


  • As its name indicates, this is the main module in the project. Every other module builds on top of this one because it provides core functionality to the rest of the framework. In this module, you can find the main interfaces and classes that establish the concepts and hook points that the rest of the system uses. It also contains the core implementations of the system, including the JDBC authentication support, the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) authentication provider, the access voting system, MD5 and SHA password encoders, and a lot moreweb



  • This module deals with the web-layer security of your application. It builds on the core and leverages its main abstractions and implementations to provide security to your web-based application. In this module, you can find the Servlet Filters that deal with the pre-processing and post-processing of Servlet requests, the Servlet Session management, the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) support, the Remember Me support, the HTTP status code generation, and more web-related things.app

    這個模塊處理web layer的security,這個模塊基於core模塊。這個模塊中,有Filter,可用於處理Servlet request的pre-processing和post-processing,Servlet session的管理。dom


  • This module contains the namespace definition, the XSDs, and the validation and parsing rules of the different elements of the framework. When you write your configuration files for your application using the XML definitions for the different Spring Security configuration options, this module is responsible for parsing that XML and creating standard bean definitions from them, wiring them together, and getting them ready to be instantiated by the Spring context-loading process. Here, you will find the translation from namespaced xml elements to standard Spring Framework <bean> elements.ide

    主要是Spring security的xml配置。post


  • This module contains the taglib definitions and implementations for configuring security at the JSP level, allowing the view content to be conditionally rendered depending on the security constraints that you chose to define in the tags.ui

5.acl(Access control list)

  • This module contains all the logic needed for the access control list (ACL) security model available with Spring Security. It contains the database model, including the
    SQL DDLs (Data Definition Language), to establish the rules and relationships between domain entities and their security restrictions. I will cover ACLs in depth in the chapter dealing with business-layer security.this


  • Leverages security support for remoting protocols. Currently supported is the Spring HttpInvoker, which uses BASIC authentication, and Java RMI. This module takes care of propagating the security context to these remote services.google


  • Contains all the functionality required to connect to and authenticate against an LDAP service, including the AuthenticationProvider and UserDetails LDAP implementations. It also includes an embeddable ApacheDS server implementation for testing and development purposes.


  • This is the Spring Security support for the JA-SIG Central Authentication Service (CAS) single sign-on service. So if you want to authenticate with CAS, you need this module in your application.



  • Again, this module is well described by its name. It contains OpenID support, including the OpenID-specific AuthenticationProvider, and it leverages the openid4java library http://code.google.com/p/openid4java/.


  • Contains an AspectJ Aspect that cuts into the execution of methods with various security annotations (@Secured, @PreAuthorize). It delegates to a configured Security Interceptor.


  • Provides various encryption, ciphering, and codec implementations, as well as some password-encoder strategies, to use in your application. There is also a samples folder inside the top directory. Here, you can find some example applications to help you get to know the framework and how to configure your applications.

參考: Pro Spring security
