暗黑3 戰鬥梳理

  暗黑3裏的每一個職業都是DPS,不管是經過使用法術,技能,蠻力,或者是別的什麼技巧, 都能擊殺怪物。宏觀上,大菠蘿的戰鬥就是武器傷害(weapon damage) + 技能因子(skill factoring),這裏的技能因子裏最重要的有攻速(attack rate)主屬性(main stat)暴擊傷害(critical hit damage)暴擊概率(critical hit chance)ide



Physical Damage(物理傷害)無顏色ui

  • 物理傷害區別於元素傷害,每種元素傷害都會對應一種顏色,物理傷害沒有對應的顏色。

Arcane Damage: (奧術傷害)紫色this


Cold Damage: (冰傷)藍色. spa

  • 暴擊將冰住目標

Fire Damage: (火傷).net

Lightning Damage: (閃電傷)藍白相間.設計

  • 暴擊會使目標暈。

Holy Damage: White in coloration, this damage type is not found on weapons, but is dealt by some Monk skills.orm

  • Critical hits were set to provide an AoE heal to friendly nearby targets, before that feature was removed from the game.
    • Resisted by: Arcane resistance is tabbed for resisting Holy damage. This is only a factor in PvP, since no monsters deal holy damage.

Disease Damage: (毒傷)綠色. blog

Poison Damage: (毒傷)綠色. 遊戲

Damage Over Time (持續傷害)

The DoT mechanic is much expanded and complicated in Diablo 3. No longer is the equation simply "X damage per second over Y seconds." In December 2011, Bashiok delivered an informative forum post on the subject, which you can read below:[3]

The tick rate of channeled skills is currently scaled by your weapon speed. This has the side effect of making the resource cost go up, which we’re okay with. It’s consistent with the philosophy that faster speed weapons consume more resource but may do more damage. Channeled skills might still be better with slower weapons though because on a channeled skill, you have as much mobility as you want, so the 「mobility」 and 「overkill」 advantages of faster weapons are eroded with channeled abilities, so all you’re left with is increased mana cost for increased damage.

DoT is no longer associated with an particular damage types, and it comes mostly from skill effects.


Spell Damage(法術傷害)



Spell Damage from Equipment

全部的技能都有三個屬性表述:武器傷害,主動技能,物品加成。 All skills are now boosted by the same properites; weapon damage, passive skills, and item modifiers.


暗黑3 武器面板上的屬性

  • Weapon Name
  • Weapon Icon
  • Weapon Type
  • Damage Per Second
  • Attacks Per Second, or APS
  • Damage [low-high]
  • (List of properties)
  • Sell Value


暗黑2裏的技能系統是個技能樹skill tree,而暗黑3裏成了技能池,skill pool,二者的區別在哪裏呢?







按照主要(4個),次要(4個),防護(4個),原力(5個),護體(5個),駕馭(4個)共計26種。以什麼樣的原則分這幾類呢?若是每一種主動技能對應5個符文效果,而且這些符文效果不重複,那麼就有26*5 = 130種符文效果。符文系統是如何搞的?


