CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "XMV502"."ADDAREA12" before insert on bd_areacl for each row declare -- local variables here vsupply char(40); vname char(20); i number; begin for i in 2..12 loop select areaclname into vname from bd_areacl where pk_areacl=:new.pk_fatherarea; if length(:new.areaclcode)='8' and substr(:new.areaclcode,-2,2)='01' then case when i=2 then vsupply:='塊材類供應商名錄'; when i=3 then vsupply:='水泥類供應商名錄'; when i=4 then vsupply:='木材類供應商名錄'; when i=5 then vsupply:='金屬類供應商名錄'; when i=6 then vsupply:='高分子材料類供應商名錄'; when i=7 then vsupply:='電工材料類供應商名錄'; when i=8 then vsupply:='安全防禦用品器材供應商名錄'; when i=9 then vsupply:='其餘材料類供應商名錄'; when i=10 then vsupply:='器材租賃供應商名錄'; when i=11 then vsupply:='專業分包供應商名錄'; else vsupply:='稅款、投標類他項名錄'; end case; insert into bd_areacl ( areaclcode, areaclname, def1, def2, def3, def4, def5, dr, mnecode, pk_areacl, pk_corp, pk_fatherarea, ts ) values ( substr(:new.areaclcode,0,6)||lpad(i,2,'0'), trim(replace(vname,'市',''))||vsupply , :new.def1, :new.def2, :new.def3, :new.def4, :new.def5, :new.dr, :new.mnecode, lpad(i,2,'0')||substr(:new.pk_areacl,-18,18), :new.pk_corp, :new.pk_fatherarea, :new.ts ); end if; end loop; end ADDAREA12;
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "XMV502"."ADDARECL" before insert on bd_areacl for each row declare -- local variables here pk_bas char(20); cursor basjob(id char) is select pk_areacl from ncv5.bd_areacl /*目標數據庫表*/ where pk_areacl = id and nvl(dr, 0) = 0; begin /*判斷數據是否在目標數據庫存在*/ open basjob(:new.pk_areacl); loop fetch basjob into pk_bas; exit when basjob%notfound; end loop; close basjob; /******************************/ if pk_bas is null then begin insert into ncv5.bd_areacl /*目標數據庫表*/ ( areaclcode, areaclname, def1, def2, def3, def4, def5, dr, mnecode, pk_areacl, pk_corp, pk_fatherarea, ts ) values ( :new.areaclcode, :new.areaclname, :new.def1, :new.def2, :new.def3, :new.def4, :new.def5, :new.dr, :new.mnecode, :new.pk_areacl, :new.pk_corp, :new.pk_fatherarea, :new.ts ); end; end if; end addarecl;
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "XMV502"."ADDBANK" before insert on bd_accbank for each row declare -- local variables here pk_bas char(20); cursor basjob(id char) is select pk_accbank from ncv5.bd_accbank /*目標數據庫表*/ where pk_accbank = id and nvl(dr, 0) = 0; begin /*判斷數據是否在目標數據庫存在*/ open basjob(:new.pk_accbank); loop fetch basjob into pk_bas; exit when basjob%notfound; end loop; close basjob; /******************************/ if pk_bas is null then begin insert into ncv5.bd_accbank /*目標數據庫表*/ (pk_corp, bankacc, bankname, accopendate, address, tel, contactpsn, sealflag, memo, netbankflag, banktype, areacode, unitname, bankowner, pk_settlecent, pk_settleunit, genebranprop, ctlprop, arapprop, pk_accid, combineaccnum, orgnumber, branchname, bankarea, province, city, remcode, iscontrolled, beginmny, beginmnydate, abcarea, pk_createunit, groupid, netqueryflag, pk_currtype, isautoreturn, pk_accbank, def2, def3, def4, def5, def1, custcode, groupaccount, signflag, ts, dr) values (:new.pk_corp, :new.bankacc, :new.bankname, :new.accopendate, :new.address, :new.tel, :new.contactpsn, :new.sealflag, :new.memo, :new.netbankflag, :new.banktype, :new.areacode, :new.unitname, :new.bankowner, :new.pk_settlecent, :new.pk_settleunit, :new.genebranprop, :new.ctlprop, :new.arapprop, :new.pk_accid, :new.combineaccnum, :new.orgnumber, :new.branchname, :new.bankarea, :new.province, :new.city, :new.remcode, :new.iscontrolled, :new.beginmny, :new.beginmnydate, :new.abcarea, :new.pk_createunit, :new.groupid, :new.netqueryflag, :new.pk_currtype, :new.isautoreturn, :new.pk_accbank, :new.def2, :new.def3, :new.def4, :new.def5, :new.def1, :new.custcode, :new.groupaccount, :new.signflag, :new.ts, :new.dr); end; end if; end addBank;
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "XMV502"."ADDBD_ACCBANK_FTS" before insert on bd_accbank_fts for each row declare -- local variables here pk_bas char(20); cursor basjob(id char) is select pk_accbank from ncv5.bd_accbank_fts /*目標數據庫表*/ where pk_accbank = id and nvl(dr, 0) = 0; begin /*判斷數據是否在目標數據庫存在*/ open basjob(:new.pk_accbank_fts); loop fetch basjob into pk_bas; exit when basjob%notfound; end loop; close basjob; /******************************/ if pk_bas is null then begin insert into ncv5.bd_accbank_fts /*目標數據庫表*/ (arapprop, beginmny, beginmnydate, ctlprop, dr, genebranprop, iscontrolled, pk_accbank, pk_accbank_fts, pk_accid, pk_corp, pk_createunit, pk_settlecent, pk_settleunit, ts) values (:new.arapprop, :new.beginmny, :new.beginmnydate, :new.ctlprop, :new.dr, :new.genebranprop, :new.iscontrolled, :new.pk_accbank, :new.pk_accbank_fts, :new.pk_accid, :new.pk_corp, :new.pk_createunit, :new.pk_settlecent, :new.pk_settleunit, :new.ts); end; end if; end addBd_accbank_fts;
5 noUSERoop
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "XMV502"."ADDBD_CUSTBANK" before insert on bd_custbank for each row declare pk_bas char(20); cursor basjob(id char) is select pk_custbank from ncv5.bd_custbank /*目標數據庫表*/ where pk_custbank = id and nvl(dr, 0) = 0; begin /*判斷數據是否在目標數據庫存在*/ open basjob(:new.pk_custbank); loop fetch basjob into pk_bas; exit when basjob%notfound; end loop; close basjob; /******************************/ if pk_bas is null then begin insert into ncv5.bd_custbank /*目標數據庫表*/ (pk_custbank, pk_cubasdoc, accname, account, accaddr, defflag, memo, pk_accbank, pk_corp, pk_currtype, ts, dr) values (:new.pk_custbank, :new.pk_cubasdoc, :new.accname, :new.account, :new.accaddr, :new.defflag, :new.memo, :new.pk_accbank, :new.pk_corp, :new.pk_currtype, :new.ts, :new.dr); end; end if; end addbd_custbank;
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "XMV502"."ADDC4" before insert on bd_cubasdoc for each row declare -- local variables here v_exp varchar2(200); begin --空格的客商 if regexp_like(:new.custname,'[[:space:]]') then raise_application_error(-20001, '客商名稱:' || :new.custname || '有空格,請修改'); end if; --重複名稱、營業執照、納稅人登記號客商 select case when custname = :new.custname then '客商名稱:' || :new.custname || '已存在,請在已有客商修改增行!' when engname = :new.engname and length(:new.engname) > 3 then '客商營業執照:' || :new.engname || '已存在,請在已有客商修改增行!' when taxpayerid = :new.taxpayerid and length(:new.taxpayerid) > 3 then '客商納稅人登記號:' || :new.taxpayerid || '已存在,請在已有客商修改增行!' ELSE '其餘錯誤' END INTO v_exp from bd_cubasdoc where custname = :new.custname or (engname = :new.engname and length(:new.engname) > 3) --營業執照或身份照 or (taxpayerid = :new.taxpayerid and length(:new.taxpayerid) > 3);--納稅人登記號 if v_exp is not null then raise_application_error(-20001, v_exp); end if;--至關於前面 else return? --正常客商經過exception,不然觸發器提示「未找到任何數據」 exception when no_data_found then return; end;
