ServletConfig & ServletContext 區別



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<!-- c1-start 配置spring的父上下文 -->

<!-- 登陸失敗Url -->
  1. 啓動web容器將讀取web.xml上的節點:<listener>、<context-param>
  2. 容器將<context-param>轉化成值對保存在web容器建立的application內共享的ServletContext中;
  3. ServletContextListener(ContextLoaderListener ) 監聽器中contextInitialized( ServletContextEvent sce ) 初始化方法中得到:
    servletContext = ServletContextEvent.getServletContext()
    	 * Implementations of this interface receive notifications about
    	 * changes to the servlet context of the web application they are
    	 * part of.
    	 * To receive notification events, the implementation class
    	 * must be configured in the deployment descriptor for the web
    	 * application.
    	 * @see ServletContextEvent
    	 * @since	v 2.3
    public interface ServletContextListener extends EventListener {
    	 ** Notification that the web application initialization
    	 ** process is starting.
    	 ** All ServletContextListeners are notified of context
    	 ** initialization before any filter or servlet in the web
    	 ** application is initialized.
        public void contextInitialized ( ServletContextEvent sce );
    	 ** Notification that the servlet context is about to be shut down.
    	 ** All servlets and filters have been destroy()ed before any
    	 ** ServletContextListeners are notified of context
    	 ** destruction.
        public void contextDestroyed ( ServletContextEvent sce );


WEB容器啓動時會建立一個表明當前web應用的上下文ServletContext對象,一般稱爲context 域對象。

  1. 獲取到整個web應用的配置信息<context-param>
     context-param的值 = ServletContext.getInitParameter("context-param的鍵");
  2. 實現Servlet間通信。   主要是4個有關 Attribute 的方法:setAttribute()、getAttribute()、removeAttribute()、getAttributeNames()
    ServletContext context =this.getServletContext(); // servletContext域對象 
    context.setAttribute("data","共享數據"); // 向域中存了一個data屬性
    // 在另外一個servlet中,能夠使用以下語句來獲取域中的data屬性
    ServletContext context =this.getServletContext();
    String value = (String)context.getAttribute("data");  // 獲取域中的data屬性
  3. 讀取資源文件
    String path= "/WEB-INF/classes/"; //默認'/webapp'下目錄
    InputStream in =this.getServletContext().getResourceAsStream(path);
    String allPath =this.getServletContext().getRealPath(path);
    URL url=this.getServletContext().getResource(path);



<!-- 配置springmvc的前端控制器,同時初始化子上下文 -->

init-param的值 = Servlet.getInitParameter("init-param的鍵");spring



ServletConfig對象中維護了ServletContext對象的引用: ServletConfig.getServletContext()。mvc
