
Unity多線程(Thread)和主線程(MainThread)交互使用類——Loom工具分享 算法

By D.S.Qiu 編程

尊重他人的勞動,支持原創,轉載請註明出處:http.dsqiu.iteye.com api

          熟悉Unity的developer都知道在Unity中的線程不能使用Unity的對象,但可使用Unity的值類型變量,如Vector3等。這樣就使得線程在Unity中顯的很雞肋和蹩腳,由於不少函數很都是UnityEngine類或函數的調用的,對於哪些是能夠在多線程使用,風雨衝進行了以下總結: 服務器

0. 變量(都能指向相同的內存地址)都是共享的 多線程

1. 不是UnityEngine的API能在分線程運行 閉包

2. UnityEngine定義的基本結構(int,float,Struct定義的數據類型)能夠在分線程計算,如 Vector3(Struct)能夠 , 但Texture2d(class,根父類爲Object)不能夠。 函數

3. UnityEngine定義的基本類型的函數能夠在分線程運行,如 工具

       int i = 99; oop

       print (i.ToString()); 性能

       Vector3 x = new Vector3(0,0,9);




實際是get_name函數,分線程報錯誤:get_name  can only be called from the main thread.

       Texture2D tt = new Texture2D(10,10);

實際會調用UnityEngine裏的Internal_Create,分線程報錯誤:Internal_Create  can only be called from the main thread.


 結論: 分線程能夠作 基本類型的計算, 以及非Unity(包括.Net及SDK)的API。


        咱們的項目目前還有沒有比較耗時的計算,因此尚未看到Thread的使用。原本一直沒有太考慮着方面的事情,直到在UnityGems.com看到Loom這個類,歎爲觀止呀。直接貼出人家的介紹(不必翻譯了 大笑 ):

Threads on a Loom

Our class is called Loom.  Loom lets you easily run code on another thread and have that other thread run code on the main game thread when it needs to.

There are only two functions to worry about:

  • RunAsync(Action) which runs a set of statements on another thread
  • QueueOnMainThread(Action, [optional] float time) - which runs a set of statements on the main thread (with an optional delay).

You access Loom using Loom.Current - it deals with creating an invisible game object to interact with the games main thread.


        咱們只須要關係兩個函數:RunAsync(Action)和QueueOnMainThread(Action, [optional] float time) 就能夠輕鬆實現一個函數的兩段代碼在C#線程和Unity的主線程中交叉運行。原理也很簡單:用線程池去運行RunAsync(Action)的函數,在Update中運行QueueOnMainThread(Acition, [optional] float time)傳入的函數。


using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System; using System.Threading; using System.Linq; public class Loom : MonoBehaviour
{  public static int maxThreads = 8;  static int numThreads;    private static Loom _current;  private int _count;  public static Loom Current  {   get   {    Initialize();    return _current;   }  }    void Awake()  {   _current = this;   initialized = true;  }    static bool initialized;    static void Initialize()  {   if (!initialized)   {       if(!Application.isPlaying)     return;    initialized = true;    var g = new GameObject("Loom");    _current = g.AddComponent<Loom>();   }      }    private List<Action> _actions = new List<Action>();  public struct DelayedQueueItem  {   public float time;   public Action action;  }  private List<DelayedQueueItem> _delayed = new List<DelayedQueueItem>();  List<DelayedQueueItem> _currentDelayed = new List<DelayedQueueItem>();    public static void QueueOnMainThread(Action action)  {   QueueOnMainThread( action, 0f);  }  public static void QueueOnMainThread(Action action, float time)  {   if(time != 0)   {    lock(Current._delayed)    {     Current._delayed.Add(new DelayedQueueItem { time = Time.time + time, action = action});    }   }   else   {    lock (Current._actions)    {     Current._actions.Add(action);    }   }  }    public static Thread RunAsync(Action a)  {   Initialize();   while(numThreads >= maxThreads)   {    Thread.Sleep(1);   }   Interlocked.Increment(ref numThreads);   ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(RunAction, a);   return null;  }    private static void RunAction(object action)  {   try   {    ((Action)action)();   }   catch   {   }   finally   {    Interlocked.Decrement(ref numThreads);   }      }      void OnDisable()  {   if (_current == this)   {        _current = null;   }  }      // Use this for initialization  void Start()  {    }    List<Action> _currentActions = new List<Action>();    // Update is called once per frame  void Update()  {   lock (_actions)   {    _currentActions.Clear();    _currentActions.AddRange(_actions);    _actions.Clear();   }   foreach(var a in _currentActions)   {    a();   }   lock(_delayed)   {    _currentDelayed.Clear();    _currentDelayed.AddRange(_delayed.Where(d=>d.time <= Time.time));    foreach(var item in _currentDelayed)     _delayed.Remove(item);   }   foreach(var delayed in _currentDelayed)   {    delayed.action();   }           }


//Scale a mesh on a second thread void ScaleMesh(Mesh mesh, float scale)
{  //Get the vertices of a mesh  var vertices = mesh.vertices;  //Run the action on a new thread  Loom.RunAsync(()=>{   //Loop through the vertices   for(var i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)   {    //Scale the vertex    vertices[i] = vertices[i] * scale;   }   //Run some code on the main thread   //to update the mesh   Loom.QueueOnMainThread(()=>{    //Set the vertices    mesh.vertices = vertices;    //Recalculate the bounds    mesh.RecalculateBounds();   });  });








