class Exam { public: std::string _id; std::string _name; std::string _path; std::string _star;//試題難度 };
const char * level[]={ "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "FATAL", "DEBUG" };
//提供一個獲取當前時間的方法 static void GetNowTime(std::string * nowtime){ time_t tm; time(&tm);//獲取到距離1970年時間的秒數 struct tm * st = localtime(&tm);//將秒數轉化爲年月日時間 //用st填充nowtime std::stringstream ss; ss<<st->tm_year+1900<<" "<<st->tm_mon+1<<" "<<st->tm_mday<<" "<<st->tm_hour<<":"<<st->tm_min<<":"<<st->tm_sec; *nowtime=ss.str(); }
//獲取時間戳 static int64_t GetTimeStamp() { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); return tv.tv_sec; }
inline static void Log(LogLevel lev, const char* file, int line, const std::string& logmsg){ //將日誌信息寫入日誌文件中 std::string level_info = level[lev]; std::string TimeStamp; GetNowTime(&TimeStamp); //[時間 日誌等級 文件:行號] 具體的日誌信息 //std::cout << "[" << TimeStamp << " " << level_info << " " << file << ":" //<< line << "]" << logmsg << std::endl; //構造一個字符串直接寫到文件中 std::stringstream ss; ss<<"["<<TimeStamp<<" "<<level_info<<" "<<file<<":"<<line<<"]"; ss<<logmsg; ss<<std::endl; int fd = open("./LogFile",O_RDWR|O_APPEND); write(fd,ss.str().c_str(),ss.str().size()); close(fd); }
#define LOG(lev,msg) Log(lev,__FILE__,__LINE__,msg)
//經過傳入的vec使用谷歌模板技術將str填充好 static void DrowAllExam(std::string * str,std::vector<Exam> & vec){ //創建一個叫作allques的字典 ctemplate::TemplateDictionary dict("all_questions"); for(const auto &e:vec){ //構建一個子字典存放每一條題目信息 //ctemplate::TemplateDictionary* section_dict = dict.AddSectionDictionary("question"); ctemplate::TemplateDictionary * section_dict = dict.AddSectionDictionary("question"); section_dict->SetValue("id",e._id); section_dict->SetValue("id",e._id); section_dict->SetValue("name",e._name); section_dict->SetValue("star",e._star); } //2.獲取模板類指針,加載預約義的html頁面到內存當中 ctemplate::Template* tl = ctemplate::Template::GetTemplate("./template/all_questions.html", ctemplate::DO_NOT_STRIP); //3.渲染 拿着模板類的指針,將數據字典當中的數據更新到html頁面的內存中 tl->Expand(str, &dict); }
這個過程就是經過函數傳入的參數,填充模板類中的預約義字段,如section_dict->SetValue("id",e._id); 而後再獲取模板類指針,加載預約義的html頁面到內存當中 ,此時調用這個模板類提供的渲染方法就能夠完成對數據的渲染。
<html> <head> <title>在線OJ</title> </head> <body> <div>{{id}}.{{name}} {{star}}</div> <div>{{desc}}</div> <div> <form action="/question/{{id}}" method="POST"><!--要提交到哪裏--> <textarea name="code" rows=40 cols=70>{{writ}}</textarea><!--代碼框的大小和其中的內容--> <br> <input type="submit" formenctype="appliaction/json" value="提交"><!--設置提交按鈕--> </form> </div> </body> </html>
static int ReadDataFromFile(const std::string& filename, std::string* content){ std::ifstream file(filename.c_str()); if(!file.is_open()){ LOG(ERROR,"File Open Faild"); return -1; } std::string line; while(std::getline(file, line)) { *content += line + "\n"; } file.close(); return 0; }
//0 : 編譯運行沒有錯誤 //1.編譯錯誤 //2.運行錯誤 //3.參數錯誤 //4.內存錯誤 enum ErrorNo { OK = 0, COMPILE_ERROR, RUN_ERROR, PRAM_ERROR, INTERNAL_ERROR };
class Compile{ public: static void CompileAndRun(const Json::Value& req,Json::Value * resp){ if(req["code"].empty()){ (*resp)["errorno"] = PRAM_ERROR; (*resp)["reason"] = "Pram error"; LOG(ERROR,"Request Code Is Empty"); } //將代碼寫到文件中去 std::string code = req["code"].asString();//先將代碼由Josn轉化爲字符串 //文件名稱進行約定 tmp_時間戳.cpp std::string tmp_filename = WriteTmpFile(code); if(tmp_filename == "") { (*resp)["errorno"] = INTERNAL_ERROR; (*resp)["reason"] = "Create file failed"; LOG(ERROR, "Write Source failed"); return; } //3.編譯 if(!compile(tmp_filename)) { (*resp)["Errorno"] = COMPILE_ERROR; //從錯誤文件中讀取,構造編譯錯誤的響應 std::string reason; FileTools::ReadDataFromFile(ErrorPath(tmp_filename), &reason); (*resp)["reason"] = reason; LOG(ERROR, "Compile Error\n"); return; } //4.運行 int sig = run(tmp_filename); if(sig != 0) { (*resp)["errorno"] = RUN_ERROR; //reason字段保存運行失敗所被哪一個信號所殺 (*resp)["reason"] = "Program exit by sig " + std::to_string(sig); LOG(ERROR, "Run Error\n"); return; } //5.構造響應 //正常編譯運行後響應 (*resp)["errorno"] = OK; (*resp)["reason"] = "Compile and run is okey!"; //標準輸出 std::string stdout_reason; FileTools::ReadDataFromFile(StdoutPath(tmp_filename), &stdout_reason); (*resp)["stdout"] = stdout_reason; //標準錯誤 std::string stderr_reason; FileTools::ReadDataFromFile(StderrPath(tmp_filename), &stderr_reason); (*resp)["stderr"] = stderr_reason; //程序正常的話就清理掉臨時文件 Clean(tmp_filename); return; } private: static std::string WriteTmpFile(const std::string& code) { //1.