Ubuntu下爲Firefox安裝Adobe Flash Player

Ubuntu下爲Firefox安裝Adobe Flash Player
    OS:Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
    Browser: Firefox 12.0
    Adobe Flash Player: install_flash_player_11_linux.x86_64.tar.gz
    1. 下載Adobe Flash Player:
    2. 解壓Adobe Flash Player壓縮包:
        進入到保存Adobe Flash Player壓縮包的路徑,將壓縮包解壓,使用以下命令:
tar -zxvf install_flash_player_11_linux.x86_64.tar.gz
├── libflashplayer.so
├── readme.txt
└── usr
├── bin
│ └── flash-player-properties
├── lib64
│ └── kde4
│ └── kcm_adobe_flash_player.so
└── share
├── applications
│ └── flash-player-properties.desktop
├── icons  www.2cto.com  
│ └── hicolor
│ ├── 16x16
│ │ └── apps
│ │ └── flash-player-properties.png
│ ├── 22x22
│ │ └── apps
│ │ └── flash-player-properties.png
│ ├── 24x24
│ │ └── apps
│ │ └── flash-player-properties.png
│ ├── 32x32
│ │ └── apps
│ │ └── flash-player-properties.png
│ └── 48x48
│ └── apps
│ └── flash-player-properties.png
├── kde4
│ └── services
│ └── kcm_adobe_flash_player.desktop
└── pixmaps
└── flash-player-properties.png -> ../icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/flash-player-properties.
    3. 安裝Adobe Flash Player:
        Adobe Flash Player的安裝比較容易,只要將對應的文檔複製到正確的的位置便可,具體的操做
        (1) 將libflashplayer.so拷貝到Firefox的Plugin目錄:
cp libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
        (2) 將usr目錄下的全部文檔拷貝到系統的/usr目錄下:
cp -r ./usr/* /usr/

        此外,還有一個意外的收穫,當按照上述的方式安裝了Adobe Flash Player後,使用Chromium
和Opera 瀏覽器也能夠在線播放視頻 ^_^



做者 chenliangmoran linux

官方文檔: web

Adobe Systems Incorporated
Flash Player 11 for Linux

Adobe recommends that all users upgrade to the latest version of Adobe Flash
Player for the most recent features, bug fixes, and security fixes.  For
more information on the new features in Flash Player 9, please visit
http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/.  For more information on system
requirements, fixed issues, and known issues, see the release notes at

To confirm which version of Flash Player you have currently installed, see
http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/. Users should only install
Players that have been downloaded from trusted sources, such as

Your use of this player is governed by the Adobe End User License Agreement
found at http://www.adobe.com/products/eulas/players/flash/.


Adobe is committed to preserving the privacy of end users. For more
information on configuring Client-side privacy visit the Settings Manager
Documentation: http://www.adobe.com/go/flashplayerhelp.

Installation instructions

Installing using the plugin tar.gz:
    o Unpack the plugin tar.gz and copy the files to the appropriate location.  
    o Save the plugin tar.gz locally and note the location the file was saved to.
    o Launch terminal and change directories to the location the file was saved to.
    o Unpack the tar.gz file.  Once unpacked you will see the following:
        + libflashplayer.so
        + /usr
    o Identify the location of the browser plugins directory, based on your Linux distribution and Firefox version
    o Copy libflashplayer.so to the appropriate browser plugins directory.  At the prompt type:
        + cp libflashlayer.so <BrowserPluginsLocation>
    o Copy the Flash Player Local Settings configurations files to the /usr directory.  At the prompt type:
        + sudo cp -r usr/* /usr

Installing the plugin using RPM:
   o As root, enter in terminal:
          + # rpm -Uvh <rpm_package_file>
          + Click Enter key and follow prompts

Installing the standalone player:
   o Unpack the tar.gz file
   o To execute the standalone player,
          + Double-click, or
          + Enter in terminal: ./flashplayer

Uninstallation instructions

Manual uninstallation (for users who installed the plugin via Install script):
   o Delete libflashplayer.so binary and flashplayer.xpt file in
   directory /home/<user>/.mozilla/plugins/

RPM uninstallation:
   o As root, enter in terminal:
          + # rpm -e flash-plugin
          + Click Enter key and follow prompts

Technical Issues and Reporting Bugs
The Adobe Flash Player Support Center at
http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/ is a free online resource for
support and troubleshooting information. Bug reports may be submitted at
http://www.adobe.com/go/wish. To allow us to investigate reported bugs,
please include the following information:
1) Platform and version
2) Browser version
3) Reproducible steps including a URL to the web site where the problem
   was encountered.
If we need further information about a bug, you will be contacted. An
automated reply will be sent to assure you that we have received your
bug report. Due to the volume of mail received, we are not able to
individually respond to each report.

Use the following commands to generate dependency lists for Flash Player or the Local Setting Manager:
Flash Player:
ldd <BrowserPluginsLocation>/libflashplayer.so
Gnome Local Setting Manager:
ldd /usr/lib/kcm_adobe_flash_player.so (for 32-bit systems)
ldd /usr/lib64/kcm_adobe_flash_player.so (for 64-bit systems)
KDE Local Settings Manager:
ldd /usr/bin/flash-player-properties


Adobe(R) Flash(R) Player. Copyright (C) 1996 - 2011 Adobe Systems
Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe and Flash  are either
trademarks or registered trademarks in the United States and/or
other countries.