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "XMV502"."ADDCUST" before insert on bd_cubasdoc for each row declare -- local variables here pk_bas char(20); corp char(4); /*查詢目標公司目錄*/ cursor bdcorp is select pk_corp from ncv5.bd_corp /*目標數據庫表*/ where nvl(dr, 0) = 0 and pk_corp <> '0001'; /*查詢目標公司是否存在基本檔案*/ cursor basjob(id char) is select pk_cubasdoc from ncv5.bd_cubasdoc where pk_cubasdoc = id and nvl(dr, 0) = 0; begin /*判斷目標公司數據是否存在*/ /* dbms_output.put_line('aaa'); select pk_cubasdoc into pk_bas from bd_cubasdoc1\*目標數據庫表*\ where pk_cubasdoc=:new.pk_cubasdoc and nvl(dr,0)=0;*/ open basjob(:new.pk_cubasdoc); loop fetch basjob into pk_bas; exit when basjob%notfound; end loop; close basjob; -- dbms_output.put_line('ddd'); /*插入目標基本檔案數據*/ if pk_bas is null then begin /*--目標基本檔案表/*目標數據庫表*/ insert into ncv5.bd_cubasdoc (pk_cubasdoc, pk_corp, custcode, custname, custshortname, engname, mnecode, trade, freecustflag, drpnodeflag, isconnflag, pk_cubasdoc1, custprop, pk_areacl, pk_corp1, taxpayerid, legalbody, creditmny, ecotypesincevfive, saleaddr, conaddr, zipcode, phone1, phone2, phone3, fax1, fax2, linkman1, linkman2, linkman3, bp1, bp2, bp3, mobilephone1, mobilephone2, mobilephone3, email, url, def1, def2, def3, def4, def5, def6, def7, def8, def9, def10, def11, def12, def13, def14, def15, def16, def17, def18, def19, def20, registerfund, sealflag, memo, pk_pricegroup, correspondunit, ts, dr) values (:new.pk_cubasdoc, :new.pk_corp, :new.custcode, :new.custname, :new.custshortname, :new.engname, :new.mnecode, :new.trade, :new.freecustflag, :new.drpnodeflag, :new.isconnflag, :new.pk_cubasdoc1, :new.custprop, :new.pk_areacl, :new.pk_corp1, :new.taxpayerid, :new.legalbody, :new.creditmny, :new.ecotypesincevfive, :new.saleaddr, :new.conaddr, :new.zipcode, :new.phone1, :new.phone2, :new.phone3, :new.fax1, :new.fax2, :new.linkman1, :new.linkman2, :new.linkman3, :new.bp1, :new.bp2, :new.bp3, :new.mobilephone1, :new.mobilephone2, :new.mobilephone3, :new.email, :new.url, :new.def1, :new.def2, :new.def3, :new.def4, :new.def5, :new.def6, :new.def7, :new.def8, :new.def9, :new.def10, :new.def11, :new.def12, :new.def13, :new.def14, :new.def15, :new.def16, :new.def17, :new.def18, :new.def19, :new.def20, :new.registerfund, :new.sealflag, :new.memo, :new.pk_pricegroup, :new.correspondunit, :new.ts, :new.dr); --dbms_output.put_line('ccc'); /*插入目標管理檔案數據*/ open bdcorp; loop fetch bdcorp into corp; exit when bdcorp%notfound; -- dbms_output.put_line(:new.pk_cubasdoc); /*管理檔案有兩條數據,插入兩次*/ insert into ncv5.bd_cumandoc /*目標數據庫表*/ (pk_cumandoc, pk_corp, pk_cubasdoc, custflag, linkman, bp, mobilephone, pk_defbusitype, frozenflag, frozendate, discountrate, creditlevel, creditmny, creditlimitnum, accawmny, busawmny, ordawmny, pk_respdept1, pk_resppsn1, diffcurrflag, developdate, credlimitflag, pk_currtype1, pk_cusmandoc2, pk_cusmandoc3, pk_sendtype, pk_stordoc2, def1, def2, def3, def4, def5, def6, def7, def8, def9, def10, def11, def12, def13, def14, def15, def16, def17, def18, def19, def20, def21, def22, def23, def24, def25, def26, def27, def28, def29, def30, memo, pk_payterm, cooperateflag, creditmoney, testsalemoney, pk_salestru, pk_calbody, iounit, ratifydate, sealflag, custstate, pk_pricegroupcorp, freeofcremnycheck, freeofacclmtcheck, balancemny, acclimit, acclmtbegindate, cmnecode, grade, cooperatingdayfrom, cooperatingdayto, correspsettleunit, pk_settleunit, innerctldays, ispromtesettlement, stockpriceratio, ts, dr) values ('A100' ||corp|| substr(:new.pk_cubasdoc,9, 20), corp /*公司*/, :new.pk_cubasdoc, '2', null, null, null, null, 'N', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 'N', null, 0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 'N', null, null, null, null, 'N', null, null, 0, null, 'N', 'N', null, 30, null, :new.mnecode, 0, null, null, null, null, null, 'Y', 100, sysdate, 0); insert into ncv5.bd_cumandoc /*目標數據庫表*/ (pk_cumandoc, pk_corp, pk_cubasdoc, custflag, linkman, bp, mobilephone, pk_defbusitype, frozenflag, frozendate, discountrate, creditlevel, creditmny, creditlimitnum, accawmny, busawmny, ordawmny, pk_respdept1, pk_resppsn1, diffcurrflag, developdate, credlimitflag, pk_currtype1, pk_cusmandoc2, pk_cusmandoc3, pk_sendtype, pk_stordoc2, def1, def2, def3, def4, def5, def6, def7, def8, def9, def10, def11, def12, def13, def14, def15, def16, def17, def18, def19, def20, def21, def22, def23, def24, def25, def26, def27, def28, def29, def30, memo, pk_payterm, cooperateflag, creditmoney, testsalemoney, pk_salestru, pk_calbody, iounit, ratifydate, sealflag, custstate, pk_pricegroupcorp, freeofcremnycheck, freeofacclmtcheck, balancemny, acclimit, acclmtbegindate, cmnecode, grade, cooperatingdayfrom, cooperatingdayto, correspsettleunit, pk_settleunit, innerctldays, ispromtesettlement, stockpriceratio, ts, dr) values ('A200' ||corp|| substr(:new.pk_cubasdoc,9,20), corp /*公司*/, :new.pk_cubasdoc, '3', null, null, null, null, 'N', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 'N', null, 0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 'N', null, null, null, null, 'N', null, null, 0, null, 'N', 'N', null, 30, null, :new.mnecode, 0, null, null, null, null, null, 'Y', 100, sysdate, 0); end loop; close bdcorp; end; end if; end addcust;
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "XMV502"."C_ACCBANK_NET" before UPDATE on BD_ACCBANK for each row declare -- local variables here pk_bas bd_accbank.pk_accbank%type; cursor basjob(id varchar2) is select pk_accbank from ncv5.bd_cubasdoc,ncv5.arap_djfb,ncv5.bd_cumandoc,ncv5.bd_accbank where ncv5.arap_djfb.ksbm_cl = ncv5.bd_cumandoc.pk_cumandoc and ncv5.bd_cumandoc.pk_cubasdoc = ncv5.bd_cubasdoc.pk_cubasdoc and ncv5.bd_accbank.pk_accbank = ncv5.arap_djfb.skyhzh and ncv5.arap_djfb.payflag in ('1', '2') and pk_accbank=id; begin open basjob(:new.pk_accbank); loop fetch basjob into pk_bas; exit when basjob%notfound; end loop; close basjob; if pk_bas is not null then /* if :new.bankacc<>:old.bankacc or :new.unitname<>:old.unitname*/ if utl_match.edit_distance_similarity(:old.bankacc,:new.bankacc)<'90' or utl_match.edit_distance_similarity(:old.unitname,:new.unitname)<'70' then raise_application_error(-20001,'注意:帳戶已成功付款,不能修改帳號或單位名稱!'); end if; end if; end;
