

1. 數學基礎


  1. Calculus One
  2. Calculus: Single Variable
  3. Multivariable Calculus
  4. Linear Algebra

2. 統計基礎

  1. Data Analysis and Statistical Inference|課程筆記
  2. Introduction to Statistics: Descriptive Statistics
  3. 機率
  4. Introduction to Statistics: Inference

3. 編程基礎

  1. Programming for Everybody
  2. Introduction to Computer Science:Build a Search Engine & a Social Network

4. 機器學習

  1. Statistical Learning
  2. Machine Learning
  3. 機器學習基石
  4. 機器學習技法


1.《數學之美》做者:吳軍2.《 Mathematician’s Lament | 數學家的嘆息》做者:by Paul Lockhart3.《 Think Stats: Probability and Statistics for Programmers | 統計思惟:程序員數學之機率統計 》 做者:Allen B. Downey4.《 A History of Mathematics | 數學史 》做者:Carl B. Boyer5.《 Journeys Through Genius | 天才引導的歷程:數學中的偉大定理 》做者:William Dunham6.《 The Mathematical Experience | 數學經驗 》做者 Philip J.Davis、Reuben Hersh7.《 Proofs from the Book | 數學天書中的證實 》做者:Martin Aigner、Günter M. Ziegler8.《 Proofs and Refutations | 證實與反駁-數學發現的邏輯 》做者:Imre Lakatos編程
