

1. 查看正在運行的虛擬機

[root@idca-vm02 ~]# virsh listhtml

 Id    名稱                         狀態node


 2     idca-bankccb-b2c-45            running網絡

 4     idca-bankicbc-42-clone         runningdom

 6     idca_rhel5_con29_6.29          runningide

 7     idca_w03_bkccb_b2b_101         running性能

 10    idca_w03_bkicbc_b2b_102        runningui

 16    idca-bankcncb-44               running.net

 18    idca_w03_bkcmb_b2b_105         runningrest

 20    idca_w03_bkpab_87              running

 32    idca_w03_bkcomm_b2b_103        running

 34    idca-bankhxb-43                running

 38    idca_rhel5_con23_6.23_new      running

 43    idca_w03_bkpab_dk_6.88         running

2. 查看全部虛擬機


[root@idca-vm02 ~]# virsh list --all

 Id    名稱                         狀態


 2     idca-bankccb-b2c-45            running

 4     idca-bankicbc-42-clone         running

 6     idca_rhel5_con29_6.29          running

 7     idca_w03_bkccb_b2b_101         running

 10    idca_w03_bkicbc_b2b_102        running

 16    idca-bankcncb-44               running

 18    idca_w03_bkcmb_b2b_105         running

 20    idca_w03_bkpab_87              running

 32    idca_w03_bkcomm_b2b_103        running

 34    idca-bankhxb-43                running

 38    idca_rhel5_con23_6.23_new      running

 43    idca_w03_bkpab_dk_6.88         running

 -     idca_rhel5_con23_6.23          關閉

 -     idca_w03_mod                   關閉

3.編輯某個域的 XML 配置

virsh  edit  idca-bankcncb-44


[root@idca-vm02 ~]# virsh  edit  idca-bankcncb-44

<domain type='kvm'>



  <memory unit='KiB'>1048576</memory>

  <currentMemory unit='KiB'>1048576</currentMemory>

  <vcpu placement='static'>2</vcpu>


    <type arch='x86_64' machine='rhel6.5.0'>hvm</type>

    <boot dev='hd'/>


<domain type='kvm'>



  <memory unit='KiB'>1048576</memory>

  <currentMemory unit='KiB'>1048576</currentMemory>

  <vcpu placement='static'>2</vcpu>


    <type arch='x86_64' machine='rhel6.5.0'>hvm</type>

    <boot dev='hd'/>







  <clock offset='utc'/>






    <disk type='file' device='disk'>

      <driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='none'/>

      <source file='/kvmfs/vmfspool/idca-bankicbc-42_vd1-clone-clone-5.img'/>

      <target dev='hda' bus='ide'/>

      <address type='drive' controller='0' bus='0' target='0' unit='0'/>


    <disk type='file' device='disk'>

      <driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='none'/>

      <source file='/kvmfs/vmfspool/idca-bankicbc-42_vd2-clone-clone-5.img'/>

      <target dev='hdb' bus='ide'/>

      <address type='drive' controller='0' bus='0' target='0' unit='1'/>


    <controller type='usb' index='0'>

      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x2'/>


    <controller type='ide' index='0'>

      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x1'/>


    <interface type='bridge'>

      <mac address='52:54:00:38:b0:3b'/>

      <source bridge='br0'/>

      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03' function='0x0'/>


    <serial type='pty'>

      <target port='0'/>


    <console type='pty'>

      <target type='serial' port='0'/>


    <input type='tablet' bus='usb'/>

    <input type='mouse' bus='ps2'/>

    <graphics type='vnc' port='-1' autoport='yes'/>

    <sound model='ich6'>

      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x04' function='0x0'/>

3. 開啓、關閉、掛起、刪除一個域

virsh start     idca-bankhxb-43

virsh shutdown     idca-bankhxb-43

virsh suspend  idca-bankhxb-43

virsh destrory(stop)  idca-bankhxb-43


qemu-img convert -O raw idca-bankcncb-62.qcow2 idca-bankcncb-62.img


virt-clone -o idca-bankccb-b2c-45 -n idca-bankccb-b2c-45_20170515bak -f ./idca-bankccb-b2c-45_20170515bak.img



[root@idca-vm02 ~]# virsh help

Grouped commands:


 Domain Management (help keyword 'domain'):

    attach-device                  從一個XML文件附加裝置

    attach-disk                    附加磁盤設備

    attach-interface               得到網絡界面

    autostart                      自動開始一個域

    blkdeviotune                   Set or query a block device I/O tuning parameters.

    blkiotune                      Get or set blkio parameters

    blockcommit                    Start a block commit operation.

    blockcopy                      Start a block copy operation.

    blockjob                       Manage active block operations

    blockpull                      Populate a disk from its backing image.

    blockresize                    Resize block device of domain.

