DROPBOX 官方致謝老爹6年貢獻, 對比...
原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #393html
Python 採用了12個月發佈週期(PEP 602) (PEP 602)python
The CPython team moves to a consistent annual release schedule. More info here in PEP 602.git
用 Kivy Python 框架構建移動應用github
Learn how to build a mobile application with Python and the Kivy GUI framework. You’ll discover how to develop an application that can run on your desktop as well as your phone. Then, you’ll package your app for iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS.web
講真, 用 QPython 更加簡潔app
「[We] aim to identify how the Python development world looks today and how it compares to the last two years. The results of the survey will serve as a major source of knowledge about the current state of the Python community and how it is changing over the years, so we encourage you to participate and make an invaluable contribution to this community resource. The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.」ide
官方構建的, 想更多引起對中國程序猿的注意,
「Python 3 is great! But not every Python 2 project has to be migrated. There are different ways how you can prepare for the upcoming Python 2 End of Life.」
沒法贊成更多, 絕大多數應用並沒到只有 Py3 能承載的分兒上
Arguments for why you should always use python -m pip over pip/pip3 to control exactly which Python environment is used.
「After six and a half years, Guido van Rossum, the creator of Python, is leaving Dropbox and heading into retirement.」
老爹, 多謝哉.
--> DROPBOX 官方致謝, 固然, 當年 Google 並沒感謝過, 畢竟...你懂的
Articles, Tutorials and Talks
What does Python 3.8 bring to the table? Learn about some of the biggest changes and see you how you can best make use of them.
3.5 開始, Python 也學習 C#
Sanic 和 Elasticsearch 的實用日誌查看器
How to view log output from Docker containers in an automated CI/CD system in your GitHub pull requests, using Elasticsearch and a Python REST API built with Sanic.
How to train your own traffic sign classifier/recognizer capable of obtaining over 95% accuracy using Keras and Deep Learning.
In Part 4 of this series, you’ll learn how to create a Single-Page Application (SPA) to interface with the REST API backend that you built in Part 3. Your SPA will use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to present this REST API to a user as a browser-based web application.
A post-mortem of how Omer’s team tracked down and fixed a performance regression introduced by a switch from Celery to RQ.
MyPy assisted error handling, exception mechanisms in other languages, fun with pattern matching and type variance.
是的, 不是飆版本號的 CPython, 而是 MyPy
Considering a filename and a line number, can you tell which function, method or class a line of code belongs to?
Visual Studio Online: 基於 Web 的 IDE 和協做代碼編輯器
Microsoft announced Visual Studio Online, an online IDE and cloud-based development environment based on VS Code.
VStudio 不是 VSCode 哪...
用 WhiteNoise 和 Amazon CloudFront 在 Flask 發佈靜態文件
This tutorial shows how to manage static files with Flask, WhiteNoise, and Amazon CloudFront.
SQL 分析師須要瞭解的關於 Python 哪些知識?> (2016)
PyPortal 二十一點遊戲: 使用 Sprites, Touch, Audio
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code
Cookbook 一貫是實在的經驗聚集形式
localstack: 用以測試環境的本地 AWS雲Stack 模擬
python-terminal-color: 用於打印終端顏色的嵌入式單個文件庫
awesome-robotic-tooling: 使用C++ 和 Python 進行機器人開發的資源和工具
沒有什麼, 不能在 CLI 中嗯哼的...
Events, MeetUp 真的是全球線下活動組織中心
⋅ Sydney Python User Group (SyPy)
⋅ DFW Pythoneers 2nd Saturday Teaching Meeting
❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-(
第4期已開課, 爲期6周;
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