Spire.Doc 教程:如何在C#,VB.NET中爲Word文檔插入形狀和形狀組

MS Word容許用戶從形狀菜單中選擇一個形狀,並將其拖放到頁面上任何所需的位置。 從Spire.Doc 6.0或更高版本,咱們添加了一個新功能,使用代碼來處理形狀。 如下部分將介紹如何使用Spire.Doc在Word文檔指定的位置插入形狀和形狀組。html


Step 1:初始化一個新的Document類實例。htm

Document doc = new Document();

Step 2:向Word文檔添加一個新的部分,並在該部分添加一個段落。blog

Section sec = doc.AddSection();
Paragraph para1 =sec.AddParagraph();

Step 3:經過調用AppendShape()方法向段落添加形狀。爲了找到放置形狀的位置,需設置ShapeObject類的HorizontalPosition和VerticalPosition屬性,咱們還能夠經過設置FillColor,StrokeColor和LineStyle屬性來格式化形狀。圖片

ShapeObject shape1 = para1.AppendShape(50, 50, ShapeType.Heart);
shape1.FillColor = Color.Red;
shape1.StrokeColor = Color.Red;
shape1.HorizontalPosition = 200;
shape1.VerticalPosition = 100;
ShapeObject shape2 = para1.AppendShape(100, 100, ShapeType.Arrow);
shape2.FillColor = Color.Purple;
shape2.StrokeColor = Color.Black;
shape2.LineStyle = ShapeLineStyle.Double;
shape2.StrokeWeight = 3;
shape2.HorizontalPosition = 200;
shape2.VerticalPosition = 200;

Step 4:添加一個新段落,並經過調用AppendShapeGroup()方法向段落插入一個形狀組。文檔

ShapeObject shape1 = para1.AppendShape(50, 50, ShapeType.Heart);
shape1.FillColor = Color.Red;
shape1.StrokeColor = Color.Red;
shape1.HorizontalPosition = 200;
shape1.VerticalPosition = 100;
ShapeObject shape2 = para1.AppendShape(100, 100, ShapeType.Arrow);
shape2.FillColor = Color.Purple;
shape2.StrokeColor = Color.Black;
shape2.LineStyle = ShapeLineStyle.Double;
shape2.StrokeWeight = 3;
shape2.HorizontalPosition = 200;
shape2.VerticalPosition = 200;
Paragraph para2 = sec.AddParagraph();
ShapeGroup shapegr = para2.AppendShapeGroup(200, 400);
shapegr.ChildObjects.Add(new ShapeObject(doc, ShapeType.Rectangle)
    Width = 500,
    Height = 300,
    LineStyle = ShapeLineStyle.ThickThin,
    StrokeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue,
    StrokeWeight = 1.5,
shapegr.ChildObjects.Add(new ShapeObject(doc, ShapeType.RightTriangle)
    Width = 500,
    Height = 300,
    VerticalPosition = 301,
    LineStyle = ShapeLineStyle.ThickThin,
    StrokeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green,
    StrokeWeight = 1.5,
shapegr.ChildObjects.Add(new ShapeObject(doc, ShapeType.QuadArrow)
    Width = 500,
    Height = 300,
    VerticalPosition = 601,
    LineStyle = ShapeLineStyle.ThickThin,
    StrokeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue,
    StrokeWeight = 1.5,

Step 5:將文檔保存到文件。get

doc.SaveToFile("InsertShapes.docx", FileFormat.Docx2010);





Document doc = new Document();
Section sec = doc.AddSection();
Paragraph para1 =sec.AddParagraph();
ShapeObject shape1 = para1.AppendShape(50, 50, ShapeType.Heart);
shape1.FillColor = Color.Red;
shape1.StrokeColor = Color.Red;
shape1.HorizontalPosition = 200;
shape1.VerticalPosition = 100;
ShapeObject shape2 = para1.AppendShape(100, 100, ShapeType.Arrow);
shape2.FillColor = Color.Purple;
shape2.StrokeColor = Color.Black;
shape2.LineStyle = ShapeLineStyle.Double;
shape2.StrokeWeight = 3;
shape2.HorizontalPosition = 200;
shape2.VerticalPosition = 200;
Paragraph para2 = sec.AddParagraph();
ShapeGroup shapegr = para2.AppendShapeGroup(200, 400);
shapegr.ChildObjects.Add(new ShapeObject(doc, ShapeType.Rectangle)
    Width = 500,
    Height = 300,
    LineStyle = ShapeLineStyle.ThickThin,
    StrokeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue,
    StrokeWeight = 1.5,
shapegr.ChildObjects.Add(new ShapeObject(doc, ShapeType.RightTriangle)
    Width = 500,
    Height = 300,
    VerticalPosition = 301,
    LineStyle = ShapeLineStyle.ThickThin,
    StrokeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green,
    StrokeWeight = 1.5,
shapegr.ChildObjects.Add(new ShapeObject(doc, ShapeType.QuadArrow)
    Width = 500,
    Height = 300,
    VerticalPosition = 601,
    LineStyle = ShapeLineStyle.ThickThin,
    StrokeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue,
    StrokeWeight = 1.5,
doc.SaveToFile("InsertShapes.docx", FileFormat.Docx2010);


Dim doc As New Document()
Dim sec As Section = doc.AddSection()
Dim para1 As Paragraph = sec.AddParagraph()
Dim shape1 As ShapeObject = para1.AppendShape(50, 50, ShapeType.Heart)
shape1.FillColor = Color.Red
shape1.StrokeColor = Color.Red
shape1.HorizontalPosition = 200
shape1.VerticalPosition = 100
Dim shape2 As ShapeObject = para1.AppendShape(100, 100, ShapeType.Arrow)
shape2.FillColor = Color.Purple
shape2.StrokeColor = Color.Black
shape2.LineStyle = ShapeLineStyle.[Double]
shape2.StrokeWeight = 3
shape2.HorizontalPosition = 200
shape2.VerticalPosition = 200
Dim para2 As Paragraph = sec.AddParagraph()
Dim shapegr As ShapeGroup = para2.AppendShapeGroup(200, 400)
shapegr.ChildObjects.Add(New ShapeObject(doc, ShapeType.Rectangle) With { _
    Key .Width = 500, _
    Key .Height = 300, _
    Key .LineStyle = ShapeLineStyle.ThickThin, _
    Key .StrokeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue, _
    Key .StrokeWeight = 1.5 _
shapegr.ChildObjects.Add(New ShapeObject(doc, ShapeType.RightTriangle) With { _
    Key .Width = 500, _
    Key .Height = 300, _
    Key .VerticalPosition = 301, _
    Key .LineStyle = ShapeLineStyle.ThickThin, _
    Key .StrokeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green, _
    Key .StrokeWeight = 1.5 _
shapegr.ChildObjects.Add(New ShapeObject(doc, ShapeType.QuadArrow) With { _
    Key .Width = 500, _
    Key .Height = 300, _
    Key .VerticalPosition = 601, _
    Key .LineStyle = ShapeLineStyle.ThickThin, _
    Key .StrokeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue, _
    Key .StrokeWeight = 1.5 _
doc.SaveToFile("InsertShapes.docx", FileFormat.Docx2010)