    change-media                   Change media of CD or floppy drive

    console                        鏈接到客戶會話

    cpu-baseline                   compute baseline CPU

    cpu-compare                    compare host CPU with a CPU described by an XML file

    cpu-stats                      show domain cpu statistics

    create                         從一個 XML 文件建立一個域

    define                         從一個 XML 文件定義(但不開始)一個域

    desc                           show or set domain's description or title

    destroy                        destroy (stop) a domain

    detach-device                  從一個 XML 文件分離設備

    detach-disk                    分離磁盤設備

    detach-interface               分離網絡界面

    domdisplay                     domain display connection URI

    domhostname                    print the domain's hostname

    domid                          把一個域名或 UUID 轉換爲域 id

    domif-setlink                  set link state of a virtual interface

    domiftune                      get/set parameters of a virtual interface

    domjobabort                    abort active domain job

    domjobinfo                     domain job information

    domname                        將域 id 或 UUID 轉換爲域名

    dompmsuspend                   suspend a domain gracefully using power management functions

    dompmwakeup                    wakeup a domain from pmsuspended state

    domuuid                        把一個域名或 id 轉換爲域 UUID

    domxml-from-native             Convert native config to domain XML

    domxml-to-native               Convert domain XML to native config

    dump                           把一個域的內核 dump 到一個文件中以方便分析

    dumpxml                        XML 中的域信息

    edit                           編輯某個域的 XML 配置

    inject-nmi                     Inject NMI to the guest

    send-key                       Send keycodes to the guest

    managedsave                    managed save of a domain state

    managedsave-remove             Remove managed save of a domain

    maxvcpus                       connection vcpu maximum

    memtune                        Get or set memory parameters

    migrate                        將域遷移到另外一個主機中

    migrate-setmaxdowntime         set maximum tolerable downtime

    migrate-setspeed               Set the maximum migration bandwidth

    migrate-getspeed               Get the maximum migration bandwidth

    numatune                       Get or set numa parameters

    reboot                         從新啓動一個域

    reset                          reset a domain

    restore                        從一個存在一個文件中的狀態恢復一個域

    resume                         從新恢復一個域

    save                           把一個域的狀態保存到一個文件

    save-image-define              redefine the XML for a domain's saved state file

    save-image-dumpxml             saved state domain information in XML

    save-image-edit                edit XML for a domain's saved state file

    schedinfo                      顯示/設置日程安排變量

    screenshot                     take a screenshot of a current domain console and store it into a file

    setmaxmem                      改變最大內存限制值

    setmem                         改變內存的分配

    setvcpus                       改變虛擬 CPU 的號

    shutdown                       關閉一個域

    start                          開始一個(之前定義的)非活躍的域

    suspend                        掛起一個域

    ttyconsole                     tty 控制檯

    undefine                       undefine a domain

    update-device                  update device from an XML file

    vcpucount                      domain vcpu counts

    vcpuinfo                       detailed domain vcpu information

    vcpupin                        control or query domain vcpu affinity

    emulatorpin                    control or query domain emulator affinity

    vncdisplay                     vnc 顯示


 Domain Monitoring (help keyword 'monitor'):

    domblkerror                    Show errors on block devices

    domblkinfo                     domain block device size information

    domblklist                     list all domain blocks

    domblkstat                     得到域設備塊狀態

    domcontrol                     domain control interface state

    domif-getlink                  get link state of a virtual interface

    domiflist                      list all domain virtual interfaces

    domifstat                      得到域網絡接口狀態

    dominfo                        域信息

    dommemstat                     get memory statistics for a domain

    domstate                       域狀態

    list                           列出域


 Host and Hypervisor (help keyword 'host'):

    capabilities                   性能

    freecell                       NUMA可用內存

    hostname                       打印管理程序主機名

    node-memory-tune               Get or set node memory parameters

    nodecpustats                   Prints cpu stats of the node.

    nodeinfo                       節點信息

    nodememstats                   Prints memory stats of the node.

    nodesuspend                    suspend the host node for a given time duration

    qemu-attach                    QEMU Attach

    qemu-monitor-command           QEMU Monitor Command

    qemu-agent-command             QEMU Guest Agent Command

    sysinfo                        print the hypervisor sysinfo

    uri                            打印管理程序典型的URI

    version                        顯示版本


 Interface (help keyword 'interface'):

    iface-begin                    create a snapshot of current interfaces settings, which can be later committed (iface-commit) or restored (iface-rollback)

    iface-bridge                   create a bridge device and attach an existing network device to it

    iface-commit                   commit changes made since iface-begin and free restore point

    iface-define                   define (but don't start) a physical host interface from an XML file

    iface-destroy                  destroy a physical host interface (disable it / "if-down")

    iface-dumpxml                  interface information in XML

    iface-edit                     edit XML configuration for a physical host interface

    iface-list                     list physical host interfaces

    iface-mac                      convert an interface name to interface MAC address

    iface-name                     convert an interface MAC address to interface name

    iface-rollback                 rollback to previous saved configuration created via iface-begin

    iface-start                    start a physical host interface (enable it / "if-up")

    iface-unbridge                 undefine a bridge device after detaching its slave device

    iface-undefine                 undefine a physical host interface (remove it from configuration)