組織文件名稱,組織文件的前綴名稱,用來區分源碼文件,可執行文件是同一組數據 std::string nowtime; std::string tmp_filename = "/tmp_" +std::to_string(GetTimeStamp()); //寫文件 int ret = FileTools::WriteDataToFile(SrcPath(tmp_filename), code); if(ret < 0) { LOG(ERROR, "Write code to source failed"); return ""; } return tmp_filename; } static std::string SrcPath(const std::string& filename) { return "./tmp_files" + filename + ".cpp"; } static std::string ErrorPath(const std::string& filename) { return "./tmp_files" + filename + ".err"; } static std::string ExePath(const std::string& filename) { return "./tmp_files" + filename + ".executable"; } static std::string StdoutPath(const std::string& filename) { return "./tmp_files" + filename + ".stdout"; } static std::string StderrPath(const std::string& filename) { return "./tmp_files" + filename + ".stderr"; } static bool compile(const std::string & filename){ //構造編譯命令進行文件的編譯 //構造編譯命令:g++ src -o des -std=c++11 //程序替換時使用execvp函數,替換g++,第二個參數是char*類型的數組,因此要構造Commond const int commondcount = 20; char buf[commondcount][50] = {{0}}; char * Commond[commondcount] = {0}; for(int i = 0 ; i < commondcount ; ++i){ Commond[i]=buf[i]; } snprintf(Commond[0],49,"%s","g++"); snprintf(Commond[1],49,"%s",SrcPath(filename).c_str()); snprintf(Commond[2],49,"%s","-o"); snprintf(Commond[3],49,"%s",ExePath(filename).c_str()); snprintf(Commond[4],49,"%s","-std=c++11"); //snprintf(Commond[5],49,"%s","-D"); //snprintf(Commond[6],49,"%s","CompileOnline"); Commond[5]=NULL; int pid = fork(); if(pid < 0){ LOG(ERROR,"Fork ERROR\n"); return false; }else if(pid == 0){ //子進程 int fd = open(ErrorPath(filename).c_str(), O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0664); if(fd < 0){ LOG(ERROR,"Open File Faild\n"); exit(1); } //程序替換 dup2(fd, 2); execvp(Commond[0], Commond);//程序替換爲g++編譯 exit(0); }else{ //父進程 waitpid(pid,NULL,0); } //3.驗證是否生產可執行程序 struct stat st;//stat結構體是描述文件屬性的,包括inode節點等信息 int ret = stat(ExePath(filename).c_str(), &st);//這裏經過返回值判斷是否有這個文件 if(ret < 0) { std::stringstream ss; ss<<"Compile ERROR! Exe filename is"<<ExePath(filename)<<std::endl; LOG(ERROR, ss.str()); return false; } return true; } static int run(const std::string &filename){ //建立子進程,父進程等待,子進程執行替換後的程序 int pid = fork(); if(pid < 0){ LOG(ERROR,"Run Fork Faild\n"); return -1; }else if(pid == 0){ //子進程,要去執行filename所對應的文件 //對子進程執行的時間以及內存做出限制 alarm(1);//執行時間爲1秒,超過執行時間會發出SIG_ALARM信號 struct rlimit rl; rl.rlim_cur = 1024 * 20000;//軟限制,以字節爲單位 rl.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY;//硬限制,至關於操做系統所能提供的最大資源 setrlimit(RLIMIT_AS, &rl); //子進程將標準輸出和標準錯誤重定向到文件中 int stdout_fd = open(StdoutPath(filename).c_str(), O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0664); if(stdout_fd < 0) { std::stringstream ss; ss<<"Open stdout file failed"<<StdoutPath(filename)<<std::endl; LOG(ERROR,ss.str()); return -1; } dup2(stdout_fd, 1); // 標準錯誤--》重定向到文件 int stderr_fd = open(StderrPath(filename).c_str(), O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0664); if(stderr_fd < 0) { std::stringstream ss; ss<<"Open stderr file failed"<<StderrPath(filename)<<std::endl; LOG(ERROR,ss.str()); return -1; } dup2(stdout_fd, 2); //替換子進程去執行filename所對應文件 execl(ExePath(filename).c_str(), ExePath(filename).c_str(), NULL); exit(1); } //父進程,等待子進程 int sta = 0; waitpid(pid,&sta,0); //退出狀態碼是正常退出或被信號所殺,將退出狀態碼返回 return sta & 0x7f; } static void Clean(std::string filename) { unlink(SrcPath(filename).c_str()); unlink(ExePath(filename).c_str()); unlink(ErrorPath(filename).c_str()); unlink(StdoutPath(filename).c_str()); unlink(StderrPath(filename).c_str()); } };
using namespace httplib; Server server; Oj_Model oj_model; //要請求的內容是當前目錄下的all_ques,而後組織一個響應,把全部試題返回去 server.Get("/all_questions", [&oj_model](const Request& req, Response& resp) { //(void)req; std::vector<Exam> vec; oj_model.GetAllExam(&vec); //經過模板技術將vec發送給瀏覽器 std::string html; Oj_View::DrowAllExam(&html,vec); //LOG(INFO, html); resp.set_content(html, "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); });