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "XMV502"."C_ACCBANK_SPACE" before insert or update on bd_accbank for each row declare -- local variables here begin if regexp_like(:new.bankacc,'[[:space:]]') or regexp_like(:new.combineaccnum,'[[:space:]]') or regexp_like(:new.unitname,'[[:space:]]') or (length(:new.combineaccnum) not in ('5','12')) then raise_application_error(-20001,'注意:銀行帳號、聯行號或單位名稱中有空格或聯行號:' ||:new.combineaccnum ||'長度不正確!'); end if; end ;
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "XMV502"."S_DELETE_CUSTBANK" before delete on bd_custbank for each row declare -- local variables here pk_bas char(20); cursor basjob(id char) is select pk_custbank from ncv5.bd_custbank /*目標數據庫表*/ where pk_custbank = id and nvl(dr, 0) = 0 and pk_custbank not in (select bd_custbank.pk_custbank from ncv5.arap_djfb, ncv5.bd_accbank, ncv5.bd_custbank where bd_accbank.pk_accbank = arap_djfb.skyhzh and bd_accbank.pk_accbank = bd_custbank.pk_accbank); begin /*判斷數據是否在目標數據庫存在*/ open basjob(:old.pk_custbank); loop fetch basjob into pk_bas; /*dbms_output.put_line('pa_bas:'||pk_bas);*/ exit when basjob%notfound; end loop; close basjob; /******************************/ if pk_bas is not null then begin delete ncv5.bd_custbank /*目標數據庫表*/ where pk_custbank = :old.pk_custbank; end; else raise_application_error(-20001, :old.account || '已從網銀付款,不能修改或刪行,請取消!'); end if; end S_DELETE_CUSTBANK;
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "XMV502"."S_INSERT_CUSTBANK" before insert on bd_custbank for each row declare pk_bas char(20); vname varchar2(80); cursor basjob(id char) is select pk_custbank from ncv5.bd_custbank /*目標數據庫表*/ where pk_custbank = id and nvl(dr, 0) = 0; begin /*判斷數據是否在目標數據庫存在*/ open basjob(:new.pk_custbank); loop fetch basjob into pk_bas; exit when basjob%notfound; end loop; close basjob; /******************************/ if pk_bas is null then begin select custname into vname from bd_cubasdoc where pk_cubasdoc = :new.pk_cubasdoc; /*and custprop=0; --只同步更新外部客商的「單位名稱 」*/ update bd_accbank set combineaccnum = :new.memo, unitname = vname, city = :new.accaddr, bankarea = :new.accaddr where pk_accbank = :new.pk_accbank; insert into ncv5.bd_custbank /*目標數據庫表*/ (pk_custbank, pk_cubasdoc, accname, account, accaddr, defflag, memo, pk_accbank, pk_corp, pk_currtype, ts, dr) values (:new.pk_custbank, :new.pk_cubasdoc, :new.accname, :new.account, :new.accaddr, :new.defflag, :new.memo, :new.pk_accbank, :new.pk_corp, :new.pk_currtype, :new.ts, :new.dr); end; end if; end S_INSERT_CUSTBANK;