 Network Filter (help keyword 'filter'):

    nwfilter-define                define or update a network filter from an XML file

    nwfilter-dumpxml               network filter information in XML

    nwfilter-edit                  edit XML configuration for a network filter

    nwfilter-list                  list network filters

    nwfilter-undefine              undefine a network filter


 Networking (help keyword 'network'):

    net-autostart                  自動開始網絡

    net-create                     從一個 XML 文件建立一個網絡

    net-define                     從一個 XML 文件定義(但不開始)一個網絡

    net-destroy                    destroy (stop) a network

    net-dumpxml                    XML 中的網絡信息

    net-edit                       爲網絡編輯 XML 配置

    net-info                       network information

    net-list                       列出網絡

    net-name                       把一個網絡UUID 轉換爲網絡名

    net-start                      開始一個(之前定義的)不活躍的網絡

    net-undefine                   取消定義一個非活躍的網絡

    net-update                     update parts of an existing network's configuration

    net-uuid                       把一個網絡名轉換爲網絡UUID


 Node Device (help keyword 'nodedev'):

    nodedev-create                 create a device defined by an XML file on the node

    nodedev-destroy                destroy (stop) a device on the node

    nodedev-detach                 detach node device from its device driver

    nodedev-dumpxml                XML 中的節點設備詳情

    nodedev-list                   這臺主機中中的枚舉設備

    nodedev-reattach               reattach node device to its device driver

    nodedev-reset                  重置節點設備


 Secret (help keyword 'secret'):

    secret-define                  define or modify a secret from an XML file

    secret-dumpxml                 secret attributes in XML

    secret-get-value               Output a secret value

    secret-list                    list secrets

    secret-set-value               set a secret value

    secret-undefine                undefine a secret


 Snapshot (help keyword 'snapshot'):

    snapshot-create                Create a snapshot from XML

    snapshot-create-as             Create a snapshot from a set of args

    snapshot-current               Get or set the current snapshot

    snapshot-delete                Delete a domain snapshot

    snapshot-dumpxml               Dump XML for a domain snapshot

    snapshot-edit                  edit XML for a snapshot

    snapshot-info                  snapshot information

    snapshot-list                  List snapshots for a domain

    snapshot-parent                Get the name of the parent of a snapshot

    snapshot-revert                Revert a domain to a snapshot


 Storage Pool (help keyword 'pool'):

    find-storage-pool-sources-as   找到潛在存儲池源

    find-storage-pool-sources      發現潛在存儲池源

    pool-autostart                 自動啓動某個池

    pool-build                     創建池

    pool-create-as                 從一組變量中建立一個池

    pool-create                    從一個 XML 文件中建立一個池

    pool-define-as                 在一組變量中定義池

    pool-define                    在一個 XML 文件中定義(但不啓動)一個池

    pool-delete                    刪除池

    pool-destroy                   destroy (stop) a pool

    pool-dumpxml                   XML 中的池信息

    pool-edit                      爲存儲池編輯 XML 配置

    pool-info                      存儲池信息

    pool-list                      列出池

    pool-name                      將池 UUID 轉換爲池名稱

    pool-refresh                   刷新池

    pool-start                     啓動一個(之前定義的)非活躍的池

    pool-undefine                  取消定義一個不活躍的池

    pool-uuid                      把一個池名稱轉換爲池 UUID


 Storage Volume (help keyword 'volume'):

    vol-clone                      clone a volume.

    vol-create-as                  從一組變量中建立卷

    vol-create                     從一個 XML 文件建立一個卷

    vol-create-from                create a vol, using another volume as input

    vol-delete                     刪除卷

    vol-download                   Download a volume to a file

    vol-dumpxml                    XML 中的卷信息

    vol-info                       存儲卷信息

    vol-key                        returns the volume key for a given volume name or path

    vol-list                       列出卷

    vol-name                       returns the volume name for a given volume key or path

    vol-path                       returns the volume path for a given volume name or key

    vol-pool                       returns the storage pool for a given volume key or path

    vol-resize                     resize a vol

    vol-upload                     upload a file into a volume

    vol-wipe                       wipe a vol


 Virsh itself (help keyword 'virsh'):

    cd                             change the current directory

    connect                        鏈接(從新鏈接)到 hypervisor

    echo                           echo arguments

    exit                           退出這個非交互式終端

    help                           打印幫助

    pwd                            print the current directory

    quit                           退出這個非交互式終端



# http://blog.csdn.net/bravezhe/article/details/8461386


