files to "HelloCpp" -> Folders處選擇了Create groups for added folders   此時添加進去的三個目錄顏色爲黃色ci

      解決: Folders處選擇Create folder references for any added folders. 此時三個目錄爲藍色資源


  • Copy items into destination group’s folder: Select this option to create a copy of the selected file or folder in the workspace. Do this if you want to delete, move, or rename files or folders in the workspace without altering the original versions on disk.

  • Create groups for any added folders: Select this option to create a group named after the folder. The new group contains the items in the selected folder.

  • Create folder references for any added folders: Select this option to create a folder reference named after the folder. The files that appear in the new folder reference are not part of your project unless you add them to the project explicitly.

  • Add to targets: Select the destination targets for your selected files or folder references. New folder references and files that can participate in the build process become members of the selected targets.

Creating a Group

Create a group to collect related files together.

  1. In the project navigator, select the location where you want to create the group.

  2. Choose File > New > Group.

  3. Enter a name for the group.

You can arrange files into groups that make sense to you instead of following the layout of the project directory. After you create the group, drag your chosen files into it. You can also drag the group to a new location in the project navigator.

Changes you make to groups in the project navigator do not affect the folders in your file system on disk.

Tip: You can also select the files to group and choose File > New > Group from Selection.