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "XMV502"."UPDATEBANK" before update on bd_accbank for each row declare -- local variables here pk_bas char(20); cursor basjob(id char) is select pk_accbank from ncv5.bd_accbank /*目標數據庫表*/ where pk_accbank = id and nvl(dr, 0) = 0; begin /*判斷數據是否在目標數據庫存在*/ open basjob(:new.pk_accbank); loop fetch basjob into pk_bas; exit when basjob%notfound; end loop; close basjob; /******************************/ if pk_bas is not null then begin update ncv5.bd_accbank /*目標數據庫*/ set pk_corp = :new.pk_corp, bankacc = :new.bankacc, bankname = :new.bankname, accopendate = :new.accopendate, address = :new.address, tel = :new.tel, contactpsn = :new.contactpsn, sealflag = :new.sealflag, memo = :new.memo, netbankflag = :new.netbankflag, banktype = :new.banktype, areacode = :new.areacode, unitname = :new.unitname, bankowner = :new.bankowner, pk_settlecent = :new.pk_settlecent, pk_settleunit = :new.pk_settleunit, genebranprop = :new.genebranprop, ctlprop = :new.ctlprop, arapprop = :new.arapprop, pk_accid = :new.pk_accid, combineaccnum = :new.combineaccnum, orgnumber = :new.orgnumber, branchname = :new.branchname, bankarea = :new.bankarea, province = :new.province, city = :new.city, remcode = :new.remcode, iscontrolled = :new.iscontrolled, beginmny = :new.beginmny, beginmnydate = :new.beginmnydate, abcarea = :new.abcarea, pk_createunit = :new.pk_createunit, groupid = :new.groupid, netqueryflag = :new.netqueryflag, pk_currtype = :new.pk_currtype, isautoreturn = :new.isautoreturn, pk_accbank = :new.pk_accbank, def2 = :new.def2, def3 = :new.def3, def4 = :new.def4, def5 = :new.def5, def1 = :new.def1, custcode = :new.custcode, groupaccount = :new.groupaccount, signflag = :new.signflag, ts = :new.ts, dr = :new.dr where pk_accbank = :new.pk_accbank; end; end if; end updateBank;
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "XMV502"."UPDATEBD_CUSTBANK" before update on bd_custbank for each row declare -- local variables here pk_bas char(20); cursor basjob(id char) is select pk_custbank from ncv5.bd_custbank /*目標數據庫表*/ where pk_custbank = id and nvl(dr, 0) = 0; begin /*判斷數據是否在目標數據庫存在*/ open basjob(:new.pk_custbank); loop fetch basjob into pk_bas; exit when basjob%notfound; end loop; close basjob; /******************************/ if pk_bas is not null then begin update ncv5.bd_custbank /*目標數據庫表*/ set pk_custbank = :new.pk_custbank, pk_cubasdoc = :new.pk_cubasdoc, accname = :new.accname, account = :new.account, accaddr = :new.accaddr, defflag = :new.defflag, memo = :new.memo, pk_accbank = :new.pk_accbank, pk_corp = :new.pk_corp, pk_currtype = :new.pk_currtype, ts = :new.ts, dr = :new.dr where pk_custbank = :new.pk_custbank; end; end if; end updatebd_custbank;
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "XMV502"."UPDATEBD_EARECL" before update on bd_areacl for each row declare -- local variables here pk_bas char(20); cursor basjob(id char) is select pk_areacl from ncv5.bd_areacl /*目標數據庫表*/ where pk_areacl = id and nvl(dr, 0) = 0; begin /*判斷數據是否在目標數據庫存在*/ open basjob(:new.pk_areacl); loop fetch basjob into pk_bas; exit when basjob%notfound; end loop; close basjob; /******************************/ if pk_bas is not null then begin update ncv5.bd_areacl /*目標數據庫*/ set areaclcode = :new.areaclcode, areaclname = :new.areaclname, def1 = :new.def1, def2 = :new.def2, def3 = :new.def3, def4 = :new.def4, def5 = :new.def5, dr = :new.dr, mnecode = :new.mnecode, pk_areacl = :new.pk_areacl, pk_corp = :new.pk_corp, pk_fatherarea = :new.pk_fatherarea, ts = :new.ts where pk_areacl = :new.pk_areacl; end; end if; end updatebde_arecl;
