select h.sold_from_org_id, --業務實體/ORG ID
h.sold_to_org_id, --客戶
h.ship_from_org_id, --發貨倉庫
h.ship_to_org_id, --收貨方
from oe_order_headers_all h;--業務實體
select org.name
from hr_organization_units org
where org.organization_id = oe_order_headers_all.sold_from_org_id;
select hz.party_name
from hz_cust_accounts acc,
hz_parties hz
where acc.party_id = hz.party_id
and acc.cust_account_id = oe_order_headers_all.sold_to_org_id;
select para.organization_code,
from mtl_parameters para
where para.organization_id = oe_order_headers_all.ship_from_org_id;
select *
from org_organization_definitions org
where org.organization_id = oe_order_headers_all.ship_from_org_id;
select loc.*
from hz_parties hp,
hz_party_sites hps,
hz_locations loc
where hp.party_id = hps.party_id
and hps.location_id = loc.location_id
and hp.party_id = 5042;
select hp.party_name --客戶
hp.party_number --註冊表標識
acnt.account_number --帳號
flv.meaning businesspurpose --業務目的
uses.location --地點
acnt.account_name --賬戶說明
decode(loc.address1, null, loc.address1, loc.address1 || ',') ||
decode(loc.city, null, loc.city, loc.city || ',') ||
decode(loc.state, null, loc.state, loc.state || ',') ||
decode(loc.postal_code, null, ' ', loc.postal_code) address --地點地址
hps.party_site_number --地點說明
uses.payment_term_id --付款條件
from hz_parties hp,
hz_cust_accounts acnt,
hz_cust_acct_sites_all site,
hz_cust_site_uses_all uses,
hz_party_sites hps,
hz_locations loc,
fnd_lookup_values flv
where hp.party_id = acnt.party_id
and acnt.cust_account_id = site.cust_account_id
and site.cust_acct_site_id = uses.cust_acct_site_id
and hps.party_site_id = site.party_site_id
and loc.location_id = hps.location_id
and uses.site_use_code = flv.lookup_code
and flv.lookup_type = 'SITE_USE_CODE'
and flv.language = userenv('LANG')
and hp.party_id = 5042
and hps.party_site_id = 3023;
select phone.phone_number
from hz_contact_points phone
where phone.owner_table_name = 'HZ_PARTY_SITES'
and phone.owner_table_id = :hz_party_sites.party_sites_id;
select hpsub.party_name
from hz_cust_account_roles hcar,
hz_relationships hr,
hz_parties hpsub
where hcar.party_id = hr.party_id
and hr.subject_id = hpsub.party_id
and hcar.role_type = 'CONTACT'
and hr.directional_flag = 'F'
and hcar.cust_account_role_id = :oe_order_headers_all.sold_to_contact_id
and hpsub.status = 'A';