參考文https://semicrazy.wordpress.com/2009/10/08/using-diffmerge-as-your-subversion-external-merge-tool/ shell
1. 準備2個sh文件供svn調用 bash
~/scripts/diffmerge/diffmerge-svndiff.sh: app
~/scripts/diffmerge/diffmerge-svnmerge.sh: wordpress
參考樣例: svn
merge: this
#!/bin/bash DIFFMERGE_PATH=/Applications/DiffMerge/DiffMerge.app DIFFMERGE_EXEC=${DIFFMERGE_PATH}/Contents/MacOS/DiffMerge # svn will invoke this with a bunch of arguments. These are: # $1 - path to the file that is the original # $2 - path to the file that's the incoming merge version # $3 - path to the file that's the latest from trunk (current working copy) # $4 - path to where svn expects the merged output to be written ${DIFFMERGE_EXEC} --nosplash -m -t1="Incoming Merge Changes" -t2="Original (merged)" -t3="Current Working Copy changes" -r="$4" "$2" "$1" "$3"
${DIFFMERGE_EXEC} -u -t1="$3" -t2="$5" $6 $7
設置svn配置文件(.subversion/config): code
diff-cmd = /Users/xxxx/scripts/diffmerge/diffmerge-svndiff.sh merge-tool-cmd = /Users/xxx/scripts/diffmerge/diffmerge-svnmerge.sh