Macbook pro 13" compile Apollo 2.5



0. Install Homebrewpython

1.  Install 'Docker for Mac 18.03+',配置CPUs (n個CPUs,Bazel開n個線程編譯), Memory (>2G,編譯最小內存,推薦4G), Swap (>2G,推薦2G)git

2. git clone ... apollo ...redis

3. 進入apollo目錄,pull docker image for apollo (首次運行會pull 5G 的images)chrome


*注意 這裏的dev_start.sh須要修改下來適配Docker for Mac特性, 須要改爲手動配置端口映射:bootstrap

--net host \bash

with bellow, both 8887 and 8888 works.
-p 8887:8887 -p 8888:8888 \網絡

4. 進入apollo container by usingide


5. Docker for mac 的實現基於輕量虛擬機技術,網絡和文件系統共享完善。


6. 編譯

./ build


./ build_no_perception dbg

因爲macbook 13" 性能不佳或者網絡很差(編譯中可能會下載一個小文件),編譯可能中斷。

直接退出後重啓docker, 清空container,重啓apollo container進入接着編譯



7. 編譯成功後運行



andrew@in_dev_docker:/apollo$ ./scripts/  

Started supervisord with dev conf

Start roscore...

voice_detector: started

dreamview: started

Dreamview is running at http://localhost:8888

8. 在host mac上打開chrome輸入地址 localhost:8888


From the dropdown box selet "Navigation" mode.

9.  Replay demo rosbag

To see if the system works, use the demo 'bag' which feeds the system.

下載演示數據集 demo_2.5.bag (~約3G)

# get rosbag note that the command download is required
python ./docs/demo_guide/ demo_2.5.bag

運行演示數據集 demo_2.5.bag
# You can now replay this demo "bag" in a loop with the '-l' flag rosbag play -l demo_2.5.bag

Dreamview should show a running vehicle now.



1. Docker for mac的支持已經很好, mac能夠用作代碼編寫和編譯環境、模擬演示

2. 整個編譯運行空間,大約須要50G +,mac ssd!,macbook 13"編譯時間長

3. docker.qcow2 是docker用於存放image和container的單個文件,在docker for mac 中配置其大小最多爲60G。 




du -sh 查看當前文件夾大小


du -sh * | sort -n 統計當前文件夾(目錄)大小,並按文件大小排序


  • #!/bin/bash
  • # Delete all containers
  • docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
  • # Delete all images
  • docker rmi $(docker images -q)


Force-remove a running container 

This command will force-remove a running container. 

$ docker rm --force redis r


The main process inside the container referenced under the link redis will receive SIGKILL, then the container will be removed. 


Remove all stopped containers 

$ docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) 


This command will delete all stopped containers. The command docker ps -a -q will return all existing container IDs and pass them to the rm command which will delete them. Any running containers will not be deleted. 


Remove a container and its volumes 

$ docker rm -v redis redis 


This command will remove the container and any volumes associated with it. Note that if a volume was specified with a name, it will not be removed.
