最後一個官方 Py2 版本 2.7.17 發佈
原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #391html
Discover how to use Arduino microcontrollers with Python to develop your own electronic projects. You’ll learn how to set up circuits and write applications with the Firmata protocol. You’ll control Arduino inputs and outputs and integrate the board with higher-level apps.github
Arduino 比 樹莓派 其實不差...算法
只是, 上手嵌入系統, 電工一系列工具就得先準備並熟練了..express
爲 Python 編寫個 LLVM 專業工具segmentfault
「We’re going to build a single module Numba-like compiler for Python. It won’t be nearly as featureful or complete, but should demonstrate how you can go about building your own little LLVM specializer for a subset of Python or your own custom DSL expression compiler; and integrating it with the standard NumPy/SciPy stack for whatever scientific computing domain you work.」併發
Python 2.7.17 is a bug fix release in the Python 2.7.x series. It is expected to be the penultimate release for Python 2.7. 詳細變動說明....
What can be done to prevent your Python code from getting too complex? A good linter setup does much more than finding missing commas and bad quotes. A good linter allows you to rely on it with architecture decisions and help you with the refactoring process.
仍是得靠 linter 工具,
在 Python 中從新實現 Solaris 命令使 C 語言的性能提升了17倍
「As a result of fixing a memory allocation issue in the /usr/bin/listusers command, that had caused issues when it was converted to 64 bit, I decided to investigate if this ancient C code could be improved by conversion to Python.」
涉及性能, 古老的鍋/坑老是 C 挖的...
如今, Python 也有機會來填/挖了...
「The Y combinator is a central concept in lambda calculus, which is the formal foundation of functional languages. Y allows one to define recursive functions without using self-referential definitions.」
反正不管怎麼推導,雖然老是能成功, 可是, 就是沒法相信本身的眼睛...
The Instagram engineering team is experimenting with a technique for writing Python modules that are side-effect-free on import to reduce server startup time and unexpected global state changes.
好吧, 什麼事兒數量一多都不容易....
A deep dive into Python attribute access and the descriptor protocol. What exactly happens when we say foo.bar?
應該是不變的 import this
Articles, Tutorials and Talks
Learn how to add time delays to your Python programs. You’ll use decorators and the built-in time module to add Python sleep() calls to your code. Then, you’ll discover how time delays work with threads, asynchronous functions, and graphical user interfaces.
「Django is powerful web framework, but with power comes responsibility. In this article, we will cover common mistakes that are even seasoned Django developers make, yet most successful Django projects need to deal with these sooner or later.」
一切常見錯誤, 都是對 Django 設計思想誤解形成的...
... with power comes responsibility
「Your Python program is too slow. Maybe your web application can’t keep up, or certain queries are taking a long time. Maybe you have a batch program that takes hours or even days to run. How do you speed it up?」
其實, 最根本的, 仍是改進編譯工具,
Vaex 助您一臂之力: 用Python分析30多年的飛行數據
「Using the Python DataFrame library Vaex, I present the analysis of nearly 200 million flights made by U.S. carriers. Vaex uses fast out-of-core algorithms, making memory issues a thing of the past.」
「Learn how to scrape code from a webpage and save it as a Jupyter notebook. In this post, we’ll use Beautifulsoup4, urllib, and json, to save HTML to .ipynb.」
只是 -> Beautifulsoup4 ?
Want to make beautiful plots? Learn about plotting in Python with matplotlib by looking at the theory and following along with practical examples.
其實吧...其它圖表庫比 Matplotlib 輕便多了...
Keras vs tf.keras : TensorFlow 2.0有什麼區別?
In this tutorial you’ll discover the difference between Keras and tf.keras. You’ll also learn what’s new in TensorFlow 2.0.
能夠說, tf 在拼命將 Keras 吸取, 而後,不兼容 PyTorch 們...
設計 CI/CD 系統: GitHub拉取請求中的無痛狀態報告
How to report status from Docker containers in an automated CI/CD system into GitHub pull requests using Python.
How to configure the Pylint code linter to avoid arguing about code complexity.
老牌工具, 老是要反覆說怎麼用的...
Roll Your Own GUI Automation Library With Python
國外 PyCon 每件都產生海量的參會筆記...
中國的, 基本都是吐糟...少有筆記,
PyCon China 2019 深圳站,看起來很水但實際並不水!
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code
ancient-text-restoration: 用深度學習還原古文字
diff-match-patch: 高性能庫,用於同步純文本
google 出品,果斷大氣,
C++ C# Dart Java JavaScript Lua Objective-C Python
06年就在內部使用了, 今天才開源
reloading: 用從新加載循環在運行時更改Python代碼
ssis_validator: 驗證SQL Server集成服務(SSIS)程序包
BrachioGraph: 易於構建的筆式繪圖儀,由Python提供支持
Events, MeetUp 真的是全球線下活動組織中心
❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-(
第3期已開課, 爲期6周;
191103 按時結束,
到時再約 4py ;-)
NN 3809
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