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "XMV502"."UPDCUST" before update on bd_cubasdoc for each row declare -- local variables here pk_bas char(20); /*查詢目標公司是否存在基本檔案*/ cursor basjob(id char) is select pk_cubasdoc from ncv5.bd_cubasdoc /*目標數據庫表*/ where pk_cubasdoc = id and nvl(dr, 0) = 0; begin /*判斷目標公司數據是否存在*/ /*判斷目標公司數據是否存在*/ /* dbms_output.put_line('aaa'); select pk_cubasdoc into pk_bas from bd_cubasdoc1\*目標數據庫表*\ where pk_cubasdoc=:new.pk_cubasdoc and nvl(dr,0)=0;*/ -- dbms_output.put_line('aaa'); open basjob(:new.pk_cubasdoc); loop fetch basjob into pk_bas; exit when basjob%notfound; end loop; close basjob; dbms_output.put_line(:new.pk_cubasdoc); if pk_bas is not null then begin update ncv5.bd_cubasdoc /*目標數據庫表*/ set pk_cubasdoc = :new.pk_cubasdoc, pk_corp = :new.pk_corp, custcode = :new.custcode, custname = :new.custname, custshortname = :new.custshortname, engname = :new.engname, mnecode = :new.mnecode, trade = :new.trade, freecustflag = :new.freecustflag, drpnodeflag = :new.drpnodeflag, isconnflag = :new.isconnflag, pk_cubasdoc1 = :new.pk_cubasdoc1, custprop = :new.custprop, pk_areacl = :new.pk_areacl, pk_corp1 = :new.pk_corp1, taxpayerid = :new.taxpayerid, legalbody = :new.legalbody, creditmny = :new.creditmny, ecotypesincevfive = :new.ecotypesincevfive, saleaddr = :new.saleaddr, conaddr = :new.conaddr, zipcode = :new.zipcode, phone1 = :new.phone1, phone2 = :new.phone2, phone3 = :new.phone3, fax1 = :new.fax1, fax2 = :new.fax2, linkman1 = :new.linkman1, linkman2 = :new.linkman2, linkman3 = :new.linkman3, bp1 = :new.bp1, bp2 = :new.bp2, bp3 = :new.bp3, mobilephone1 = :new.mobilephone1, mobilephone2 = :new.mobilephone2, mobilephone3 = :new.mobilephone3, email = :new.email, url = :new.url, def1 = :new.def1, def2 = :new.def2, def3 = :new.def3, def4 = :new.def4, def5 = :new.def5, def6 = :new.def6, def7 = :new.def7, def8 = :new.def8, def9 = :new.def9, def10 = :new.def10, def11 = :new.def11, def12 = :new.def12, def13 = :new.def13, def14 = :new.def14, def15 = :new.def15, def16 = :new.def16, def17 = :new.def17, def18 = :new.def18, def19 = :new.def19, def20 = :new.def20, registerfund = :new.registerfund, sealflag = :new.sealflag, memo = :new.memo, pk_pricegroup = :new.pk_pricegroup, correspondunit = :new.correspondunit, ts = :new.ts, dr = :new.dr where pk_cubasdoc = :new.pk_cubasdoc; update ncv5.bd_cumandoc set cmnecode = :new.mnecode where pk_cubasdoc = :new.pk_cubasdoc; end; end if; end updCust;
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "XMV502"."UPDCUSTALL" before update on bd_cubasdoc for each row declare netpk number(1); begin --將從網銀付款客商寫入變量netname select count(distinct pk_cubasdoc) into netpk from ncv5.arap_djfb, ncv5.bd_cumandoc where arap_djfb.ksbm_cl = bd_cumandoc.pk_cumandoc and bd_cumandoc.pk_cubasdoc = :new.pk_cubasdoc and arap_djfb.payflag in ('1', '2'); --找到已從網銀付款客商 if netpk >'0' then if utl_match.edit_distance_similarity(:old.custname, :new.custname) < '70' then raise_application_error(-20001, '已成功付款,不可任意修改'); end if; --沒有從網銀付款客商 else if utl_match.edit_distance_similarity(:old.custname, :new.custname) < '50' then raise_application_error(-20001, '不可任意修改,請新增客商'); end if; end if; end;