VSCode 支持直接 Jupyter Notebook 編輯了
原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #390html
CPython 3.8.0 發佈python
Assignment expressions, positional-only arguments, = specifier in f-strings, and more. Click the link for the full changelog and download links.git
Python 3.8 的超酷新功能github
What does Python 3.8 bring to the table? Learn about some of the biggest changes and see you how you can best make use of them.web
Python 也跟上了刷版本號並追加特性來刷聲望的節奏...django
大約 2027 年就能用上 Python 42.0.0 了編程
因爲 Python 的誤解, 成千上萬的科學論文可能無效瀏覽器
Developers assumed that glob.glob() returns a sorted list of files, but it doesn’t. And this led to a number of statistical errors and data discrepancies in several published scientific papers.
In this step-by-step course, you’ll master the Python range() function, learn how its implementation differs in Python 3 vs 2, and see how you can use it to write faster and more Pythonic code.
真蟒 的插圖是真心走心了...
「Meta-programming is an act of building functions and classes who can manipulate code by modifying, wrapping existing code or generating code.」
叕一則 元編程
只是, 這根本是語言自身表達能力不足時, 開放自省接口給用戶來擴展表述的哪...
固然, 這麼一來, 語言自己不穩定的鍋就能夠愉快的丟給用戶了.
See the release notes for a list of changes and new features.
ARM aarch64 support, new JSON decoder, sandboxing makes a return, …
一個月前預言過, 真的達到了...
不過, Twitter 上也有人評論, 大半是 Py2 的, 小半是 遷移爲 Py3 的
Articles, Tutorials and Talks
Pandas qcut and cut are both used to bin continuous values into discrete buckets or bins. This article explains the differences between the two commands and how to use each.
Learn about using Emacs for Python development. You’ll install and configure Emacs on your selected platform, then write Python code to explore its capabilities. Finally, you’ll run, test, and debug Python code in the Emacs environment.
神之編輯器 -> Emacs 理論上是任何語言最強 IDE.
如何用 Pandas 在 Python 中讀取 SAS 文件
Learn how to read SAS (.sas7bdat) files in Python, and how to write a SAS file to CSV using Pandas and pyreadstat.
Related discussion/rebuttal on Hacker News.
Python 用了 30年努力, 終於變成一個平庸的語言, 這才贏得了市場,
VS Code 添加 Jupyter Notebook 原生編輯支持
終於官方穿錘了, 原覺得這應該是第一時間支持的...
畢竟 github 都支持幾年了,
而 VSCocde 自己就是基於瀏覽器的, 沒理由不支持 Jupyter,
目測, 只是版權問題?
Big-O Notation With Python Examples
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code
systemd-logging: 簡化 systemd 的日誌記錄
PyperCard: 受 HyperCard 啓發的GUI框架
等等, 爲何 GUI 框架忽然爆炸起來?
哈...Flutter 刺激的, 叕一個試圖一鍵生成跨全部平臺 GUI 代碼的框架,
固然, 爲了跨平臺, 將 GUI 限制在很是少的元素組件中...
Material Design 範兒
inspectortiger: Python 代碼審查工具/框架
叕一個 cURL 的 Python 化工具
daudin: 又一 Python Command-Line Shell
zsh 已扶正, 那麼基於 Py 的固然也有機會
django-admin-autocomplete-list-filter: 適用於 Django Admin 的 Ajax 自動完成列表過濾器
Events, MeetUp 真的是全球線下活動組織中心
⋅ PyCon China 2019 Beijing Branch
❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-(
第3期已開課, 爲期6周;
191103 按時結束,
到時再約 4py ;-)
這幾天 CPyUG 列表中討論的項目,
Wasm 的 Python 實現...
NN 3802
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